
Act 10: Hiding [Ep2]

Nancy and Barbara were in Barbara's car, Barb was driving while Nancy was in the passenger's seat. When they were a walking distance away from Steve's house, Nancy told Barb to pull on the side of the road. 

" Barbara, Pull over " 

" What?" 

"Pull over!" 

Once Barbara had stopped the car and parked it, She turned to Nancy, " What are we doing here? His house is three blocks away " Barb pointed out, Pushing his glasses up from slipping off her nose. Nancy began taking her shirt off, " We can't park in the driveway" Mancy stated like it was an obvious thing thats Barb should know, " Are you serious?" Barb Sighed with exasperation, " Yeah, The neighbours might see " Nancy was ruffling through her bag as she answered Barbara. 

" This is so stupid. I'm just gonna drop you off " Barbara told her as she began turing the car back on before Nancy stopped her, " Calm down, Barb. Come one. You promised that you'd go. You're coming. We're gonna have a great time" Nancy assured her, trying to convince Barb, which almost worked. Key word Almost. 

" He just wants to get in your pants" Barb said with conviction, Sighing as she adjusted her glasses again. Nancy chuckled as she finally found the shirt she wanted, " No, He doesn't " She replied as she slipped the shirt on over her tan bra. 

Barbara sighed once again, " Nance . . . Seriously. He invited you to his house. His parents aren't home. Come on, you are not this stupid" Barbara said, rubbing her forehead with her hand to wipe away the sweat forming on her brow. 

" Tommy H and Carol are gonna be there " Nancy informed her, Still trying to deny what Barb was telling her. " Tommy and Carol have been having sex since, like, the seventh grade. It'll probably just be like a big orgy " Barb dryly chuckleD. Nancy grimaced, " Gross" She commented, fixing her shirt. 

" I'm serious!" Barbara exclaimed, Nancy sighed as she finally turned to Barb, " All right, Well . . .You can be like my guardian. Alright? Make sure I don't ger drunk and do anything stupid " Nancy finally convice Barb after that. 

Barbara finally relented, nodding her head with a soft hum before she noticed the bra slightly sticking out her shirt, " Is that a new bra?" She inquired, tilting her head slightly at Nancy, Who quickly shook her head, "No" She said. 

At The Harrington house, Front door. Time: Night . . . . 

Nancy rung the doorbell as she and Barbara stood in front of the front door, Nancy noticed how tense Barbara looked. She put her hand on her shoulder to help her relax a little bit, " Barb, Chill" She chuckled lightly, " I'm Chill " Barb replied, crossing her arms over her chest when the door swing open and reveled steve, " Hello, Ladies" He smiled. 

At Hoppers Trailer, The balcony/Porch (I'm not sure what it was). Time: Night . . . . 

Hopper was standing outside, cigarette in mouth as he watched the water of the lake ripple from the wind and leaves, The woman he was seeing currently followed him out shortly after. She hugged him from behind, " What are you doing? It's freezing " Sandra chuckled, she looked up at Hopper and noted his serious expression as he began talking, " You ever feel cursed? " He started before pausing for a brief second, 

" You know, The last person to go missing here was in, uh, . . .  the summer of '23. The last suicide was the fall of '61 " Hopper was mostly just talking to himself as he took a few drags of his cigarette.

Sandra tried to lighten the mood a bit by making a joke, " When'd the last person freeze to death? " However, Hopper gave her no response so she just sighed, " Hey, come back inside. Warm me up, come . ." Sandra tried to drag Hopper back into the room but Hopper softly yanked his arm out of her grip," Just. . . . Just give me a minute out here . . . " He said, turning to look back at the lake. Sandra sighed, shaking her head before heading back into the room. 

At The Wheeler's house, Basement. Time: Night . . . . 

Mike, Dustin and Lucas were trying to figure out how to find Will, Whether they should go back out to the woods to look again. Twelve and Eleven were sitting in the fort, Eleven was messing with the Supercomm While Twelve watched the boys with curious eyes as he held onto Rory, who he had yet to put down. 

Twelve listened to the trio make plans to go back into the woods, intent on finding Will. It seemed Mike had simply brushed off what Twelve said earlier in his room- - -  Which made Twelve upset for some reason. Twelve turned back to El, Who felt his gaze and looked up to meet his eyes. Twelve silently asked her if it was alright to tell them what he saw with his eyes. 

Eleven thought about if for a second before Nodding her head, " Yes " She told him, putting the Supercomm down as they both crawled out of the fort. Twelve helped Eleven stand up, then made their way over to the table where the Dungeon and dragons board map was still laying. 

The trio had noticed their movements, " What are the weirdo's doing?" Lucas voiced as Eleven and Twelve sat down at the table. Mike sat next to Twelve, " Lev? El?" He called out but stopped speaking when he saw Twelve pick up Will's wizard figurine. 

" Will" He said as he turned to look at Mike, Who was still confused. " Superpowers " Dustin muttered from behind them, " Did you see him? On mirkwood? Do you know where he is?" Mike questioned them, However the pair didn't answer them. Eleven cleared the rest of the figurines off the map before flipping upside down, leaving only the black part visible to the boys. 

Twelve then placed Will's figurine in the middle of the board Bur the boys didn't understand what they were doing, " I don't understand " Mike told them, his gazing flitting between Twelve and Eleven. The pair glanced at each other before their gaze settled on The black board, " Hiding" Twelve informed them. " Will is hiding?" Mike asked, His gaze stopping on Twelve, who was looking back at him now. Twelve nodded his head as he pulled Rory closer to his chest, " From the bad men?" But Twelve and Eleven shook their heads, their faces paling significantly, " Then . . . . From Who? " Mike inquired caustionly, uneasiness filling his bones as he watched Twelve pick up another figurine and place it beside Will's Wizard. 

The Demogorgon . . . .  

At The Woods, Close to The Harrington's House. Time: Night . . . . 

Jonathan was wandering through the woods with his camera in his hands, Taking pictures of anything in hopes of capturing anything that could help in the search for Will. He took multiple pictures before he sighed and lowered the camera, " Where are you?" He questioned aloud, lifting the camera up and taking a few more pictures when he suddenly heard a scream. He turned his head in the direction he heard if coming from and ran as fast as he could towards it. 

When he finally got there, He saw that it was only Carol and Tommy. He sighed, panting a little bit as he was out of breath from running. He lingered for a bit though, watching The small party. 

Tommy had thrown Carol into the pool before jumping in himself, They were laughing and cussing each other out as they swam. There was rock music playing near Nancy, Barb and Steve- - -  Who were sitting on the lawn chairs. Steve had the bright idea to cut a hole in a beer can before chugging it down. 

He threw the can away when he was finished before turning to Nancy, " Is that supposed to impress me?" Nancy sweatdropped, chuckling a slight bit as Steve sat back down. Steve raised his eyebrow at her, " You're not?" He playfully inquired. Nancy smiled, " You are a cliche, You do realise that?" She told him, shaking her head. 

" You're a cliche. What with your . . . Grades and your band practice " Steve smiled back, using arm motions as Nancy laughed, " I'm so not in band " She told him, wondering where he got that idea. Nancy hadn't even noticed barb when she tried to get her attention, She kept her eyes on Steve as they talked. 

Barbara sighed with irritation as she watched Nancy and Steve, " Okay, party girl. Why don't you just, uh, show us how it's done, then?" Steve suggested to her, handing her the knife and a can of beer. Nancy took them both from him, ignoring Barb's warnings and stood up. She opened the knife, " You gotta make a little hole right in - - -

"I got it" Nancy cut off Steve, " Yeah, She's smart, You douche!" Tommy yelled, Carol chuckling when Steve grumbled. 

Nancy made the Hole and started drinking, Steve, Tommy and Carol began chanting "Chug, Chug, Chug" When she finally finished, they all cheered and laughed. Nancy finally remembered her friend that she brought with her, " Barb, You wanna try?" She offered, Barbara quickly shook her head, " What? No, I don't want to. Thanks " She quickly shot Nancy down, refusing to do it. 

Nancy, However, was already a bit drunk so she wouldn't take "No" for an answer and continued to Push Barbara, " Come on" She whined, The others backing her up. But Barbara really didn't want to. She didn't want to be here. She wished she was some place quiet, like her home or the Library. Just somewhere else. 

" Nance, I don't want to " She continued to tell her friend, not giving in. She hated all the eyes on her right now. She cringed, She didn't like the spotlight like this, and Nancy wasn't helping right now, " It's fun. Just give it a- - - " Nance" Barb said louder, making Nancy frown. She sighed, putting the beer can in Barb's hand before she could retort, " Just . . . . Just give it a shot . . . " She pleaded, Giving Barb slightly puppy dog eyes that begged her to go along with it. 

Barb sighed, Discomfort filling her body, " Okay " She eventually agreed with a heavy sigh, She took the knife and was about to make a hole in the can when she accidentally cut her hand, making her gasp sharply," Are you Okay?" She took the beer can and Knife from Barbara as she looked at the large cut on her hand, " Yeah" Barbara clutched her hand, trying to get the bleeding to stop. Nancy sighed with exasperation, " Barb, You're bleeding " Nancy pointed out. Barb pushed past Nancy, " It's fine. Where's your bathroom?" She questioned Steve,

" Oh, It's . . . Its, uh, down past the kitchen, to the left " He instructed her. Barb nodded her head,

" Okay, Thanks" She didn't look back at Nancy once. Jonathan took a few more pictures, aware that this was wrong. 

Once Barbara was gone, Tommy took this opportunity to Push Carol back into the pool, "Oh my god! What the hell, Tommy!? " She yelled before getting out the way as Tommy jumped back in, making a big splash. Steve then joined in, Pushing Nancy into the pool as he cannonballed in, they were all laughing and having fun as Jonathan continued to take photos of them all. 

At The Byers House, The hallway. Time: Night . . . . 

The phone abruptly rang, Startling Joyce- - -  Who had fallen asleep at some point in the chair she pulled over so she could reach the new phone she bought- - - awake. She quickly picked the Phone up off the receiver and answered the call, "Hello?" She said in a shaky voice. 

There was no answer except for Muffled breathing coming from the other side of the phone, " W-Who is this? " She stammered, her hands started shaking. There was again no answer but she could make out low whimpering, Joyce paused as tears began pooling in her eyes. 

" Will?" 

The muffled breathing continued, Then there was an indistinct noise coming from the other side of the phone. Then Joyce heard soft sobbing, " Will it's me. Talk to me, I'm here. Just tell me where you are, Honey. I can hear you, please " Joyce started crying softly when she heard Will's distorted voice talking through the static from the other side of the phone, " Mom?" 

" Will!" She started sobbing, " Yes, It's me. It's me. Where are you? Where are you? Just talk to me  - - - - " Joyce screamed in pain when the electricity spiked and burnt the phone and her hand again,

" Oh, No, No! No! " She sobbed as she fell to her knees. She tied to dial the phone again, but it wouldn't work. She had lost her son again, " No! No! NO! " She screamed, wailing into her hands as she threw the phone away from her and onto the ground. 

As she was sobbing, She heard soft whimpering coming from around the house. Joyce quieted down a bit," Jonathan?" She cautiously called out, She stood up on her wobbling legs. She saw the lights on the hallway start going off in a line down the hallway, All the way down to Will's bedroom. 

Joyce wiped her eyes as she watched the lights, When all of sudden music blaring from Will's radio in his room. It scared Joyce, she jumped slightly as she slowly made her way to Will's bedroom. The song "Should I stay or should I" was playing on the stereo. There was whimpering coming from his room as the music continued blaring loudly. 

" Will . . . " 

" Will, Is that you?" She sobbed when the music abruptly stopped, The whimpering got louder and louder until it became a scream. Joyce started panicking, when she heard a loud, guttural growling as something started coming from the wall opposite of where Joyce was standing.

Joyce became paralysed with fear, She was left staring at the thing trying to claw it's way out of the wallpaper. She gasped softly, " Oh, My God" She started whimpering as she ran out the house as fast as she could make her legs go, " Oh my god . . . " She got into her and tried to put the key into the keyhole. It took  a few times because her hands were shaking so much. 

Finally she got the key in, She turned on the engine at that moment when The music in Will's room began playing again. The electricity was crackling as Joyce cautiously walked back into her house and into her son's room. There was nothing coming from the wall, she tried to push it all to the back of her mind as she watched the lights dance and the music play. Her baby was here. He was here. 

At The Harrington's house, Backyard. Time: Night . . . 

The two pairs of couples were now shuddering and shivering because of the cold air hitting them as they exited the pool, They quickly headed into Steve's house with towels wrapped around them to try and warm them up a bit. 

Carol turned to Tommy, " I'm freezing" She whined, leaning on Tommy, " Hmm . . . Well, I hear his mom's room has a fireplace " Tommy smiled, leading Carol up the stairs as Steve called after him, " Are you kidding?" He sweatdropped, sighing. Carol raised her eyes,

" Oh yeah?" She grinned, letting him take her upstairs. They left foot prints of water that Steve would have to clean up later, he groaned. 

" Okay, Well, you know, You're cleaning the sheets" Steve heard them laugh as they entered the room, He sighed as he turned to Nancy, " You alright? " He asked her, " Yeah" She shivered in her wet clothes as she looked around Steve's living room. It was bigger and a lot more beautiful than her living room but it didn't feel very homey. 

" Yeah? Come on, Lets get you some dry clothes" Steve said, holding his hand out to her as he stood on the stairs. Nancy hesitated a second before taking his hand, letting his lead her up the stairs before Barb stopped her. 

" Nance! Nancy, Where are you going? " Barb asked her exasperated, This was the reason why Barb agreed to come here. To stop Nancy from doing stuff like this, yet here she was, going upstairs with Steve Harrington. Barbara felt like she cam here for no reason, all she gained from this was a cut on her hand . . .  This wasn't worth it. She shouldn't have come here. She felt tears prickle her eyes as Nancy answered her,

" Nowhere, Just . . .  Upstairs. To change I . . .  fell in the pool" Nancy chuckled before stopping when she saw the look on Barbara's face.

" . . . Why don't you go ahead and go home. I'll just . . .I'll get a ride or something . . ." Nancy felt guilty but she was drunk and she couldn't stop talking, She saw Barb scoff lightly, " Nance . . ." She silently pleaded. Nancy, However, just couldn't stop seem to stop spewing nonsense,

" Barb . . .  I'm fine " She said, her tone harsher then usual. Barb gritted her teeth, " This isn't you" She fumed, rubbing her arms through her jacket, Wincing as she touched her hand with the large gash on it. 

Nancy faltered a bit, wanting to go down and see if she was alright but her head was swimming and she just continued talking, " I'm fine. Just  . . .  Go ahead and go home, Okay? " She then quickly headed upstairs to Steve's room. Barbara scoffed as she headed back to the pool, She took a seat on the diving board, she had taken her shoes off and was letting them swish around the water as she clutched her bleeding hand, The blood began dripping down and mixing into the water. Jonathan snapped a few photos of her just sitting all alone in the silence. 

At The Harrington's house, Steve's bedroom. Time: Night . . . . 

Steve quickly came back with a pair of dry clothes that Nancy could change into, She took them from his hands as she turned her attention away from the window. She smiled at Steve,

" Thanks " She said, slipping the towel down a bit before she glanced back at Steve, " Um . . . Some privacy, Maybe? " She chuckled at Steve, who clicked his tongue, " Oh, Right. Sorry " He nervously chuckled as he turned around. 

However, Just before Steve left the room, Nancy called after him. 


He turned around, His mouth a gap as he stared at her slowly removing the towel on her shoulders, " Damn" He whispered, Making Nancy chuckle, " Shut up" Steve moved over to her, Capturing her lips in a sweet, lustful kiss. They moved to them bed, moaning and kisses echoing the room. Jonathan had snapped a few shots of them that he felt guilty for when his camera got jammed. He looked down at it and smacked it a few times, lowering his head to figure out what was wrong with it. 

Because of this, He missed the lights start flickering in and out, The sound of Electricity pulsating as the lights began glowing brighter and brighter as Barbara felt something creep up behind her. She started trembling as she slowly turned her head to look at the faceless creature in the dark that growled loudly as she shrieked. 

Jonathan looked back up but. . . .  Didn't see anything. No Barbara, No nothing. All that was left was the rock music that was left still playing. Jonathan quickly shrugged it away and left the house, still continuing his search for his younger brother. 

No one was any wiser of the fact that Barbara had disappeared, As everyone was too focused on their own things at the moment. No one even remembering Barbara at this moment, Poor Barbara . . . END EPISODE. 

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