

The town of Twin's peak which was three towns from Mid-Mount had woken up to yet another commotion from its environs. A loud scream was the first thing people who had been close to the scene had heard shortly before some more screams had followed. Knowing very well, or maybe suspecting what the cause of such an ear splitting cry may be, the people who had been around had rushef to the scene, and that was when they had seen yet another victim who had fallen prey to whatever the cause of all the deaths in Twin's peak was.

Later, news of the incident had quickly spread all around the town and even people who weren't in the same community or neighborhood as where the dead person was found had come from all over to come see if they knew this unfortunate person. The neighborhood was a large one with some nice and decent homes practical of middle classed citizens in the past but which now may just as well be the same as the homes of rich people in today's tough economy.

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