

I got up from the ground. To my side, Nea laughed her guts out. I don't blame her. It was a very thrilling experience. I told Nea that since the mayor is the one who is (Unknowingly and unwillingly) leading the anarchists, they will obviously use the administrative building as their base of operations.

Blowing up the administrative building will not only help stop the anarchists in the short run, but it will also put the factory workers in a better position to fight for their working conditions, which they surely will after this fiasco. This was the only reason Nea agreed to this plan and could also laugh after carrying it out. The primary reason I blew up this place is different, but it had the same implications, so it's all good.

Despite the heavy rain, the fire didn't take long to spread all over the building. "We should move out now," I said.

"Ahaha, sure, let's go... Where to, though?"

"It's worrying that there are no other Questers around. Let's split up and whittle down their forces."

"Alright, I'll take the West districts, you move through the East sides and—"

"We'll rendezvous near the temple."



I split up with Nea to pull off some jobs. Nea was on my side for now, but she might change her mind. I had to skip town with her today. I passed through the streets and found myself in front of a sizeable mansion a little away from the administrative building.

The stately building reeked of money. The owners of this place must be holed up deep inside the place with whatever handful of guards they had, thanks to the ruckus outside. Walls about 8 feet tall encircled the mansion, nothing I couldn't climb. I moved around to the East side of the mansion to avoid being seen.

I pulled out a knife from my bag and lodged it in the wall, a little above my reach. I stepped back and ran towards the wall. I grabbed the knife with my left hand and pulled myself up. My right hand grabbed on the top of the wall, and I jumped inside.

Keeping a low profile, I walked near the vibrant green bushes and plants placed around the perimeter of the mansion. I came across a room very close to the bushes in one corner. I taped a part of the window and broke it with my elbow, making as little sound as possible.

The room was probably a spare one. I ignored its insides and went straight to the kitchen. An auburn-haired girl boiled some water on a stove. She must be the maid. Even during such large-scale events of terrorism, rich people sure have it easy. The maid seemed unaware of my presence. I put on a mask and spoke up. "Hey there!"

"Ahh!" The girl dropped the plate looked at me in surprise and fear. Since I was tight on time, I decided against playing any stupid games and pulled out my dagger. "Where do your masters keep all their valuables?"

"Ah... Ah..." Shit, what a pain. The maid shivered and couldn't form a proper sentence out. With how scary a knife seemed to her, the owners of this mansion must be good people.

"Argh, just lead me to the safe or something, yeah?" I picked up a cup next to me and threw it at her feet. Then, with a voice as cold as ice, I growled, "Now!"

That seemed to do the trick. The maid nodded her head and led me to a room with two people standing guard. I had gone through something like this before. She wasn't leading me into a trap, but her masters were mostly inside the room with the safe right now... Probably...

I again pulled out the knife I had retrieved from the wall. Moving ahead of the maid, I threw the knife at the closest guard's feet. The knife landed between the gap of his armor, at his knee. I then lunged at the other guard and stabbed him in the chest with my dagger. The second guard collapsed. I nimbly made my way towards the other guard and kicked his head will all my might. I knocked out both of them.

The maid stood still. I brought my finger to my mouth and gestured at her to stay shut. I kicked open the door and went inside. A middle-aged couple was sitting at a table, sipping tea. They both sprung up when I kicked open the door.

"Calm down, don't mind me, I am just gonna take your money and leave, alright?"

"Who are you?!" the man shouted at me. I pulled out my pistol and pointed it at them. They immediately stopped in their tracks. Wimps.

"Sit down, keep drinking your damn tea." After waving the gun at them a couple more times, they sat down and looked at me with pained eyes.

The safe was placed right behind them. It was a 4 by 3 steel safe that opens with a unique arrangement of its 3 wheels. I could've asked them for the patterns but that would've been rather tasteless, right?

I pulled out my stethoscope and got to work. In a mere 5 minutes, the safe was open. It was filled with stacks of 100 Zaga notes and some rare gems, including diamonds and some magic stones. I put them all in a rucksack and got up.

I turned around and was about to leave when my gaze fell on the couple. They were looking at me with anger-filled gazes mixed with a tinge of despair. Heh. I shrugged my shoulders and pulled out one bundle of cash and a few gems, and threw them at the couple.

The contempt in their eyes increased by 10 fold. I chuckled and waved at them before leaving the house through the front gate.

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