
Freak Out the World

The day after the speech of the emperor of the Ruthenia Empire, newspapers around the world printed hundreds of copies of the announcement for the people to see.

Headlines like Ruthenian Launch the First Artificial Moon, Ruthenian Fires Earth Satellite Into Space, It is Circling Around the World at 18,000 Miles Per Hour. Sphere Tracked in Four Crossings Over U.S. Ruthenian Conquered Space sent chills down to the citizens of not only the United States but also the Britannians, Deutschlands, and Francois. 

Every night, people would go outside their homes and look up to the sky where they see a streak of light passing along the night sky. People noticed the speed of the satellite, and they claimed that it just passed right over them for two or three seconds. 

Now, everyone feared that Ruthenians have developed a special weapon for it like it will drop bombs from space. With their nation having no protection over such a weapon can only accept their fate. 

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