
Chapter 11

After he said that, Gun's expression turned serious and he said. "But if that worked then it means...

That your brain suffered some damage."

Donald's expression changed to a surprised one and he thought. 'I didn't get a check up to the brain since I didn't think it was necessary.

But if that's true...'

Donald's expression became blank and he thought. 'There could be some backlash to this sudden increase in power.'

Gun noticed the sudden changes on Donald's face and he said while exhaling some smoke. "No need to worry too much about it, I made sure to not hit you too hard."

Donald took the snake he had on his neck and put it on the desk in front of him.

He leaned back in his chair and said with a smile. "Why don't you take a seat?

Standing up can't be comfortable."

Gun looked at the chair in front of Donald's desk and said while walking towards it. "Why can't the other crew heads have manners like you?"

Donald shrugged and said. "I'm pretty sure it's because they all hate your guts."

Gun sat down and said. "Well, you're right.

I got rid of the head of Big Deal some time ago because he did some illegal activities.

I hope it's not the case with you too."

Donald shook his head and said. "No way, everything I'm doing is 100% legal.

Big Deal just couldn't meet your ridiculous monthly quota.

Since they're just a gang that protects a street, not like the workers who can be called a full on conglomerate."

Gun took a puff of his cigarette and said. "It's their fault for being so useless.

And I've heard word that the God Dogs are doing some shady business too, coincidently, the news came from someone from The Union."

Donald smirked and said. "Looks like you found me out.

I pissed of the God Dogs some time ago and they started to attack the places I'm supposed to protect.

And when I did some digging, I found some interesting facts."

He took out a folder from his drawer and put it on the table.

Gun opened it and his eyebrows furrowed. "That kid Johan...

He's too careless.

They're running an illegal business behind his back without him knowing anything about it."

Donald tapped his finger on the table and said. "Fake bank accounts scam, they did that before Johan even was the leader, but I think you already knew this.

Anyway, he rules his men with an iron fist while hogging almost all the money to himself.

It's inevitable that he'll get betrayed in the end."

Gun exhaled some smoke and said. "The proof is legit, looks like I'll have to get rid of him before things could get ugly."

Donald took out a cigarette too and said while lighting it. "Yeah, too bad he's too unstable.

I was thinking of bringing him over to my side, so if you pay him a visit, I would appreciate it if he would still be able to fight."

Gun looked at Donald and smirked. "Bold of you to reveal your intentions to me.

But I can't say that I dislike it.

Though I don't promise anything."

Donald took a box from under his desk and put it on the desk. "It's this month's fee."

Gun took the box in his hands and weighed it. "It's all there judging by the weight."

Donald fiddled with the rings on his fingers and said. "Yes, and I'm thinking of having a new source of income too."

Gun looked at him and said. "It's not illegal, is it?"

"Nope, but I'm going to have to make contact with a clothing company for this."

Gun raised his eyebrows and asked. "Clothing company?"

Donald smiled and said. "Yes, it's legal and it hasn't been done before.

I'll use the Union's name to cooperate with the clothing company.

We'll make it that people who buy clothes from that company are excepted from bullying and are even going to be somewhat protected in our areas."

Gun's eyes widened and he said with a smile. "That's a good idea.

How about I introduce you to a company some other time?"

Donald smiled and said. "You want a percentage?"

Gun smirked and said. "Of course.

After all the company I'll introduce you too isn't your normal company."

Donald exhaled some smoke and said. "As long as they agree with my idea, it's going to work."

"You can rest assured, you probably know who the CEO of the company is.

But enough about business, remember how I said I will train you?"

As Donald was about to answer, Gun was already in front of him with his fist raised.

Donald's eyes widened behind the bandage and he leaned back on his chair so much that he was falling to the ground.


The fist flew right over his face and Donald put his hands on the ground.


He was doing a handstand, span around and aimed to kick Gun in the chin with the back of his right leg.

Gun dodged the kick fairly easily and grabbed him by the foot.

Gun smiled and said while taking his sunglasses off with his other hand. "The training starts now!"


He swung Donald like a cloth by his leg and smashed him into a nearby wall that cracked from the impact.

Donald gritted his teeth and said while taking the bandages off his eyes. "You're going to ruin my office."

Gun lit himself another cigarette and said. "You shouldn't care about damaging your surroundings in a fight."

Donald spat the cigarette out of his mouth towards Gun's eye.

Gun moved his head out of the way, but by doing that, he didn't see Donald's fist which was already aimed towards his chin.


Gun smirked and took the punch head on.

While Gun was flying through the air, he landed on the desk behind him and sent a back kick towards Donald's face.


Donald's head was sent flying backwards and he was lifted up his feet.

Moment in which, Gun was already above him in the air with his foot above Donald's stomach.


Donald was sent to the ground and the floor below him cracked.

Gun threw his cigarette to the ground and said with his fist raised. "You've still got longs way to go."


He sent his punch towards Donald's face, but instead of hitting his face, he hit his elbow.

Donald had his elbow raised upwards while holding the arm that blocked the hit with his other arm.

Donald smiled and said. "That can't feel good."

Gun's smile became even creepier and he said. "Good shit!

But you're too careless!"

He applied more force to his punch and Donald's eyes widened.


He rolled as fast as he could on the ground and looked at the place where Gun's fist made contact with the ground.

His fist was caved in the floor and he took it out easily.

"Good thinking, I would've shattered your elbow right there."

'What a monster, it's common knowledge that you'll destroy your fist if you punch someone else's elbow but he applied even more power and my elbow was about to break, not his fist.

He's really one of the strongest out there.'

Donald had a creepy smile on his face and he said. "Let's continue."

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