
When I am with you

"A-anyhow, nobody has seen this girl since the kidnapping. The vehicle that was used supposedly had an unlicensed plate number. It seems the police were able to get hold of the security footage, but since it was dark, there was a limit to what they could see." Sumire quickly diverted the topic back to normal.

Thankfully Toh went along with her. He probably realized that she was uncomfortable.

"But even though the police have the footage, you are not asking them?" Toh seemed half amused and half curious.

Sumire shakes her head. "I have had a look at the police footage already. It can't be used as a reference." She trailed off. "I wanted to have a look around the university to see if I could see if there are any hidden cameras. The university only handed the footage of the one at the gate."

"As for extra cameras, you're right there are ones in a better location. So for them to just ask for the central camera footage means they were not aware of the existence of other cameras."

"Doesn't that mean the university concealed the truth? They should have mentioned the other cameras." Sumire mumbled.

But it's strange. Every academic area will have more than one camera. Why didn't the police ask?

"There is corruption everywhere. The university is the same. The ones in charge of handing the footage to the police are most likely on the corruption side."

"Toh, do you have any connections to the police? I'd like to speak to the officer who went to the university."

"I do, but I thought the Holy Knights would have connections."

Sumire sighed. "Aki doesn't like the police, and Ru has gotten into trouble so many times with them. It's a bit difficult for me to put in a request."

So he has connections with the police? She was only guessing, but it seemed like his connection network had far surpassed that of a normal citizen. Her thoughts broke off when he patted her hair. Sumire looked at him, surprised. What is he doing all of a sudden? But there is something comforting about this.

"You're a good kid."

"I-I am not a child!" Sumire puffed her cheeks as she moved away from him.

"So, you want me to treat you as a woman?"

Sumire immediately froze upon hearing his words. But she took a deep breath and nodded. At those words, Toh shifted closer again, and he suddenly cupped her cheeks. His lips curve to a smile.

"I thought you would look away."

"T-there is no need, your interested in me, aren't you?"

"Indeed I am. But you, it's hard to read your thoughts." He trailed off. "Why don't we watch a movie?"

Eh a movie? Sumire dumbly nodded and watched as Toh went over to the TV. How unusual, he- he didn't try to-. Not every guy is like Sano, and yet she still thinks it is too soon to judge him. They barely know each other, and she still needs more time.

But she must admit that part of the reason she keeps staying here is because she wants to spend more time with him.

Sumire picked up a sweater she had brought from home and slipped it on.

Toh joins her on the couch again and loops his arms around her.

"You're staring at me again." Toh pointed out.

"I-I am only watching to make sure you don't do anything strange."

"What do you mean by strange?"

T-that's right. She doesn't want him to misunderstand and think she is easy. Now that her mind is slightly calmer, she understands that her staying in his home is crazy. Sumire felt her entire face redden.

"Y-you know, me staying here. It doesn't mean that you can-"

"Hm? What are you talking about? I don't understand since you're being so vague."

Sumire looked at him suspiciously. Is he truly not going to do anything? Didn't he say earlier that he wanted to build up her resistance? But he also said that it was her decision.

"You know, Sumire. I know you're afraid. But if you do not take risks, you will never be able to move forward. You will remain stagnant. Is that what you want?"

'I don't want that. I don't want to be left behind. But this person is truly good at his job. This entire time I have felt uneasy about the unknown, and yet he sees right through the mask I have put up.'

Is this truly okay? For her to continue getting closer to this person?

"I don't know why you're suddenly being stubborn. Even though we have been getting closer. No," Toh shakes his head. "That's the reason, isn't it? It's because we are getting close, so you are trying to run away. But you should know this much. I am not your enemy."

Indeed, if he wanted to harm her, he could have easily done so when she was in a vulnerable state. But that is exactly why. Do truly good people like Toh exist? Sure there is Ru and Yuhi who respect women, but they are the only exceptions. Is Toh genuinely kind? Or is there something he wants from her?

She doesn't understand. For the first time in her life, she doesn't know what to do. How does she behave around this person?

"What are your true intentions, and what you are thinking about. I still don't understand. No, even if I spend more time with you, I probably won't completely understand." Sumire paused and chose her words carefully. "But, I want to learn properly. What type of person you are, your likes and dislikes, and even small details people won't notice."


"Because the reason you can't trust people is similar to me. You probably won't tell me even if I ask. But I--" Her sentence fell short when she saw a tint of red on Toh's cheeks.


"You truly are something. I see. I get it. Let's talk."

"Eh, but weren't we going to relax and watch a movie? If I talk about it now, the atmosphere will become heavy."

"It's better than keeping your feelings bottled up. Moreover, just now, what you said made me happy. It means you are interested in me."

"I thought you knew that already." Sumire pointed out.

"I didn't think it would be like this. My true intentions? My past relationships? What type of person am I? You can ask away. I won't conceal the truth from you."

It took a lot of courage for her to say this. Ever since they met, he has been nothing but good to her. She thought that the longer she remained here, the more Toh would learn how annoying she was.

It wouldn't surprise her if he kicked her out and got tired. But he has been nothing but kind to her.

"I see. Then let me tell you something, how I behave towards you is indeed unusual. I don't behave like this in front of anybody else. You are the only one. When I am with you, I see a different side of myself that I didn't before."

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