
Shui's birthday banquet arc (7)

While Xing Bi talked with Liu Hai and Nian, Jian dashed into a corner to quickly ask for help to the only last hope of his life.

The phone rang a few times and when it didn't answer, Jian's forehead began to sweat.

Pick up…pick up damn it or I will kill you!


Jian's call of mercy got finally picked. "Jin! Jin! My dearest and cutest little brother!"



"No! No, no wait! You cannot leave me alone here!" Jian tragically cried. "Only you can help me out now!"

"With what?"

"With my gift! That stupid Grandpa forgot ny gift for Shui back at home and now I have nothing to give her. I will be so screwed. The cake cutting is already done here."

"Then buy a new gift for her. Bye."

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