
Forbidden Skill: Deathlock

Hearing a low thud from its left side, it turned its head and saw a blade stuck in one of the trees and implanted deeply into the wood itself.

Its eyes widened while its head perked up the moment it felt a sense of danger coming from the other side, making it only capable of guessing what was about to hit it.


It quickly let out another roar, yet instead of aiming at something specific, it had simply aimed for the ground.


I could only watch as the enormous creature was catapulted into the air before it began to turn and look at me from the sides of its eyes, yet still incapable of fully facing me due to it being unable to turn its head any more than it had already done.

Seeing this, I kicked forwards once again and dashed to the side, getting out of the T-Rex's line of sight while also taking a dagger out to complete my next move.

Without hesitation, I grabbed the hilt of my blade and threw it like a javelin towards the eye of the T-Rex after calculating how long it would take for it to turn, shift, and finally reach the right place and angle for me to throw the dagger.



The T-Rex let out another roar followed by a sound wave, yet since it didn't know what direction I was in, it could not find which direction I had moved in and randomly picked an area to obliterate.

'To think half of the trees around us had fallen just because this filthy creature lost one of its eyes. Honestly pathetic.' I scrunched my face up in disdain as I landed back onto the ground after distancing myself from the T-Rex to not allow it to feel my presence around it, nor hear the sound of my footsteps or movements.

'There is an injury on one of its scales that with enough force, will allow me to deeply impale it with my poison spear and kill it, yet due to where the scale was, it would become extremely hard accurately locate and confirm the scale's existence.

'I need to get closer without getting hit... Think Ezra, think! What would I have done if the creature in front of me was an elf?'

'Where are you?' The creature once again used its ability that allowed it to speak into the minds of other people in their language nonetheless.

Even though I didn't say a single word, I felt its eyes move closer and closer to my location before eventually...

"Found you..." Its voice boomed, barely giving me enough time to roll into safety and evade the sound attack by a hairsbreadth.

'Think!' I shouted at myself. What would have Dad done? He's a fighting genius, right? What would have he done if he was in this situation with the same amount of power as me?' I asked myself while dodging continuously and evading all the sound waves coming my way by simply feeling out the dread and moving in the direction it willed me to move.

'Think! Think!' my life flashed before my eyes whole the dread reached the same level it had reached when I died to it the first time.

'I'm not about to die to this thing... Not know and not ever!' I positioned my legs into a running one which would allow me to gather a burst of energy from the start whole giving me a boost in momentum that wouldn't stop until my sprint was over.



My body turned into a blur for the umpteenth time today, but instead of evading as I had done for the last 7 minutes or so, I instead ran straight at the danger while wielding my spear.

"So you've lost your mind now!?" It asked with mockery. Simultaneously, it used the sound that came out of its mouth to direct another attack toward me, shooting a sound wave that decimated the ground and left a trail wherever it moved.

Unlike the creature in front of me, however, I knew exactly what was going to happen.

Using the combination of both the dread I was feeling as well as my eyes, I quickly rolled to the side before it could even shoot the attack at me.


Even then I didn't completely avoid the attack since I couldn't move and react in time, but after cranking my head back to see what was left of the area the sound wave hit, I could only sigh in relief and run as fast as possible.


The T-Rex let out several roars and aimed all of them at me.

Feeling the dread beforehand, I found that the only way was to duck, causing me to jump up to gain momentum before sliding down and narrowly evading the attack.

'How do you keep dodging! You're not even that fast!' It roared into my mind, yet answering its question was the least of my priorities.

I kept dodging by rolling, ducking, and sliding away from the attack, and while I would still feel the shockwave, it was a lot better than being hit directly.

I was now around 20 meters away and I could even feel the intense killing intent coming out of the creature in front of me like never before.

I quickly analyzed it with my eyes, trying to find a weak point until...

[Ability discovered]

[New skill unlocked]

[Discovered ability: Blood Eyes]

[Description: Gives the user the ability to see features of a living creature that would have not been visible otherwise. Blood Eyes will automatically activate when the Immortal meets the conditions.]

[Cost: Starting cost of 5 mana for a manual activation, and 1 mana for every 10 minutes it is active.

The amount of mana needed will multiply depending on the level of the Blood Eyes (Example: Level 3 Blood eyes would take 15 mana points to activate while taking 3 mana points every minute. Automatic activation does not require mana to activate the eyes, but requires mana to supply the eyes every 10 minutes)]

[Conditions for automatic activation: -

-Burst of emotion

-Extreme Bloodlust ]

[Unlocked Skill: Blood Eyes - Pinpoint]

[Description: Allows the user to easily identify weak spots on the bodies of their enemies. This will show up as a distinct red cross indicating the area of the weak spot but does not explain why it is a weak spot, nor how it could be used.]

[Cost: 1 mana per minute]

Without hesitation, I activated my new skill 'pinpoint', and immediately dashed to the left to dodge the incoming strike.

I could see my vision flicker for a bit, but after a while, I couldn't it stabilized and allowed me to look at the T-Rex. Now that I had the skill and had activated it, many of the things that I had been struggling to see became a lot more clear now.

All the areas, from the eyes to the throat lit up with a distinct red cross on that area.

I quickly dashed forwards once again, yet this time it wasn't intentional.

I felt like my body was moving on its own even though it was technically doing what I desired to do. It was following my desires and forcing me to move forward, and so I did...

Images of places and memories I've never experienced or seen before appeared in my mind while simultaneously, an uncontrollable killing intent left my body and seeped into everything around me, shaking them to the core.

'This killing intent...' The T-Rex shuddered but wasn't too bothered by the sudden change in the atmosphere until...

'Why does everything have a red tint to it?' It thought to itself before a screen only I was familiar with appeared out of thin air in front of it for no one by the T-Rex to see.

[Your fate has been sealed]

[The Immortal Ezra ----- has activated 'Deathlock']

'Huh? What is that supposed to mea-' It couldn't even finish its thought since the meaning of those words hit it like a truck without warning.

A suffocating killing intent dropped onto its shoulders with the weight of the moon, making it unable to move a single inch while watching me close the distance between us within mere seconds.

It wanted to open its maw but it couldn't.

It wanted to roar and get out of this situation but it couldn't.

It wanted to survive but... It seemed like its fate had been locked and it knew that.

For some reason, its mind automatically believed the system like a message but it still tried to find a way to survive and struggle until the end.

I on the other hand was becoming more numb. My movements all felt wasteful and meaningless, while the spear in my hand felt lighter than it had ever felt before.

Suddenly, it felt like a beam of white light hit me before finding myself in a completely different location.

I felt suspended, trapped and unable to speak, move or think freely. All I could do was observe in the state that I had been put in, yet unlike what I would feel whenever I died, this time I could actually see through the eyes of something... Or someone?

A man, or at least what looked like one, stood atop a mountain of corpses and held a Suguyari spear in his right hand while simply holding his left palm out in a way that would signify he was ready to battle anyone who stood in his path.

{Author's Note: I am well aware that a Suguyari is a Japanese weapon. This note will make sense next chapter}


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