
Crazy numbers

[ Mission issued:

Task: Erase the cultivation reality.

Reward:500 super points(500 trillion points)

punishment: None

Time limit :∞


"W-wait have you gone crazy, this is a reality we are talking about, Oh my!, stella had gone Bonks"

"No, when you become powerfull and unlock your hidden powers, such a thing will be trifling! "

Sen now had a massive headache. This was a fucking reality, how can she just say to wipe it out. Now Sen started to doubt if they were talking about the same thing.

"Are we talking about the same thing?. just to make sure"

"Yes, absolutely!"


"I don't belive it, tell me stella, what is a reality"

Yes! an important question, what was a reality and what significance does it hold.

"There, are many ways to define a reality, it is the absolute truth that beings within in it cannot circumvented nor den-"

"Don't cringe with me, and tell me like a normal person "

Stella popped a vain.

"You!, I am not cringing!, and it's not my fault that you cannot understand deep words Ahem!. Ahem!. You made me lose my composure, Here is free book for you, learn some poetry and don't be a mongrel"

A big literature book just came into existence and fell on his head.


"How dare you!?, I clearly understand and enjoy this kind of things I just wanted you to cut to the point"

After a millennia of arguing. They finaly decided to cut to the chase.

"A reality is a state of existence, or one can say that it is rules that one must or will abide, like gravity attracts, boy attracts boy or equal and oposite reaction, there is a vast number of reality within creation and many with different rules. And diffrent realities have diffrent amount of universes within them too"

It was more complicated than he thought.

"And, how many universes does this cultivation reality have?"

"Only a trillion!"

'Sen take a deep breath and calmly analyse the situation, so a universe has basic length of 98 billion light years, so so so so, the minimum amount dead will be, guessing a 1000 sextillion oh, my me '

Little did he know majority of the planets in every universe was occupied by cultivators. so, the numbers where even more astronomical.

Sen shook his head vigorously "No, no this are all distractions, I must fist and foremost increase my strength, afterall I will think about in the in the comming future. Ah, were was I again space, yes! space time, it was already procrastinated now no more. Where was that again "

After a few movements of searching. A mysterious book with a thick metallic cover was found.

"Finally, soon the ultimate power of space time will be mine"

Sen opened the book and started flipping the pages.


And in the first page.

«Did you know that, your oldest photo is your youngest photo, and your youngest photo is your oldest photo»


Sen closed the book calmly and closed his eyes, took a deep breath. And.


Sen intensively threw the book at full force breaking the wall, the book flew at immense speeds tearing walls. Kito who was reading a news paper, now had a big hole on the news paper and grew confused 'eh?'.

The book few at immense speeds and broke a peacefull chickens neck, who silently pecking her feathers. Now we know why the book has a thick cover.The book settled near the dead chicken, in an open position.

«And now people that's the cause effect...»

:) sorry busy day

Ur_Papacreators' thoughts
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