
The battle of Diagon Alley

When life gives you lemons you make lemonade, that is a saying I think perfectly represents what Is happening right now, life gave me this huge opportunity, and I will not squander it, not by a long shot.

Currently, I am directing my army into units, the squad situation was good, but we learned from the prisoners, and my spies, that lethal spells are being talked about quite recently, like as in, Madam Bones and Fudge are seriously thinking about it.

Not to mention Moody is using them anyways, a few squads ran into moody and barely escaped with their lives, it was only thanks to either my intervention or one of my combat mages' interventions that they survived.

So units will be comprised of, two squads, and one unit leader. Each unit is being taught group combat strategies, and creative ways to use the surroundings and seemingly innocent spells to their advantage.

I estimate that if the use of lethal spells is approved the mini-war would progress rapidly, and the battle would be determined soon after.

The goblins are getting restless, but we mutually agreed that they can't show up yet, the battle for magical Britain is just beginning.

Diagon Alley may seem like a wasteful battle, but it is the opposite, Diagon Alley is one of the most important parts of Magical Britain, and the ministry might be the only thing more important, the reason is that nobles and others make the bulk of their money owning shops here, and it has Gringotts and other important businesses.

So in conclusion taking over Diagon Alley is like crippling magical Britain, right now the Aurors have control of the area that houses the Daily Prophet, and the ministry paper not like anyone reads that one anyway.

Once we get a hold of the daily prophet office, then we can send papers out saying what we want them to say, we can gain more support that way.

I slipped into one of my buildings, I do own quite a bit of them, once I was away from the eyes of others, I formed a portal that lead to my necromancy room, it was basically where I kept my undead legion.

"Groups two, three, and five get into your gear," I commanded

Groups two and three were my warrior undead and group five was my assassin class undead, they were slimmer, shorted, and had more flexibility. Literally the perfect assassins, each one had four enchanted daggers, a set of hidden blades, and a magical gun with a magical sound suppressor.

A magical gun is an invention of mine that I have been working on for years, they can be used by anyone, nonwizards included, each bullet has a sealing mechanism that keeps a predetermined spell, and the mags can hold twenty-four bullets.

The magical guns are like a secret weapon, only my most trusted members have them, the reason is I don't want them to be taken by a different organization, even though I put trackers on them, I don't want to have to go and retrieve them and the possibility that the gun would be broken down or something else to figure out how it would work is possible, no one would be able to copy my method but, the guns are a pain in the ass to make, and the bullets are even more of a pain.

Anyways, my undead walked through the portal, they were disguised so no one would even think they were dead, I haven't been able to test these pieces of art in battle before, so I hope to see a good show.

I stood in front of my troops, Hermione was on my side, and I began to speak, "The Auror scum has been engaging us in battle most of the time, we have only been reacting. I say no more! I say we show them what we are made of! I say we show them the meaning of what we fight for! Look around, the people around you are the people that will be looking out for you on the battlefield, they will be there to shield you, and fight for you. We are a family! WE ARE THE REBELLION!"



They all chanted in unison, Hermione had a small smile, as she watched them all get ready for a raid.

Severus walked up to me and said quietly, "the potions are ready,"

"Good," I replied calmly as he handed me a box

Opening it I saw four bottles of the same super high potion, I smiled then wrote a note, putting the note inside the box, I shrunk the box then sent it off.

-Walter Cadman pov -

I think was in my tent when I felt my hidden mark burn, it wasn't painful at all, just noticeable. I excused myself from the others in the room. Once I was alone I sent a magical pulse to my tattoo, it was located on my hand and invisible to everyone.

A shrunken box appeared in my hand, I tapped it with my wand and it enlarged opening it I read the note.

'Each potion is the super drug potion, drug the food at the camp, good luck.'

Hmm, easy enough the potion doesn't get revealed when someone uses a detection spell, I'm still not sure how the half-blood prince managed that.

I wasn't sure how much to add to the food so I just used two bottles that should be enough right?

-Harry pov -

I feel like I forgot to add he should only use a small amount, less than a half of a single bottle, oh well he can't be that stupid, the other bottles are there for backup, and to use if this war drags on further.

I mean who would drug someone with a full bottle of the super drug?

-Gellert pov.-

I just got out of a meeting with Victor Krum, his father died so now he is the lord of the house. Part of me feels bad for the boy, he had to stop his Quidditch career too early. But, he understood he couldn't let his house fall.

Especially with his sister going to a magic academy soon, he told me he is still deciding between where would be the best fit for her.

It was odd he didn't already plan for her to attend, the Durmstrang Institute.

That was beside the point though, he and many other prolific German Noble families are joining me, this time I don't plan to fight for Britain like many think I will, the current minister of magical Germany is an idiot, and I'm using him for now.

I have convinced him to aid the British in their war, he is ignorant of the advances I am making to take over Germany behind his back.

Harry or Elizabeth can have Britain, I learned long ago that place is full of bad luck. I will take over Germany, and bring it to a new age.

-Narrator pov -

The sun was setting and the rebellion was prepared, the defense team was ready for a siege, and the attacking team was ready to siege.

The undead units were in a group of their own, oddly only the warrior undead could be seen, tonight would be a brutal night for all sides.

On the Auror side, an interesting scene was playing out.


"NO ITS A CALAPTROTORIOUS!" another yelled




"AHHH~ MADAM BONES YOUR SO FREAKY~," one said while humping a wall


"shit guys, I don't think that soup was good, I feel like I'm on a different planet,"

"HAHAHAHHAHA! Hahahahahha! Hahaha!"


Suddenly an Auror popped in, "Guys we need back up! Where have you been!"





*shink* suddenly several shadowy figures appeared and attacked the Aurors

Their blades were coated in a strong paralytic poison, it was a massacre, and half of the time the Aurors were attacking themselves. Or not able to even cast a spell at all, it was a truly pathetic display.

On the front lines, rebellion units attacked and defended against the onslaught of spells the Aurors flung at them, the hit wizards were directly attacking the shops the rebellion took over.

The hit wizards and Aurors began to win the battle, they were close to winning this night's battle, but, that small chance they had was extinguished as quickly as it sprouted.

Massive humanoid figures began to rush their enemies, they used no spells just pure combat ability, and they were fast.

"Ahhh!" one Auror screamed as his leg was crushed by one undead warrior

"Fuck retreat!" A hit wizard yelled only to be silenced as a warrior appeared before him destroying his chance to retreat

'They are better than I thought' Harry thought while watching the battlefield

As the sun began to set both sides once again retreated. At least they tried to, the Aurors and hit wizards were so caught up fighting what was in front of them that they hadn't realized Hermione and the assassins dealt with their camp, they were now surrounded.

"Surrender," Hermione ordered

"Fuck off!" an Auror replied and began to fight

"This was your own choice," Hermione, said shaking her head

She transfigured the ground into spears and then banished them, the spears headed straight for the Aurors and hit wizards.

The team of Aurors and hit wizards reacted quickly, they blocked the attack and then responded with a flurry of spells.

The battle wasn't over just yet.

In a courtroom, Fudge looked around, everyone looked agitated.

As was Fudge.

"As of now, the use of lethal spells is allowed," he said in a commanding tone

The mood in the room brightened as if the agitated looks were never there, to begin with.


I'm not the best at writing fight scenes, so I tried to summarize. Sorry if some didn't like it, wizards battles are hard to write.

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