

"Don't mind her, the pain has fried her brain at the moment." Lucy said. "Just kill this snake."

"Right." Joshua said as he pulled his ebon blade. He looked at the massive beast in awe of how a creature could be so massive. In games and shows a beast like this would be considered a world boss event where a raid is formed to fight it.

"Just soloing a raid boss!" Joshua yelled. "Haven't done that since my old transmog running days!" He charged at the snake with his weapon in hand and leapt from the top deck of the ship at the massive serpent. In a clean swipe he sliced its head off and he landed back on the deck

The monstrous head of the serpent landed shortly after with a massive thud. Its eyes were clouded over, and its tongue was sticking out.

"Mission completed!" Joshua declared triumphantly.

"I wouldn't be too sure Joshua." Lucy said. "Look behind you."

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