


"Nan Sheng's mother is not your enemy. By being passive, you made an enemy out of yourself. Yanyan, you have already lost everything. What more can you lose?"

"The window has opened up for you. Why not open your legs too and invite Nan Sheng in? It might bear fruit. To a certain degree, this would silence your future mother in law's charges against you." Feifei whispered his dirty advise and walked to his workstation laughing loudly.

Yanyan was left flabbergasted with Feifei's parting words.

Indeed, what else could she possibly lose?


While walking towards his private workspace, Feifei stopped near a window and looked out towards the blue skies.

He can't help but wonder how happy it is to be able to breathe and be alive.

But being alive means making choices and tough decisions.

Thinking about Yanyan's predicament, he wonders if there is a right or wrong person for you.

If that wrong person loves you, can you work things out and make the wrong one the right one for you?

Or are we already destined to a particular someone?

Feifei sighed.

Who determines who is right and who is wrong for you?

Your heart or your mind? Or destiny?

Making these choices must be difficult.

If you make the wrong choice, you have a lot to lose.

You lose your timing.

You lose your chance.

You will feel regret.

And you will end up with endless "what if's".

Can you make your own chance, your own timing?

Does that need scheming? Feifei smiled to himself.

The only good thing is, after the wrong choice, you will come out a better person than who you used to be.

Life is beautiful but living it seems like a fight.

Feifei wondered how high a price must you pay to be able to live the life you want?


Sitting on his worktable, Feifei looked at all the parchments that needs his attention.

A new batch of prisoners has been sent from the Imperial City to assist in salt extraction. Feifei sneered.

This batch of prisoners is just filling in those empty places that has been left by their deceased predecessors.

Its not doing anything that could expedite salt extraction. Its just merely meeting the quota. Not the demand.

The Diggers mortality rate is rapidly increasing and it shows no sign of stopping. They thought these Diggers would be fine after a few days of rest.

Turns out, these Diggers gave up hope and opted an Eternal Rest than a short respite.

What else can they expect?

With the harmful mine itself coupled with malnutrition, physical and mental exhaustion, who wouldn't want to just rest in peace?

These prisoners are no ordinary convicted people. Most of them lived a life of the privileged. How can their body tolerate the everyday laborious task of digging?

The most strong and able bodied are sent to be Crushers. Those who cannot carry heavy work loads nor do the crushing are sentenced to be mine diggers.

And the most important and grueling task of digging are left to these Diggers who barely meet the acceptable health margin.

Is his proposal under review now? He just wants to blow things up, get this thing done and over with.

Feifei rubbed his head with frustration.

How he wish he could just crawl back to his mothers womb, rest and enjoy his own silent world.

When he was young, he wanted to be an adult fast. To be self sufficient, to be independent.

When he was young, all he could think of was to grow up fast and have money of his own.

To buy whatever he wanted to buy.

To go wherever he wanted to go.

Not to be restricted when playing.

Not to be forced to sleep for afternoon naps.

Not to be pressured to sleep early at night.

To be free from all the restrictions a young one is constrained with.

But now? Feifei smirked.

He wants to buy whatever he wants to buy, like he wished when he was young. But most often than not, adult's money is never enough.

Its almost always deficient!

He wanted to go wherever he wants to go, like he wished when he was young. But most often than not, adult's time is also never enough.

Its almost always busy!

When he was young he wanted to be free and not be bound by sleeping for an afternoon nap.

Now an adult, he wanted to sleep the whole day away but can't even afford to blink!

He wants to nap and badly need some rest but is disturbed by adult issues!

This is not the freedom he thought!

He has been deceived!

Today he learned a very important lesson.

Its better to be a child and never grow up.

For the world is harsh and unforgiving towards adults.

And some adults are more harsh and can equally be unforgiving towards other adults.

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