
Chapter 33

F814 heard the sounds of a fight but didn't turn to watch. She had too many other things to occupy her mind. First and foremost the stranger's belief she was cyborg like them. Impossible. Or was it?

Thinking back on her brief existence, she couldn't deny she differed from the other machines. Sure, she bore a bionic arm and couldn't deny the presence of the BCI in her head, but apart from that, everything else about her was different. She was fleshy, easily wounded, and revoltingly human like. She even bled like her creators when injured. And she sported hair on her head unlike the shiny, bald pates of her metallic coworkers. Her hand went to her short and ragged locks, longer than she ever recalled them growing, the foreman usually shearing her to the scalp on a weekly basis because it was easier.

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