
Moving To The Mithril Mountains


"And here we are… A bit too early, maybe. But I really couldn't wait any longer to do this honestly."

"Me neither!"

In front of my party of friends and familiars, a huge cave section stretched endlessly across the interior of the Mithril Mountains. We had just landed in the very entrance of the White Dragon Dungeon. By merely stepping in here, we could feel the Dragon's powerful presence.

Erika and I were the first ones to step inside the Dungeon. This place, despite looking rather normal for a section of caves, and with an entrance that didn't even have a gate, was indeed a Naturel Dungeon. Not the same as the Artificial Dungeons that were located over at Stronghold.

Those Dungeons were apparently made by the Architect, a "Deity" that is the guardian of the Dwarves. It seems that the alliance between Continents didn't just include the mortals, but even the Divine beings that watch over each continent created an alliance.

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