


A large air wave hit the trees and their branches were dragged back, leaves falling off them to the floor until nothing was left on the trees but thin stems. 


A large stream of fire hit another set of trees, leaving it in the same condition as the others, but this time, their leaves got fried up to dust 

Naomi finally dropped to the floor from the air and turned to Axle In excitement. 

"How'd I do?" 

Axle nodded 

"Good. I'm glad you've mastered your air and fire bending skills, but another thing is using them at once without disrupting their respective positions in your internal energy." 

Naomi frowned slightly. 

"Okay... how do I do that?" 

"We've been training all day. I think we should postpone this session till tomorrow." 

"Are you tired?" Naomi asked, a bit disappointed that they were postponing it till tomorrow. 

Próximo capítulo