
A Season In Tajmaé 8 (Ch.253)

The inner hall of the High Maiden's cottage was a strange looking space, that was the first thing Dante noticed the moment he stepped into the hall.

It was unlike the rest of the cottage which was what one would expect to be a nymph's abode.

Nymphs were beings of the forest, nature to them was a source of life, a source of magic and a significant part of their existence.

 Hence it was no wonder to Dante that the entire nymph settlement was a cross between a forest and a town.

The High Maiden's cottage itself was built from wood and only natural materials, as were all the cottages Dante had seen on the way here for as far as they had come into the settlement.

The inner hall of the High Maiden's cottage was somewhat like a meadow.

There were large trees spread about, with their branches and leaves creating a canopy above that left the hall dimly lit.

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