
Christmas Eve! Part-1

{DADA Classroom, Hogwarts, Scotland}

{11:27 PM, 24th Dec 1991}

Body Language, maybe reading someone's body language was one the most important thing that HYDRA ever taught him, raise from shooting guns, of course, now that he could not go around using Legilimency willy-nillly on anyone, considering they could know Occlumency, reading body language was a much safer alternative, if a little harder, option.

It was how he knew something was up with the Golden Trio or Quadrio? meh, let's just call them ducklings... it depends if Ron is feeling lazy or not, anyway, all the obvious signs were there, he knew his twin well enough that even though he was good with magic, he wasn't the most studious one, so seeing him every day combing through books on famous people during the last century was an obvious sign, as was Hermione, Neville and Ron joining him, although Ron didn't seem as enthusiastic.

Anyway, back to body language, Harry pointed his wand at the dummy in front of him, he controlled his mana to flow through his wand, with precise control he made the mana flow 3 times in an inverted triangle pattern and watched as his wand lit up with a red light, he kept repeating the process 7 times before letting the spell go.

"Protego Maximus~" Quirrell shouted from beside him, another one of those signs was the disappearance of Quirrell's stutter whenever he was teaching him something or in some stressful moments, as if he was keeping up a facade or maybe even a split personality.

Harry watched as his powered-up version of the reducto curse smashed through the shield that came in front of the dummy and blasted it apart into pieces, he waved his wand instinctively this time, letting his mana flow on its own while desiring what he wanted to happen, a silvery-blue shield appeared in front of him, blocking all the debris that were flying towards him.

'Not as good as when I control my mana, maybe this method just isn't for me...'

According to the two methods to cast spells Harry preferred his mana control focused one, He sent another frown towards his shield while on the sidelines Voldemort masked the amazement he felt, the kid in front of him was a genius in manipulating his mana, he could almost control it at will something that he was able to do at the height of his powers, although he has a lot less power and mana than him right now, that would soon change when he reaches his magical maturity.

"T-that was marvelous Hector, i-it was a perfect Reducto Maximus, without incantations and wand movements to boot," Quirrell praised Harry who looked nonchalantly at Quirrell, it was beginning to irk Voldemort a little bit, the disregard that he held towards everyone else was a little annoying.

"S-seeing you manipulate mana so easily allows me to believe that you are ready for the next step, t-there are two types of spells Hector, t-the spells which could be used by anyone with enough practice like the reducto curse, a-and advanced spells that only a select few could ever do, w-what do you know about esoteric magic?" Quirrell asked gathering Harry's attention.

Harry stared at Quirrell for a bit, truth be told, Harry wasn't able to find any books on the topic in the Hogwarts library, and he didn't yet have permission slips to access the restricted section, he could sneak in if he wanted to, but he had plenty to read in the outer section alone, although the tomes there contained a lot of unnecessary information.

"Esoteric magic, all I could find on that topic was using emotions to fuel magic, which is silly cause I could use mana to create everything, I don't need a crutch..." Harry responded and Quirrell shook his head.

"N-no no, y-you see there are reasons that esoteric magic needs emotions to work, j-just like for rituals work, y-you sacrifice something in order to gain another thing, f-for example, t-there is a ritual that takes your ability to distinguish color but grants you mage sight, s-so for the ability to see mana you give up seeing the colorful world," Quirrell stated, Harry's thoughts went back today when Daphne revealed that she could see mana, that must be the compensation that the Greengrass family got for the price of being a matriarchy.

"...i-in the same way, i-it is believed that the most powerful of magics require emotions to support them, t-the Patronus Charm, t-the only defense mechanism against the d-dementors is a charm fueled with strong positive emotions of l-love and desire to protect, F-fiendfyre, t-the most destructive piece of magic left in the hands of the modern wizarding society, i-is fueled purely on desires of destruction and rage. I-it is theorized that to will these powerful pieces of magic into existence, w-we need to support them with emotions to gain control over them, i-if you lost control of the Patronus for example, it would just vanish, b-but if someone loses control of f-fiendfyre, t-the demonic fire would devour everything in existence including the caster, u-until someone controls it again," Voldemort took a pause as he looked at the blank face of Harry again, another thing that frustrated him was this blank face of his, it was perfect leaving him with no workaround it.

'Now that he trusts me a little, it's time to corrupt him with the true Dark Arts, once someone gets used to the rush you get from casting the Dark Arts, there is no going back to lighter spells, his mind and magic would slowly be corrupted by the dark magic...' Voldemort thought as he looked at the kid in front of him, maybe it was his hubris but he knew he could easily deal with the kid if he tried to oppose him, 'I just need to get my hand on the Philosopher's stone, and Hector will be a perfect agent hidden in Dumbledore's kingdom, soon I would take my rightful place at the top of Magical Britain...'

While Voldemort was lost in his thoughts, the control of the body was returned to Quirrell who stuttered, "W-we will begin p-practicing e-esoteric s-spells in the n-next s-session, m-make sure you c-come on time, i-it would be a t-tough night..." Harry noticed the change in his stuttering, he nodded blankly to the DADA professor before he made his way out of the classroom, a quick tempus revealed that it was almost 12, and he was violating the curfew, so he hurried towards the dungeons.

'I need to look into Quirrell's history...' Harry mused as he made his way towards the dungeons, he had been stalling it for a bit, but Quirrell knows a little too much compared to what an ex-muggle studies professor should know, maybe it was time to use Daphne's contacts, and maybe a book or two on esoteric magic won't hurt either.

Harry had a sudden compulsion to take a left instead of going straight towards the dungeons and he stopped as a screen appeared in front of him.

[System Log: Compulsion Ward averted]


AN: So there was a little bit of debate going on in the last paragraph of the previous chapter, and I actually didn't want to address that but I guess I could mention it a bit, Harry won't reconcile with his parents, I know a kid growing up abandoned by their parents would develop several psychological problems, one of them being the disdain for being babied, I am not saying that anyone out there would get this but most possibly you would.

So no Harry won't reconcile with his parents, he would come to like Ivy, and tolerate/like Charlus as well but not James and Lily.

Also, I don't get your need for Dumbledore bashing fics, there are plenty out there, if you really wanna read something like that just search for Dumbledore bashing on fan-fiction .net, I like Dumbledore as a character, he was a bit flawed sure, but almost everyone is, not everyone is supposed to be a hero you know!

Anyway sorry for ranting, lol...

If you want to read ahead:

there are 15 advanced chapters on P.atreon -patreon.com/WN_Translations

Latest Chapter 51- Rituals! Part-1

The first year would be ending in a few chapters there...

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