
Your fault!

Just when Nial had thought that everything would get a little bit better, life slapped the reverse card straight in his face.

His body began to shake as he visualized the head of the third victim the Heligav race had chosen to kill.

It was a totally unexpected target but Nial's blood began to boil when he finished visualizing the head of the woman he had known for years now.

"Master…" Nial mumbled, while the severed head of Miranda was visualized in his mind. The very graphic image of her severed head was etched deep in his mind and heart, making him falter in his steps. For a second Nial lost the ability to function.

He hadn't sensed that anything was wrong in the new shelter, yet, it looked like the Heligav race had successfully assassinated their third target…Miranda, the Witch of the South…

"That cannot be real…" He uttered in disbelief, making his way to the place both Mathias and Miranda had moved in weeks ago.

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