
trekking through the forest (III)

"You know, isn't your blood pumping from excitement?" Valiant asked. He swayed back and forth, excited to strike out toward where they needed to go. "I've been waiting for this for a whole month!"

"All he's been talking about these past few days was this quest," said Reed. She yawned as if she was tired. "I didn't have a wink of sleep because he wouldn't shut up."

"You're better than me." Leaf twitched his cheeks in slight annoyance. He raised his arm and crossed it in front of him. "You should see how hyper Sekka was this morning. I was dragged and brought here five hours early."

"Five hours early?!" Valiant spoke, shocked. "That's even more intense for me."

"Yea, I know, and that's saying a lot."

"Well, at least they are enthusiastic about what they want to do," Agnis replied. "I'm even

looking forward to today as well."

"Excuse me." A group of female elves walked over to them and giggled like school girls. They

stare at the group of dragons with awe and wonder.

"Yes?" Agnis turned around and glanced down at them.

"We were wondering if the Dragon Prince could give us a ride."

"Hey! You're not supposed to ask that! He's royalty!" The girl elbowed her friend to stop her

from saying anything more than necessary.

"Well…" The girl with yellow hair squirmed. "I was just trying."

"Um…Zero?" Agnis turned towards me, looking for an answer. Not sure if he would give her an okay.

"What?" Zero asked. He stood his ground; he wasn't happy that he was suddenly asked to be

given a ride like a horse. The other girls stared up at him, wondering what he would say.

"So?" The girl with yellow hair asked, twiddling her fingers.

"No," Zero replied. "I'm sorry, I'm not comfortable with strangers."

"Oh," the girl's gaze cast down, her lips became a frown, and her shoulder started to shudder.

"Ah, you made her cry." Her friend replied. "You're the worst."

Zero felt that the girl was using her tears as a weapon to get to him. He felt uncomfortable as large tears started to trail down her cheeks. She quickly wiped it away and composed herself.

"No. It's alright," she replied with a half-hearted smile. "I should've known that royalty wouldn't give rides to commoners." The way she said it was sweet but cold like a dagger.

The other girl whispered and gave Zero death glares. Then, they came around her and started to pat her on the back, telling her not to cry.

Her words rubbed Zero the wrong way. How could she misinterpret what he said as not like giving a ride to a commoner? What does she think he is? A horse. He snorted, blowing hot air out of his nose. The girls yelped, stepping back from the sudden wave of hot air wrapped around them.

"Take that back," Agnis replied shortly after. "He's not like that."

"What are you talking about? He thinks he's all that because he's dragon royalty." One of the girls shouted, glaring at Agnis. The heated stare between the two intensified.

"You don't know him. You cry as if it's the world's end because he said no. Grow up, he's people

just like us, and he can say no if he doesn't find it comfortable." She snapped, her hand crossed in front.

"Hmph, you think you can get away just because guys crawl up to your feet with a snap of a finger?"

"Woah, that was uncalled for." Valiant spoke out in complete disbelief.

"She is Zero's partner, and partners aren't sluts," Reed slid off Valiant's back. Anger laced her body while she pointed at the group of girls. "If you weren't so rude, others might not have minded giving you a ride, but now you're all complete dicks just because things don't go her way.

If you want to call someone a slut, you should look at your friend. Everything that she's wearing is bought. Her armor is called Red Fox Armor, $2,000 on the net, the Eleven Fairy bow is $600, and those Sprite Boots are $200. Not only that, she tears up from being rejected. How the hell do you think she'll be able to go up against monsters with that timid attitude? Seriously? Zero worked his way up, he just recently found out he was royalty a month ago, and you think that was bought like your friend here? Hardly." She spat, waving her finger in front of the girls with her hand on her hips.

People stopped to see what was going on with curious eyes, and more and more started to form around them, making the girls uncomfortable.

Zero and the rest of the group were completely startled by Reed's outburst; she wasn't the type to start a fight or be outspoken. Even Valiant stared at her with a glowing pride that seemed to blossom on his face. If he could fist pump in his dragon form, Zero thought he could do it any moment.

"So get your head straight, grow up, and stop acting like a complete bitch."

The other girls stood there in complete shock, unable to say anything but stand there looking stupid.

"That's my girl!" She shouted Sekka; her mouth was littered with a full set of sharp white teeth that glistened under the sun, making them look completely dangerous. It wasn't until Sekka spoke out with a chuckle that made the others snapped out of their stupor.

"You dragons are all arrogant pricks!" The girl shielding her yellow-haired friend stood up and pointed at them. "I swear, I'll make sure you all die!"

Zero snapped his head towards them so quickly that they flinched back. His body tensed up; he stood up straight until he made himself big. His black scales shifted from a radiant sparkle to a dull black with heart-jerking oppression.

"What did you say?" Zero golden eyes glowed dangerously, and Green mysterious fire started to

spark off in his mouth like fireworks.

Everyone who was watching started to scuttle backward, fear laced their hearts, and the oppressive aura of a dragon started to ring alarmingly across the town square. Silence filled the air, and people held their breath, worried about what would happen next.

"I-I s-s-said, t-t-that all you d-d-dragons are arrogant pricks and assholes!" She shouted, bringing herself up as best as possible, and pointed towards Zero.

"I see." An evil grin slowly spread across his lips; his claws extended outwards, scratching against the ground floor. Even Valiant and Sekka, dragons themselves, started to step back and shudder.

"It seems you don't understand the word 'No.' Plus, you begin creating your fantasies without completely understanding why. I told you, I don't feel comfortable letting a stranger ride my back. Plus, I am no horse that you can get up and ride on me like an animal. My partner is the only one who can sit there because I know her, and she's my friend. Have you even attempted to be my friend? No, you didn't even make an effort."

Green and black flames spat out of his mouth like a raging torrent of fire every time he spoke. The s's of his words became longer, and his tongue flickered out like a snake. His eyes glinted with disgust at the girls in front of him. Even his tail moved back and forth with irritation; a couple of times, he knocked over a basket of fruits and other items.

"Not only that, you disrespected my friends and my partner. So I believe you should leave before I slaughter you in front of everyone when I'm asking nicely."

The girls stood unmoving; Zero suspected a few couldn't move from their spots. Their faces were laced with horror, their bodies shaking, and even their scent was the familiar scent of fear that he knew too well.

"I said leave!" With a blast of green and black flames, he shot downwards in front of them. A wave of hot air slapped them in their body, and they stumbled and scrambled backward. Each of them ran away, trying to outrun the other.

Zero temper started to lessen, and Agnis and Reed stared behind them with amused expressions. Then, the people watching started to move around again, leaving the premises. Some stayed behind to chatter, staring at Zero and his gang with awe. The others shook their heads and looked towards Zero with disfavor, but most nodded in understanding of what had happened.

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