
Concussion La Ayaka

Back to where we were.

Kumi had kicked and redirected the returning knife Ayaka had thrown.

Ayaka had disappeared from her location, dodging the knife, and reappeared behind Kumi.

Kumi could see a low red glow in her peripheral vision as she sent her free leg towards the light. Kicking against another leg that felt as tough as a tree stump, Kumi used the force of the collision to move away from her spot.

While in the air, she caught the knife that was still in the air and pulled herself closer to Ayaka.

Right before skidding on the ground to dodge the knife the second time, she had used the strings of hair she had previously made back in her room as rather long loops to throw behind her since she surmised that, with Ayaka's character, she would probably try to surprise her and coldly punch her or something from behind.

So, Ayaka had moved in the range of the hair strands that floated in the air, Kumi who had tied the strands to one of her hands pulled herself closer while wielding the knife she had caught.

The hair didn't hold up well as it all snapped after a strong tug. Though it still mostly worked since Kumi was able to shorten the distance she had made.

Brandishing the knife, Kumi swung it down on Ayaka.

Only to have her attack redirected as Ayaka suddenly held another knife in her right hand that sat at the perfect angle to have Kumi's attack completely miss. As her attack was parried and her body was off balance with no surrounding support or way to rebalance since she was still currently in the air, Ayaka had a free chance to attack.

And so she did, Ayaka sent a left hook right at Kumi's unguarded stomach, the hit landed and Kumi was tossed away.

Landing on the ground, she coughed as she held her stomach.

'Christ! Punting me? Really! Damn it I still feel fucking pain you know!'

Kumi could barely think of the words since her head was spinning along with her intestines.

Gasping for air, she didn't have time to even realize how Ayaka walked up to her and reversed her state with a bit of time magic.

'Shit. How the hell did she do that?'

Her head was still spinning but her physical condition was already back to perfect.

The mental drain of feeling how her ribs were shattered and organs rearranged to jello was still rather fresh.

'I don't even have the words to describe the things I want to day right now. Damn. Simple is best I guess, Shit.'

She held her head as she continued her inner thoughts.

Ayaka picked her up and placed her on her feet.

'Ow. Spinning.'

Kumi wobbled slightly as she held her head.

"I guess you'll pass this test. Let's move on to regular body training, which we will be doing for the next few months."

'Yeowch woman. Can't let a kid rest can you?'

"We'll start with squats. Have at it."

Ayaka flicked Kumi on the head.

'... I don't know if I'm liked or hated here.'

So, Kumi, while holding her head, started doing squats.

'Most god damn...'

Let's not listen to what she is thinking right now and just observe.


After about a minute, Ayaka told Kumi that her posture is wrong, her feet are pointing in the wrong direction and told her to hold her hands in front of her.

Begrudgingly following along, Kumi felt pretty tired and weak for some reason.

'Never had this much trouble doing any exercise before...'

She thought as she continued.

After an extra 30 seconds, it started to become painful.

'I wasn't this weak a second ago.'

Yet before she could continue that train of thought and end up blaming Ayaka for it, Kumi felt it becoming just the slightest bit easier.


Kumi glanced at Ayaka.

"You got it? Good. Check it over before we move on to the next exercise."

'Got what?'

Kumi checked her Properties.

'Oh? Oh. Ohhh...'

{Weakening Magic Resistance Level 1}


{Few follow the path of Weakening Magic, those that do may just have the upper hand against stronger opponents. Having survived against the effects of this type of magic, you gain a slight resistance to the magic.}

{Time Magic Resistance Level 2}


{Rarely are there people born with the ability to use Time Magic. Having the ability to hasten, slow down or in almost nonexistent cases even completely stop time itself would make one close to invincible. The rare few with the ability are often written of as Legends. Having survived against the effects of this type of magic, you gain a slight resistance to the magic.}

'Explains as much.'

Kumi thought as she noticed a new tab in her Skill section simply called Resistance Skills where the two new hires were placed in.

{Name: Kumi

Gender: Female

Race: Angelic Devil

Rank: Mortal

Level: 1

Titles: Dragon Slayer, Demon Slayer, Hero Slayer, Empress's Heir, Calamity Killer, Celestial Lotus Host, Potential Shatterer

Potential: Z±


Vigour: F+ (100%)

Mana: F+ (100%)

Strength: F+

Agility: F+

Mind: F+

Endurance: F+

Arcane: F+

Elements: Lightning, Curse, Rot

Passive Skills:

High Regeneration Level Max;

Free Footwork Level Max;

Brutal Strength Level Max;

Dragon Heart Level Max;

Growth Acceleration Level Max;

Highest Holy Blessing Level Max;

Highest Demonic Blessing Level Max;

Heavenly Demonic Pressure Level Max;

Unknown Level 1;

Caution Level 1

Resistance Skills:

Time Magic Resistance Level 2;

Weakening Magic Resistance Level 1

Active Skills:

Empress's Soul Sword Level 1;

Slash Level 1;

Elemental Power Increase Level 1;

Unreadable Illusion Level 1;

Preparation Level 1;

Preparatory Item Creation Level 2

Personality: <Implausibly Inscrutable> <Impossibly Cautious>}

'Time Magic Resistance is already at Level 2, huh? This training thing might not be as bad as I thought.'

Oh, what foolish thoughts our dear Kumu held at the time. Poor girl.

"Let's move on to the next exercise while you keep training your body."

Ayaka said while walking away, Kumi following soon after.

'Time Magic... Mmmmm...'

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