

"So you finally found her?" Nial asked impatiently, tapping his finger against the wooden armrest of the chair he was sitting on.

"We found three origin humans of which one suits the description of Bella Morningstar. But there is one weird thing…" The Scout of the Selivart race trailed off, unsure how to report his findings. 

The Selivart race was one of the many races whose refugees chose to find a place to live in the Orion Shelter. They were exceptional at finding people which was mostly owed to their sixth sense. One could compare it to an extraordinary ability, a means to find exactly who or what one was looking for.

"What was weird?...Wait, did you just say three origin humans? Tell me more about it" Nial asked while his eyebrows creased. He was pretty sure that he had misunderstood something.

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