
Chapter 13: Pepper's Perilous Predicament

Meanwhile, As Tony and John get ready for the next day, Tony eventually returns to his lab, and Rhody while John gets back to his dorm room to get ready for the meeting he set. Pepper is downtown in new york sitting in an abandoned warehouse.

She has been waiting in this warehouse for a while already as the intel she had gathered not only from her father's work computer but also from her investigation said that there was a deal going down here between one of the maggia families and someone.

Pepper wearing her homemade stealth suit crouched lower on the ceiling beam she was on and a couple of Maggia goons walk in while talking. " man can you believe this shit. Louie, Hammerhead says there will be a potential 'partner' showing up today that will up our gear, and our job is to scout out beforehand."

"It is bullshit is what it is Louie I got a bad feeling about this whole thing." the other thug looks through the common full white face mask that all maggia goons wear and adjusts his hat. " Would you just shut up Jack you're bitchin ain't gonna change shit let's just get this done I don't wanna be on the boss's bad side"

While pepper watches and records the conversation she checks the rest of her gear just in case things go south she checks both her stun gun and taser that she liberated from her dad's stuff as well as recording gear before slowly creeping closer ready to record anything that goes down for evidence.

After a few minutes of looking around the goons eventually post up near the door just as 12 more goons and a rather large man in armor walk inside. The armor is matt black with a red undertone and has one main camera and a horn on the helm.

Pepper tries super hard not to make a sound as she watches them walk in and shortly after from the other side of the warehouse 8 grunts and a man that looks like a middle management type, the middle management man signals for his men to stand guard.

" well well greetings gentlemen shall we get to business" the man sits at a table placed at one end of the warehouse and as he does the rather large man in armor does the same before speaking up. " Hammerhead said that you are willing to make a deal for high-tech weapons is that correct?"

The man across from him frowns slightly " well in a way yes here let me show you" The guy puts the briefcase on the table and opens it up revealing two things a contract and a pair of gauntlets. " the contract is simple we Roxxon Energy will give you experimental tech from Project Pegasus in return you help us with certain off the books operations."

Unicorn the man in armor grins and pulls out a phone before making a call " yeah boss, sure thing boss" before hanging up. " Boss man says that your generosity has been felt and that the Hammerhead family is pleased to be working with you."

As the unicorn is talking to the man from Roxxon one of the Maggia grunts takes the gloves and puts them on " hey boss what do these things do hmmm?" Unicorn looks at him a frowns " Herman put those down" while the Roxxon man smiles slightly " those are a sign of goodwill from us Vibro shock gauntlets strong enough to flip cars or smash concrete."

Just then the gloves go off firing a shot into the roof knocking the grunt on his ass and making his mask fall off. " Damn these things got some kick to them." he then aims them at unicorn fires sending the armored man into a couple of boxes " what do you think Unicorn?"

shortly after the man appears from the boxes almost unscathed and just then a high-pitched yelp was heard as the shot that went into the roof had weakened the beam pepper had been spying from and it had shifted under her causing her to yelp in shock

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