
Chapter 89: Camping Trip Arc (4)

Chapter 89: Camping Trip Arc (4)

~Third POV~

[Day 2, The Beast Forest, Wild Pussycat Office, Nagano, Japan]

Meanwhile, a little bit later, Class 1-B had just woken up with their Homeroom teacher Vlad King speaking to them as they all exclaimed, "Improve on our Quirks…?!"

Vlad King nodded as he spoke up to his class in a stoic tone getting their attention immediately, "Class A's already at it, so let's get moving. Class A stole the spotlight every time in the first semester, so the second semester's gonna be class B's time to shine. Got that? Not class A. Us!"

A few classmates thought simultaneously of their constant defeats, 'Sensei…!! Sorry, we haven't made you proud!'

While walking behind King Vlad, Setsuna spoke up curiously about her teacher's comment in a confused tone, "You say improve your quirks like it's nothing, but there're 20 of us, all with different Quirks… how do we each go about doing this…? Can we get some details here?"



Walking to their destination, following behind King Vlad, he spoke up in a determined tone, showing Class 1-B Class A's training, "Overusing your muscles ends up tearing the fibers, but then they recover and get thicker and stronger. Quirks are the same. They get stronger through continued use and weaker if they're underutilized! Which means there's only one thing you gotta do… smash past your limits!"

The class of 1-B stood there stunned seeing the training as they all thought, 'What the hell! This looks like a scene of hell on earth…!!!'



Bakugo was seen plunging his hands in boiling water and then pointing them upwards to make explosions. The goal of this is to expand his sweat glands and increase the force of his explosions.


Sero was seen producing as much tape as he could to increase its capacity, speed, and strength. Todoroki was freezing and melting the water while he sat inside a barrel, trying to manage the perfect temperature and gain more control over his Quirk.


Ida was doing long-distance running along with one of Ren's clones, pushing past their limits wearing the High-Density Weights. But then they turned their heads to Kirishima, Kendo, Shinso, and another one of Ren's clones sparing…




However, it was a one-sided slaughter, with Kendo and Kirishima being thrown into a nearby rock wall, feeling some bones crack. But when one of his clones placed his hands over to them activating [Cellular Activation], already healing them, they groaned in pain but did not complain, helping increase their pain and strength endurance.


Kaminari and one of Ren's clones were running their electrical powers through a large battery, training to increase their electric capacity. Inside the cave was Tokoyami in a dark cave screaming, with the 4th clone helping him control his inner darkness…




Soon, King Vlad spoke up, informing his students about different types of training in a neutral tone looking at the training, "… Normally, you'd be doing all this at the same rate that your bodies grow…"

But that was when Aizawa and Ren walked in as Class A's homeroom teacher spoke in a stoic tone, piggybacking Vlad King's sentence, "… But there's no time for that. Get to it, Class B."

That was when Setsuna asked in a curious tone, looking at her classmates in Class 1-B, "But there're 40 of us altogether. How can just the 6 of you oversee all of us and our Quirks?"

Aizawa soon spoke up, answering her question in a tired tone, "That's why we have these ladies."

At that moment, the full team of the Wild, Wild Pussycats arrived, doing their pose in an excited tone, "Rock with these sparkling gazes! We've come to lend a paw and help!! We've come from… somewhere… stingingly cute and catlike! Wild, Wild… Pussycats!!! (Full version)."

Ren quickly used [Observe], looking at the remaining members of the Wild Wild Pussycats as he thought weirdly, 'Yeah… if they took out the guy, then that would be cute. But that man… his wearing a skirt.'

[Tomoko Shiretoko Lv.30 Rescue Hero

Description: Tomoko Shiretoko, also known as Ragdoll, is the No. 32 Pro Hero and member of the Wild, Wild Pussycats. Even among the overzealous and eccentric Pussycats team, Ragdoll stands out as the most hyperactive personality among them. She is very energetic and can be told through her body language, like constant blinking or the inability to remain still.

Her Quirk [Search] allowed her to observe and monitor up to 100 people at a time, including their location and weak points. This Quirk also stored the data it gathered in Tomoko's memory.]

[Yawara Chatora Lv.30 Rescue Hero

Description: Yawara Chatora, also known as Tiger, is a Pro Hero and member of the Wild, Wild Pussycats. Yawara is a very macho, strict, and intimidating man who almost always has a fear-inducing aura surrounding him. At the same time, he maintains the same level of silly eccentricity as his teammates. Yawara Quirk [Pliabody] allows him to stretch, flatten, and bend his body in ways that would normally be impossible.]

Yawara is a tall, muscular man with short brown hair and a small, triangle-shaped beard. He has blank white eyes with black markings surrounding them. Tiger wears a brown version of the Pussycats' hero costume.

Tomoko is a young woman of medium height with long, emerald, green hair and big round yellow eyes that are almost always open all the way, with three small eyelashes located toward the top of each eye.

As a part of her costume, she draws pink marks on her cheeks that resemble whiskers and a pink circle around her right eye. Ragdoll sports a yellow version of the Pussycats' hero costume.

With their intro done, the Wild, Wild Pussycats began to exclaim their abilities excitedly, starting with Ragdoll, "My quirk is [Search]! I know everything about anyone I lay eyes on, up to 100 people at a time! Including location and weaknesses!"

Pixie-Bob revealed her power controlling the earth in an excited tone, eyeing Class 1-B male students, "With my [Earth Flow], I can create the perfect training environment for each of you!"

Mandalay pointed to herself in a confident tone, responding to the Quirk in her head, "And I use my [Telepath] to advise each of you, all at once."

And the last one Tiger pointed out in a deep, menacing tone, startling the power-up types, "And I'm here to punch and kick you into shape…!"

When they heard this, the Class 1-B students thought in a stunned tone, 'There are so many things wrong with that.'


That was when Tiger pointed his kitty paw at Ren's methods with a satisfied grin, with Kirishima coughing out his spit, crashing into a nearby stone wall, "Or you can help sharpen your battle instincts with sparing of Class A's Class Rep. Unlike me he won't hesitate to break your bones or rough you up in his matches."

Seeing genuine concern, Setsuna asked in a curious tone, seeing Ren left Aizawa's side, placing a hand over Kirishima, "If that's the case… then does he have a Quirk that can heal people like Recovery Girl?"


Seeing the effects of [Cellular Activation] in the wounds on Kirishima's body answered Setsuna's question. Being healed, Kirishima groaned, flinching from the pain in an annoyed tone, "Aww man… I thought for sure I had you there. But man, you punch like a son of a bitch dude…"

Ren chuckled as he began healing him up from being used as a punching bag in a confident tone, praising his classmate's determination, "Good. At least you're not bitching about being in pain or having your bones broken up. While brutal, I'll be sure to be as lenient as I can with you guys. But the villains won't, so you must sharpen your Quirks and instincts when such a time happens."

That was when Tiger spoke up, alerting Ren in a wide-open body gesture in a determined tone, "Now Ren… Come at me!"




Going for a straight punch, Tiger moved his body with his Quirk [Pilabody] to twist, avoiding a confrontation as he spoke in a serious tone, "Okay. Not quite sharp yet!! It's proof you're not ripping those muscles apart enough!! [Cat Punch]!!"


Tanking the hit using his [Battle Flow] with a grin, Ren responded in a cocky tone, "And I didn't think an old man like you could punch that weak!"

Tiger got a tick mark as he began to practice sparing against Ren for his old man remark. Aizawa sighed as he spoke up, explaining to the students, "Sigh… UA's got a lot going on. We can't allocate too much of the staff just to the hero course first years… so these four, with their track record and wide range of practical Quirks… are perfect for helping you guys improve in a short amount of time. It's the most rational solution. Now get to work."

Class 1-B all nodded as the power types got a first-hand course of training fiercely. All while this was happening, Kota observed the heroes training with harsh disdain written in his eyes, observing them train…


[Day 2 4:00 PM, The Beast Forest, Wild Pussycat Office, Nagano, Japan]

After training, both classes arrived in front of sets of tables with food ingredients shown. It was when Ragdoll explained in a hyperactive tone the situation, "Wanna eat? Then you gotta cook for yourselves!! Today is curry!!"

Pixie-Bob also chimes in an excited tone, revealing all the tools and kitchen utensils happily, "As we said, the pampering ended yesterday!!"


Many of the students of Class 1-A and Class 1-B muttered in a defeated tone, "Yes, ma'am…"

Being depressed filled the air with Ragdoll happily laughing, having a lot of energy to spare, commenting happily, "Bwahahaha!! You all look worse for wear!! That's why this is no mere kitty chow you'll be making!"

Everyone sighed, but Ren's eyes glinted in excitement, as did his clones. Seeing everyone's tired expressions, he spoke up with his clones, getting to work, "If you guys want, I can cook the curry myself, but if you feel the need to help, I can make the curry for both classes if you want. All I need is some help prepping the food, and I'll handle the rest. Shoto and Momo help me set up the fire."

Hearing that it would be Ren cooking, their motivation and spirit returned as they all began to work using his Quirks in tandem, creating Curry effectively. Remembering the barbeque that he made during I-Island, Bakugo spoke up in a serious tone, "You idiots better make sure to let him cook!!"

Class A all nodded, agreeing, not even refuting Bakugo's words. Seeing the chance of free work, Class 1-B accepted with Setsuna helping and her vice rep in a cheerful tone, "Sure! But I can't let you guys do it alone tell me what I gotta do to help?"

Ren smiled, making the calls and orders to what Setsuna and her Vice Rep would be doing soon, creating the curry with a smokey aroma hitting everyone. Pixie-Bob sniffs the air, smirking happily, squealing in delight, "Oooh! He's definitely a catch! So many good guys this term! I can't decide!"

They all involuntarily gulped, with Ren presenting pairs of pots, spoons, forks, and plates in a proud tone, "Done! We have three pairs of pots of curry for anyone's fancy having mild, hot, and extra hot. Please dig in, and thank you for the help making this meal."

Everyone soon began to dig in as their tastebuds exploded in their mouths. A sensation rippled through them feeling a pleasant feeling up within them…



Their eyes all shot open as they blissfully yelled, "IT TASTE SO GOOD…!!!"

They continued eating with tears streaming down their faces as Kirishima commented, digging down on the curry in a proud tone, "This curry…!!! It's out of this world… the spiciness, the texture… the sauce!! Mama Mia, it's a good!!"

Shinso soon commented, having tears streaming down in a happy tone, "I never knew food tasted this good till now… being beaten up and healed only to be brutalized just to taste this delicacy in the end… worth it."

Mina cried happily, tasting the food of plain old store curry being this delicious under a cook in their class in a blissful tone, "This food….!! I've tasted home-cooked curry, but it was never this good!! Only by the hands of our class rep can even ordinary cooking items become delicious food! Gods, I would marry the cook if I could have this every day!!!"

Her words were shared by the girls, sharing the same sentiment with even Jiro and Yui hesitating to change their opinion of Ren's status as a pervert to potential boyfriend material just for the food alone. Even the members of Class 1-B thought so, too, as well as the girl's side.

Momo, wiping the tears away from the joy of eating the curry, thought to herself privately at the joy of having this food every day, letting a small moan escape, 'Ah…!! The food tastes so good!! If Ren wasn't in the Hero Course, then I would've surely asked for him to be our family private chef!!!'

With everyone managing to calm down, Toga pointed out Momo's ability to eat in a curious tone, "You sure can pack it in, Momoyao!"

Listening to her friend's comment, she continued to eat at a calmer pace, savoring every bite in a happy tone, "Yes. My quirk converts my body fat into a variety of atoms… so the more I store up, the more I can produce."

But it was all ruined, causing Momo to freeze with Sero commenting, "Just like poop!"


Sero's comment made Momo look at him aghast and drop her spoon, sulking in a corner. This resulted in Jiro slapping Sero in a demanding tone, "Apologize!"

Sero cried out in pain, apologizing, "I'm sorry!"

Ren chuckled seeing his classmate's reactions. But on the side, he saw Mandalay trying to call out to Kota, "Kota! It's time for dinner! Where are you?"

Kota, on the other hand, ignored her and walked off into the forest with Pixie-Bob muttering in an annoyed tone, "This troublesome kid. Humph!"

Seeing this, Ren spoke up to Mandalay, noticing the kid's footprints, in a casual tone and said, "Don't worry. If Kota won't come to the food, then I'll take the food to Kota."

Mandalay, hearing that, smiled as she thanked Ren for the offer, "Would you? Thanks!"


Ren nodded his head as he emptied his plate, shoving the rest of the curry available for Kota, but that was when he got a text message from his phone. This gained his immediate attention.

Checking his phone from his free hand, his expression shifted to a sly smirk, thinking in a cautious tone, 'Seems like Yuga managed to reply to AFO message with his tampered phone. His coding phone won't work this time, and he sent the message. They won't react unless something spooks the villains best to inform the teachers of the news as soon as possible, avoid this whole debacle…'

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