
Sly's Pov

I came back home to a silent house.

There was no sign of Pop, and neither were there any signs of my husband. It's as if everyone went on a sort of impromptu holiday.

The parlour was empty, and the television was switched off.

Marli wasn't in the kitchen, and Pop isn't in the game room. The library downstairs was empty.

"Lee?" I called out to him, but he didn't respond.

So I had to climb the stairs to his room, to check on him.

"Lee?" I knocked on his door, but I got no response.

"Lee?" I called out to him, but still got no reply, which was odd.

Not only was his absence downstairs odd, but this now.

There is no way for Lee to hear my voice and remain indoors. It's not possible.


Could it be that he's sleeping?

I checked the time on my wristwatch, and my eyes comically widened when I noticed that it was already 9.

I can't believe that the business meeting took me this long.

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