
Roshi's Story Time Part 1

(A / N: I'm thinking of changing the name and cover of this book, as I didn't really like the name and cover I put. Anyway, I'll probably edit them it in a few days maybe, if you guys want to suggest a title or cover image for the book that looks more interesting than the ones I'm currently using, feel free to suggest in the comments.)


Time passed, and two years after her first day of training, Mimi mastered the art of sleeping and eating well.

Mimi was now seven years old, and because of her health habits training taught by her grandfather, she grew up really strong and healthy, which came as a surprise to her.

She was now 1.22 meters tall, her straight, shiny brown hair had grown even longer, reaching the middle of her back, her muscles and bones are much stronger than a normal child, and she has at least five times energy than a seven year old should normally have.

The baby fats that existed on Mimi's body and face decreased significantly, she didn't look like a baby anymore, she now looked like a young girl.

At the beginning of her training, Mimi doubted that eating and sleeping well would have any significant benefit to martial arts training, but now she understands well what her grandfather taught her.

To learn martial arts, one must have a strong and resistant body, as well as a lot of energy to train. It was an fact that should have been obvious to a martial arts enthusiast like her, but because of her own ignorance and prejudice, she had forgotten that.

She knows that she was very ignorant in the past, and probably still is, so she promissed to herself to fully follow her grandfather's teachings, after all, she might be an enthusiast and know a lot about martial arts from her past world, but in this new world the best Martial Master is her grandfather, or so he claims.

Currently, Mimi was sunbathing with her belly up while lying on top of Umigame, which was a large sea turtle with a brown carapace and a light white body, its fins have many black spots as well as its head.

Umigame is her grandfather's longtime companion and friend, and Mimi has known him since the time when she could barely speak.

But in addition to being a giant sea turtle, Umigame knew how to speak, and not only that, he also had a strict and virtuous personality, the complete opposite of her grandfather!

According to her grandfather Roshi, Umigami didn't know how to speak at first, he simply learned while living with him.

It came as a shock to Mimi when Umigame spoke for the first time around her, but now she was used to the strangeness of that world.

''As usual, he's late for classes. So irresponsible!'' Umigame said with a snort.

Mimi, who was lying relaxed on top of Umigame, sighs, ''Every day is the same. He's probablyfinishing watching his TV show.''

''Even so! It's irresponsible for him to be late for his own class, which is for his granddaughter!''

Umigame continued to complain about Roshi's attitude, and after a few minutes, Roshi got out of the house with a book in hand.

Roshi walked to the palm tree next to Mimi and Umigame, and sat under the shade of the palm tree.

''Grandpa, what is this book?'' Mimi asked upon seeing the book in Roshi's hands.

''Hm, I'll tell you later about the book. Today, grandpa will tell you the story of my master, Master Mutaito, as well as my story.'' Roshi says with a pat on Mimi's head.

''Heeeh! That's cool! But what does it have to do with general knowledge?'' Mimi asked confused.

The afternoon classes she have with Roshi were all about general knowledge, such as the types of animals that exist, technology in general, and even sociology and philosophy.

''Hohohoho! You will understand after hearing the story! I guarantee it's a good story!''

''If you say so, okay! I'm listening!'' Mimi says while positioning herself on her stomach on top of Umigame's shell.

She rested her cheeks under her hands and began swinging her legs back and forth as she anxiously waited for her grandfather to begin the story.

''Hohoho! Someone looks really excited! Hmm! It all started over three hundred years ago, when I was just a cool looking young eighteen-year-old boy....''

Mimi, who was listening to her grandfather, snorted in disbelief.

''More than three hundred years ago? Grandpa, I'm not stupid! If you were eighteen at more than three hundred years ago, you'd be a fossil today!''

Roshi hits his granddaughter on the top of her head with his cane, causing her to groan in pain.

''Don't interrupt me! We'll get there!''

Mimi fell silent and massaged her head in frustration.

''Ehem! As I was saying, it all started over three hundred years ago. At that time, I was just one of the many apprentices of Master Mutaito, who at the time was considered the strongest martial artist. At that time, a great evil had arisen, ravaging the entire world.''

''That great evil was called Piccolo, the Demon King! He, along with his army of demons, conquered the entire earth in a short time with their great power, turning the earth into a living hell.''

''Grandpa, is this true? Did this really happen?!'' Mimi asked in surprise.

''Oh, of course it happened! It's even in the history books!'' Roshi replied.

'What the hell! What is wrong with this world?! First dinosaurs, then flying cars, then talking animals, and now demons? I thought I had gotten used to the strangeness of this world, but every time there's something that surprises me again!' Mimi thought.

''Continuing, Piccolo's spawns had killed tens of thousands, including many of his disciples, and Master Mutaito, no longer able to ignore all that devastation and death, faced King Piccolo directly, to rid the world of that evil and to avenge his disciples!'' Roshi said fervently.

''However, he failed, and unfortunately, he had to flee to fight another day. After that defeat, Master Mutaito trained even more, hoping to find a way to defeat King Piccolo.''

''Eventually, in the end, me, Master Mutaito and my former apprentice companion Tsuru, faced King Piccolo in a final, deadly battle!''

Mimi's eyes lit up as she listened to her grandfather's narration, who had nostalgia in his voice.

''In that fight, we could barely stand against King Piccolo, but then Master Mutaito used a special magic technique created by him in secret!''

''When we were about to lose again, Master Mutaito used his special technique that he had created, Evil Containment Wave! A technique that can seal evil!''

''The technique was powerful, and for that, there was a price to pay. It required a lot of energy from the user, and because of that, using the technique to the last of his strength, Master Mutaito passed away with a smile on his face, having managed to seal King Piccolo away forever.''

''What happened next?!'' Mimi asked impatiently.

''Afterwards, Master Mutaito, who gave his life to save the world, was remembered as the savior of the world, and the greatest martial artist of all time. Even today, even after more than three hundred years, there are still people who try to follow in his footsteps. That's why the Martial Arts are so famous!''

''So he was a great hero! But what about you, grandpa?'' Mimi asked.

''Oh, me? Well, after that battle, Tsuru and I, Master Mutaito's best students, went our separate ways. Tsuru followed his own path, created by his beliefs, and I continued to follow Master Mutaito's teachings.''

''But what about your story? I want to know grandpa's story, and I want to know the thing about you being eighteen over three hundred years ago!'' Mimi said while pouting.

''Hohoho! Interested in grandpa's story huh, that makes me happy! Well, you can say that the story of my journey began after that fateful fight with Piccolo.....''

This book is just for my enjoyment, so don't expect a very elaborate plot, perfect grammar and things like that. But if you still liked it, please add it to your library, and if you have any suggestions for the fanfic, feel free to write in the comments section!

Holo_Lovercreators' thoughts
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