
Moonlight Kiss

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me?" Does he sound defensive?

"Me?" I frown, "I'm not looking at you. I'm merely checking out the scenery."

"I can see." He nods, but I can tell he doesn't believe me.

Now, first things first.

Which scenery am I talking about?

Aside from the bartenders who don't come near the place we are sitting, aside from when they are called, I see nothing of interest.

The single females and dancing couples hold no interest to me, at least not as much as the man in front of me, do.

"So, have you gotten a phone, yet?" Thor asked.

"Who said—"

Wait a minute, have I ever told him I don't have any phone?


I don't think so.

There is no way I could have done that. It's the same as exposing who I am.

"You said it on that day at the roof. Have you forgotten, already?"

The way he sounded right now made me feel guilty.

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