
Chapter 55

Crating her back up, Einstein ordered a worker droid carry her container back to the ship as he cleaned up his tools and prepared for his own departure. Exiting for the first time in days from the service bay, he ran into a broadly smiling Seth.

"Einstein, there you are. I wondered where you got to. Did you find any time to bang some pussy in between being responsible?"

"If you are referring to copulation, then no, but I assume by your lowered testosterone levels that you did?"

"Did I fucking ever. I might have just beaten a record for number of orgasms in a row." Seth's hips thrust and Einstein shook his head.

"You and your need for sex. I don't think I'll ever understand it."

"I feel sorry for you." Seth clapped him on the back. "But even sorrier for the droid you eventually bang, because when you do finally figure out what your cock is good for, you're going to blow a hole right through her with your first load."

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