
Exploring the Town 2


If anyone talked about this race a 500 years ago, only 2 words would come to their mind,

Strong and,


They had pale white skin, hypnotic red eyes, and sharp features.

Not only that, but their body shape is beautiful as well.

There is no such thing as fat vampires.

Since all they 'eat' is blood, vampires do not gain weight.

The best thing about them was that they do not change much with age, which means, that unless they die, their bodies will be the same as when they were around 40 to 50 years old.

And for vampires, 40 to 50 meant 25 to 30 years for a normal human.

This trait, which other races were jealous of before, is what became a curse for the vampires after 500 years.

The vampires, who have now fallen, are the best prostitutes.

They might not be the same as before since their blood is diluted,

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