
Chapter 96 - Gabriella

We park behind a large oak tree, next to another van that's already here before us. We're about 150 feet from a warehouse and right next to a dry ditch. We're surrounded by dense forest, hidden from view. The way we came in was a downward slope, so Carmelo, who drove our van, shut off the engine on its descent and let gravity do its thing so as not to alert the Mexicans. At one point, we ran over a rock that made noise, but thankfully, the guards outside the warehouse merely glanced in our direction before they went back to work.

We stay in the van for a couple of minutes quietly until a green laser shoots through the windshield in three flashes.

"What was that?" I whisper.

"Signal," says Mariano and then addresses his men, "Go." Then he exchanges nods with Carmelo.

All six of his men get off the van while he remains inside with me. I immediately knew that he was supposed to go with them, but because I'm here, he's staying back.

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