
4 Seeing the New Changes

Looking around I could see the class in an animated discussion about the current events. I turned to Emily, the girl sitting beside me, and asked, "What is going on?"

She broke off a conversation that she was having with her friend, Mary, to say, "What do you think? People are coming back with superpowers, that's what."

I asked, "Did you go?"

"Of course I did. I even got this cool power look." She then pointed her finger forward and dancing lights appeared around it.

"Wow," I said, I turn to Mary and asked, "Did you go too?"

She said, "Yeah I did but I didn't get anything flashy. I just got an ability called Enhanced Recall with improves my memory. Thought I would be useful for school."

"Yeah," I said, "I could see why that would be appealing."

"Enough with that crap," said Emily, "I want to know what you got Marcus. I know that you do some martial arts stuff. What did you get."

I thought quickly is it fine to say my actual ability? Probably, Renewal Taekwondo doesn't sound like the most awesome skill.

I said, "Just got a skill called Renewal Taekwondo that allows me to use this cool martial art."

"Really," says Emily, quickly losing interest due to how mediocre it sounds.

Mary says, "You should see what Dustin got. Apparently, he found a magic trial and managed to do well enough to get a cool skill."

I looked in his direction and I could see him with a stick, no a wand, saying "Wingardium Leviosa" and causing a pencil to float a bit off the ground before falling again.

Hooh, so MEDS does contain other worlds than just anime. That was Harry Potter magic. So did I get anime fighting styles due to dumb luck or because somehow the system knows I am an anime fan?

Either way, I turn to Emily and Mary and asked, "How did the tutorial for you go? Did you enter a hallway and have to enter the trial you wanted?"

Emily said, "Nah I was put in a shopping mall and got to enter the store I wanted. I entered a trial called Photography. I got this cool skill called Perfect Lighting which makes it so that I can always have the perfect lighting for each of my camera shots.

"For me," Mary said, "I was in a library and picked up the closest book and I entered the learning trial and that is how I got my skill."

So each person had an area designed just for them. Probably had the same trials just arranged differently. The ones that resonate with you most are the ones that are closest?

And it seems like there exist skills that don't come from media. Maybe they need to get a higher level to get a skill from media. Like how I was A+ rank.

I asked them, "What rank did you guys get?"

Emily looked annoyed and said, "Well I got a C for mine."

Mary said, "I got a C as well."

"What about you?" asked Emily.

I lied and said, "Well I got a B. Nothing too amazing."

Emily and Mary seemed to perk up at that. Emily said, "Really? The only ones in this class that got Bs other than you are Dustin and Ms. Tabitha."

Ms. Tabitha our teacher was trying to gain some sense of order but I had been ignoring her. When I looked at her again I noticed some changes.

Before she was pretty but nothing exceptional with her blond hair and blue eyes but now she was gorgeous. She was more shapely and exuded an aura of sensuality.

I asked, "Know what happened with her?"

Emily said, "I think she did a tutorial to check her knowledge of mythology. Got really good I heard. I think she reached a B+. Think her power is called Blessing of Dibella."

Dibella you mean of the Nine Divines in Skyrim? Wasn't she the one controlling beauty and love? Made sense to why she looks like that now.

But does that mean gods are interfering with our world now? Do I have to worry about cults of the chosen of Molag Bal to start appearing because I really hope not.

We continued chatting for a bit discussing the abilities of the rest of our classmates but none of them had anything interesting.

The day continued on and more and more of our classmates appeared. They all had uninteresting abilities except for a girl.

Her name was Barbara and apparently, she got some magic as well. From her gambling trial she got a skill called Card Magic. I looked like the one Cana Alberona uses from Fairy Tail.

All in all interesting. I was surprised that everything was so calm, to be honest. Everybody was waiting in their seats and talking like it was just a normal school day.

Then the bell rang signaling the end of school and like normal we all went on our way home. It was odd so I tried asking, "System are you making everybody artificially calm."

[Yes. It was noted that such a major disruption to how people see the world would cause great chaos so we are making sure that everybody process thing in a calm and rational way.]

"How long will this last?"

[We believe that after a week everybody will have mostly acclimated to the changes so then we will turn off the calming effect.]

So I had a week till people started freaking out. Right now people are calm treating this like it was a new popular mobile game instead of the world-shaking revelation that it truly was.

So I went home and went on the internet to see what other information people have gathered. As I turned my computer on and went to a forum to discuss what was going on an alert popped up.

Apparently, the government gave everyone except essential workers a week off work. Someone else must have figured out that this artificial calm is only going to last a week. Maybe they got everyone off work so they had time to acclimatize.

When I got to the forum I realized that there was some interesting information there. Apparently as far as anyone could tell everyone had accepted the invitation to the tutorial except for children less than 13 years old with the screen didn't appear to.

That was suspicious in and of itself. But apparently the terminally ill were now healed and chronic illnesses seemed to disappear. Odd, I didn't think the system would be this generous.

As far as anyone could tell everyone who joined the tutorial came back perfectly fine with a new skill. Apparently, if you were rank D you got a pretty basic skill like Sword Mastery. It only allowed you to do things a normal human is capable of doing.

If you were rank C you got more types of skills and those allowed things that humans are not capable of doing. Like a skill like Super Strength increasing the Strength stat by +5 allowing someone to have a Strength stat of 23, above the human maximum.

Rank B is where the skill you get seems to be from some type of media. These ones tend to be more versatile and scalable in the future. Like the Harry Potter magic I saw. Although some of them can be something generic like Foresight or Herculean Strength.

Rank A is where things start to get interesting at this point the skill you get allows you to basically stand well above normal humans. A person with a rank A skill can kill 5 people with guns even at level 1. An example of this is a person who could turn themselves to steel, the ability seemed to be a copy of Colossus from X-men.

Rank S is crazy. So far only 5 people have revealed what skills they have and they are crazy. One person apparently has the Mera-Mera no Mi, AKA the Flame-Flame Fruit, making them basically invincible as no one has haki to actually hit them with.

I was positioned well with my A rank skill. While my skill in the early game might not be as strong as something like the Mera-Mera no Mi or even Hardening I had one great growth potential.

So I stopped scrolling through the internet and started training.

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