
A Strange Encounter

Jacob was hiding within a tree branch as he impassively looked at an adult moose drinking water from a small pond.

However, he had no intention of attacking, as he calmly looked at the black moose like a predator waiting for his chance.

Right at this moment, the moose seemed to sense something as it rushed toward the thick woods. But before it could, five small silhouettes lunged from the tall grass from different directions and stabbed their claws at the large body of moose, which ran wild while shrilling.

These newcomers were crimson strip hyenas, an uncommon specie while the black moose was a common species, and Jacob was waiting for them to make a move before he does.

And just as those hyenas were struggling with the mosses, Jacob pointed his revolver at the biggest one in the group and then pull the trigger.


The gunshot startled the animals, but it was too late for the targeted hyena as the bullet pierce into his brain, and it died within an instant.

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