
Chapter Fifty Five

"I will knock your ass out." You glare while gripping the extended hand tight, you were instantly pulled to your feet.

"Is that anyway to thank your savior?" Gray cocked his head to the side.

"I was doing just fine on my own."

"Oh yeah-" Gray hums, "-you looked like you had the situation completely under control." His mocking tone irritated your blood pressure.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I think the right words are: Thank you Gray, for saving my ass-"

"Why are you here Gray?" You repeated, louder this time, eyes darting over to Atsumi who laid unmoving.

"How about you explain why I didn't get an invention to the party!?" Gray countered, Toru snuck out from behind the counter just then, creeping over to you. "Who the hell are you?" Gray locked onto the moving figure.


"A U.A. student." You flatly replied.

"U.A. students walk around naked now?" Gray raised an eyebrow, "I mean I'm not complaining but..." Toru madly blushed, tightly hugging your jacket closer to her body.

"It's...." You sighed, rubbing your head. "...it's a long story." You pulled your hand back, dried blood flaked onto your gloves.

"Knowing you're in it-" Gray rolled his eyes, unzipping his jacket. "-I'm sure it's riveting, but you need to have your jacket on, you're still a target to these morons running around outside, place was crawling with them when I got here."

"Um..." Toru eyed Grays' jacket, he offered it to her, waiting for Toru to remove and return your jacket. "...can't she-she wear yours-?"

"Our jackets are designed to fit our bodies-" Gray explains, "-mine won't work as good on her if she was to get shot, now shut up and switch."


"Oh please-" Gray rolled his eyes. "-you don't have anything I haven't already seen."

"I-I mean-"

"You're not my type, honey -" Gray shook the jacket. "-I like a girl who can bite back, now come on, I'll turn around but you're going to give (y/n) her jacket, it could save her life, are you really going to fight me on this?"


"Good girl." Gray nods, handing off the jacket while turning, but noticing the mad blush taking over Torus' face. "I didn't peg you the type to have a praise kink."

"I-I don't-!" Toru's voice hitched while switching jackets.

"Mhm." Gray smirked, standing in his plain black shirt. His back to the two of you gave Toru the opportunity to observe the way his shirt outlines his toned muscles-

"How can you stand there-" Atsumi coughed, lifting herself on shaking arms. "-having a full conversation with a villain just feet from you?"

"Villain-?" Gray blinks looking around, "-where?"

"Cocky bastard-" Atsumi sneers.

"Mm-" Gray hums, a full smirk resting on his masked lips. "-that was my nickname in jail."

"I-I'm going to kill you all." Atsumi declares, baring her teeth.

"You know-" Gray clicked his tongue. "-you kinda of remind me of my fiancée when she throws her tantrum, you just need a good slap on the ass, and you'll be fine."

"Fiancée?" You turned, lips parting, the sudden shock reflected in your eyes.

"Surprise." Gray weakly shook his hands in midair. "I'm getting married!"

"Why don't you ever tell me shit-!?" You punched him in the arm.

"Ow!" Gray howls. "Maybe if you invited me to shit, I'd would tell you!"

"We were just trying to protect you for your family-"

"Hold up-" Gray shook his head.

"I'm not going to just sit here and let you finish-!" Atsumi struggled to her feet.

"Now now-!" Gray seethed, glaring into Atsumi's eyes. He used his gravity quirk, pushing her against the broken tile before turning back to you. "-(y/n), you are my family, you and Shiro will always come first to me no matter what. The three of us are forever entangled, I had hoped through these past years, you would have come to understand that...even just a little."


"There are none." Gray smiles, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "You were my sister long before I met my fiancée and had a kid. You will always be my number one girl."

"Ugh-!" Atsumi choked out, the weight crushing her lungs. "-shut up already-!"

"Can't you see we are having a moment over here!?" Gray waved.

"Can't you see I still have this?" Atsumi smirked, detonator in hand, a shaking thumb hovering over the little red button.

"Actually-" Gray sucked on the inside of his cheek. "-I did forget that."

"Now die Bullets!" Atsumi laughed, pressing the button, satisfaction of seeing her sister filled her eyes.

"Kinky bitch." Gray shrugs as the roar of the explosions rock the building.

Gray looped an arm around your waist, you gripped Toru as Gray lifted his arm while activating his quirk, he propelled the three of your off your feet and through the lobby wall as the floors began to crumble around Atsumi.

Gray clung onto you, using himself as a shield when you three crashed through the foundation of the building, landing on his back he lost his grip on you, the force knocked the wind from his lungs, he didn't know where you rolled off too as he struggled to gather the murky air into his body. Gray looked up, his heart dropping as the building began to sway.

"Shit-" He breathed seeing it was leaning his way. "-shit, shit, shit-!" He scrambled to find you through the haze, the urge to get out the way stung. Gray's eyes quickly darted back to the leaning building, chunks broke off from the upper levels, the structure of the foundation unstable as the rubble from above began it fall where Toru, you and Gray resided.

Before Gray could figure a way out of this one, a concentrated blast exploded in the air, breaking up the pieces as long black whips knocked them off course. Gray furrowed his brows, turning his head he noticed the bright red hair and waving arms running towards him

Thick white dust loomed in the air; it coated you in a layer as it filled your lungs you coughed it up, rolling off your stomach and onto your side you pride your burning eyes open. Your head throbbed with each beat of your heart.

You pinched your face, confused, you had forgotten what was going on around you, for a moment you didn't know where you were.

That is, until the pair of baggy black pants with knee guards planted on either side of your body catch your eye. You follow the legs, looking up to see Bakugo standing over you in a defensive position, his mouth moved, barking over at Gray.

"What the hell were you thinking-!?" Words scrambled their way into your brain, you limply moved your head, Gray was brushing Bakugo off as Midoriya helped him up, Kaminari and Kirishima were busy staring dumbfound at Toru. A bell sang in your ear as you scanned the area filled with rumble, it seems everywhere these U.A. kids go, something always got destroyed.

Wait...when did you move away from the collapsing building? It hung before you yards away as it crumbled in on itself.

"-hey-!" His pair of strong hands gripped your arms, lifting you to your feet effortlessly. You blinked, confused about how you were even on your feet, you didn't remember getting up. You look up, inches from Bakugo's face, those plump lips moved, but you didn't hear any words. You stared forward into his chest. "-damnit-!" He cursed, shaking you. "-(y/n)-!"

"Huh?" You blinked, looking up, finally something clicked inside your rattled skull.

"You have a concussion." Bakugo breathed, scanning your face, he cupped the side of your head checking you over. "You've been bleeding."

"I do that a lot." You hummed as the ground swayed, lulling you to sleep.

"(y/n)-!" Bakugo cursed, catching you before you could fall over, he pulled you into his arms, he pressed you against him, it would have hurt if the warmth radiating off him didn't offer so much comfort, instantly losing yourself in it.

"-fucking brat." Bakugo whispered into your hair. "You scared the shit outta me." He tightened his grip, "I didn't know where you were, what had happened...I-I don't even know how we got separated, one moment you were there, and the next-" Bakugo pulled away, without thinking he pulled the black material down, his eyes scanned over your exposed face.

Gray stood off to the side, eyebrow raised, you didn't punch or shoot him when he touched your mask...interesting...

"I should have fucking been there-" Bakugo locked his jaw, fingers lightly brushing beside a cut on your forehead. He promised he'd never let anything, or anyone touch you ever again and here was already failing, again.

You lifted your hand, sliding your mask over your face while your eyes tried to close themselves.

"Where's your mask?" Bakugo wondered, not seeing the metal contraption anywhere.

"Some villain wanted it."

"They wanted it?" Bakugo frowned, waiting for clarification.

"Mm-" You hummed, blinking the burning sensation away. "-so, I gave it to her."

"What-?" Bakugo went to question but was cut off by the gurgling snarl ripping through the air.

Heads spun to gaze onto the collapsed building. You furrowed your brows, when did the building completely collapse?

Shiro sucked in a cold breath as he gripped his forearm, recalling the maddening pain when his arm was snapped in half like a twig. He knew that sound, he knew it so well, it lived inside his scar tissue.

"...(y/n)..." Gray slowly called, his blood thinning with anticipation, finally realizing a body was missing. "...where is Shiro?"

He had been so focused on you, getting you away from Atsumi he hadn't noticed Shiro wasn't there. A part of him believed he was off squishing villains as he enjoyed doing. You locked eyes with him, as the words left your mouth you knew you had made a mistake, the hardened realization settled in your stomach like jagged boulders.

"Beast mode."

Gray held your gaze for only a moment before flickering back to the building.

"We need to run." Gray whispers, taking a step back. The sound of moving rubble churned his stomach.

He was coming.

"We need to go now!" Gray yelled, darting over, grabbing your arm ignoring Bakugo's protest and bolted into a sprint.

It was coming.

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