

We all fucked up.

We all failed him.

It was severe... to say the least about it.

"I can't believe him!" My speed scattered the words from all around me.

I couldn't believe he dared do that to Theo… Knowing that it would be temporary —somebody would eventually figure the sick game out and run to get the most important figure in the tabooed world back where he belonged, back to Anchorage.

His intention wasn't to hurt Theo. Else, he would've done so already, he could've left absolutely no evidence, and the lack of Theo's mental presence would've been dismissed as camouflage forever.

But that wasn't the puppet master's plan.

I figured that out a while ago. This was less against Theo and more against everyone around him. The puppet master was probably demonstrating one thing Theo would've rejected otherwise. That we were all a bunch of losers.

We would either find out when it was way too late, or worse, not find out at all.

I still felt the shudder while I ran.

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