
Stubborn General

The General of the Boxers besieging the International Legation Quarter glanced over his shoulder, looking at his brothers who were staring at him in anticipation. There are plenty of variables to consider here, should he give in to the demand of the Ruthenians, then the respect for his authority would plummet. The men behind him are hungry for revenge, fueled by their long grievances towards the foreigners. 

Letting them go when they have the chance to exact revenge is unforgivable and may resort to mutiny should he allow that to happen. However, the Ruthenian threat to them is something that can never be ignored. They knew the capabilities of the Ruthenian Empire which drove the Empire who had defeated them in the war out of the Choson Peninsula using their technologically-advanced weapons, aircraft, warships, and tanks. Just earlier, an aircraft belonging to the Ruthenian Empire wiped out all their artillery, making the situation unfavorable for them.

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