
Michelia Disappeared

Happy reading.

"It's a book that Neil and I used to read when we were little. So open the page I folded and read it."

Michelia didn't go straight to the page Skylar was referring to. However, she stopped first on the first page to look at the image Neil had left there. A house without doors and windows. Michelia's head shot up to stare at Skylar with her eyes wide and watery. Michelia seemed to lose color as her face paled that second after seeing that.

The same reaction Skylar received from his father. Michelia's nose wrinkled as she returned the book. Michelia finally raised her voice.

"Is this Neil drawing?"

Skylar nodded quickly. "Yeah, Neil drew it. What's wrong?"

Michelia didn't answer, she took a deep breath and blinked a few times.

The silence of Michelia and his father brought Skylar's confusion and curiosity about the image that Neil had inscribed there. There were no words that spoke of it to him and told him the truth. After all, it's about Neil. His brother and twin.

"Nothing," said Michelia dubiously. "Okay, I'll read it."

Skylar nodded in approval as he leaned back in the chair focusing his hearing on Michelia.

Michelia began to slowly turn the page, still looking reluctant to move away from Neil's scribbles. Michelia began, "However, it might be our lucky day. Mom looks happy about this and dad's chest rises high because he's proud to have made mom compliment him. I was curious about the inside of the cupboard, so I quietly opened it. I was flabbergasted. to my amazement, to see a cupboard with a large mirror on one side.

"I wanted to tell George about this after I had a better look. I closed the cupboard first, to start from scratch. Noting the shiny round doorknob of the closet, then I chuckled and quietly took out the small knife I always carried under my shirt. I scratched the surface of the wood thinking Dad wouldn't know. I wrote my name there. Renjana."

Michelia raised her head and looked at Skylar questioningly. "That's your mother's name, isn't it? Maybe it's a coincidence."

Skylar gestured again for Michelia to reread. "Renjana is the name my father gave me. Not bad, but very strange side by side with George. Then, the mother said jokingly if I have children later. My mom will give me a name, Neil. Isn't that ridiculous? If I had a child with that name, I would hate him."

"What story is this Skylar?" Michelia asked, stopping her reading. "You read this when you were little?"

"Yes, Mother told me. It looks interconnected, right? There's only one book, which is only in your hand," Skylar explained.

Michelia couldn't believe his own words. But she kept reading the storyline by line.

"I opened the cupboard with great interest because I felt a tug pulling me. not only to open it, but also to enter it. I looked down to take a better look at the mirror, what I just realized was that there was a dark red spot in the center of the mirror forming a palm.

"I was flabbergasted by the pleasure that came when a riddle lay before me. I began to enter the closet that was still loose by my little body, my eyes never leaving the mirror with that red spot in the shape of a hand. My hand lifted and my chest thumped, I put my palms on the mirror and jerked away when I felt an electric pull from the mirror. My hand unconsciously scratched the mirror's edge until blood dripped under the cupboard I was sitting on. I winced in pain and was silent for a moment.

I brought my palms closer together. hurt, then gently pressed it against the glass. I felt a burst of electricity emanate from it and wanted to pull my hand back but couldn't. Until I felt the cold air start to caress my skin. I opened my eyes curiously, and was not in the cupboard anymore. ."

"What does all this mean, Skylar?" asked Michelia, turning the next page.

Skylar's eyes fell right on the door afraid that her mother might suddenly come home and mess things up. "This book is more like the diary my mother wrote. Not only that, the cupboard in the book is the same as the one in my mother's room."

Michelia raised her eyebrows. "Is that true?"

Skylar stood rubbing his pants to remove the imaginary dust that had stuck to his pants. "I'll show it to you."

Michelia carried the book also following Skylar behind her until they were faced with a closed brown wooden door.

Skylar chuckled in displeasure, he just realized that his mother always locked the room all the time. "The door is locked."

"Let me try to open it," said Michelia. Skylar moved out of the way, allowing Michelia to try to open the door with a hairpin she took from her head.

As the seconds ticked by, Skylar occasionally glanced behind them uncomfortably. Skylar just felt that they were being watched. A click brought Skylar's attention to Michelia who smiled happily when the door finally opened.

"Thank you," he said, leading Michelia into the dark and stuffy room.

Skylar fumbled against the wall for the switch to turn on the light until it all became clear. They looked at Renjana's normal-looking room, and there wasn't anything strange in there. All items are neatly arranged in place.

Their eyes stopped and were impressed when they saw an old brown cupboard standing firmly against the whitewashed wall. Skylar walked over, his brown eyes glancing first at the scratch of the knife that had Renjana written on it.

He just realized, why is the character in the story carrying a knife everywhere? Even if he's at home?

"Oh my God! It's the same cupboard as the one in this book." Michelia pointed between the book in her hand and a name on the cupboard. Pulling Skylar out of his reverie. "Is there a similar big mirror in it too?"

Skylar shook her head. "I do not know."

Michelia asked again hesitantly. "Is this Skylar by opening your mother's cupboard? What if he finds out?"

"Just do it, I'm in charge. My mother isn't around either."

Michelia initially seemed excited, but she finally blinked in approval. She slowly opened the old cupboard. Skylar watched the light reflect off the glass as Michelia opened the cupboard even more.

Skylar sucked in a breath, jaw clenching as his eyes scanned the mirror against the inner wall of the closet. It was the same as described in the book Michelia had just read. His closet was empty unlike Skylar had imagined it would be filled with many of her mother's clothes in it.

"I can't believe this cupboard does exist." Michelia voiced Skylar's thoughts that he couldn't put into words.

"See, Skylar isn't my reflection there?"

Skylar's eyes moved and gasped between Michelia and her reflection which was supposed to be there. Like a ghost without a shadow. "How could this happen?"

"You're surprised, especially with myself."

Skylar squinted to examine the mirror more clearly which turned out to be a red spot in the shape of a palm in the middle. He raised his hand and touched it when Skylar suddenly flinched and pulled his hand closer to his body. He felt the same feeling as written in the book. Skylar's heart was pounding uncontrollably.

Is this the portal that will take him where Neil is?

"What happened?" asked Michelia with a worried expression on her face. Gazing between his face and Skylar's numb palm.

"Did an electric spark hit me?"

"It's very similar." Michelia put her hand there too and stamped on it just like what happened to Skylar.

"I'll try to scratch my hand," Skylar said confidently.

Michelia clasped his hands and shook her head slightly disapprovingly. "Do not."

"What do you mean?" he asked in disbelief. He glanced here and there and found a needle lying on the floor, Skylar bent down and grabbed it.

"No, Skylar." The girl grabbed the needle that was in Skylar's hand and quickly scratched her palm.

"What are you doing, Michelia? What if this is wrong? I can't let you do it."

"Shut up, Skylar." Michelia looked at Skylar with conviction.

"You have to stay, Skylar. Your father must still be sad about Neil's disappearance. If this works, you can catch up." said Michelia seriously.

Skylar could not stand still while Michelia experimented with her invention. "What if this fails."

Michelia grimaced, she hit Skylar's arm with her other hand and chuckled. "You don't scare me, I'm sure it will work."

Anxiety crept up Skylar's body, time seemed to slow down as Michelia's injured palm rested against the stained glass surface.

A magical event occurs, a bright light flashes along with Michelia's scream which startles Skylar.

"Skylar, see you later."

Skylar stepped forward to take Michelia's hand, but it was too late. When the light faded, he never believed this seemingly impossible event. However, Michelia disappeared without leaving anything for Skylar.

Skylar was dumbfounded, by himself and how stupid he was for acting before thinking. Skylar ruffled her hair, frustrated.

A new problem came back.

After Neil, then Faiz now then Michelia.

Skylar flinched outside when he heard another door open.

Skylar moved confused, he did not imagine this would happen, what if it was his mother who would catch Skylar who had broken into his bedroom door.

What should he do after this? Skylar as if done in place. He stiffened even more and his eyes widened as the door swung open.


Thank you for reading.

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