
For how long will you keep avoiding him?

"Why are you saying such hurtful words to your father? Apologize—"

"You can leave. I will take care of things here. Thanks for staying with them until now. I will top up your pay."


"You can leave. Thank you very much." I smile at her before I turned to my kids. Children who were still frowning at me.

"Daddy is sorry." I took a squat in front of them, "I'm such a bad father that I need a knock on the head."

Their eyes twitched, but they didn't fully turn to face me.

I smiled to myself.

"There is this new ice cream place that just got opened. I heard they have yummy strawberry and vanilla ice cream."

They frowned at my words. Ray folded her arms while Ryn pretended as if he didn't hear my words.

"Daddy has a free day tomorrow. He intends to go to the park with his beautiful kids, tomorrow."

Ray was the first to fully turn to face me while Ryn pretended as if my words did not affect him.

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