
After the first task fun

-Harry pov-

Watching Grindelwald absolutely destroy his challenge got the viewers excited, they were cheering and applauding the whole time.

I also caught some disgusted looks when he talked about Albus and his past.

When I freed Gellert he asked for a portkey to Germany for supplies. When I saw him next I noticeably saw his change in demeanor and power. It seems while that guy was locked up he was doing his own form of magic.

Creating rituals and potions that could work.

I don't know how he tested them but he might have just created the best formulas and then tested them when free, and revised from there.

And I have to say it, even though I am not a fighter some of the shit these old guys whipped out was cool as hell.

I watched as Gellert elegantly bowed and then walked off the stage. The crowd loved him!

"Okay everyone that's all for the first task! Please cast your votes for Gellert Grindelwald!" I declared to the masses

I saw he was getting a solid nine so I boosted it up to a ten. Then I gave him a ten and from the draw he 'randomly' got a nine.

Soon all of the competitors walked back into the stadium.

"Please cheer for the competitors as they join us in the stadium!" I said watching them walk out

Gellert and Fudge walked out like they just slew a thousand dragons, while the others walked out like I kicked their puppies.

"Now it's time to announce the scores! First Albus Dumbledore representing team manipulators has won fourteen points!" the crowed clapped respectfully

I continued, "Next Ron Weasley representing team backstabbers, got eleven points!" ten from the crowd one from me, and one from the random draw

Continuing I announced, "Third representing team half-blood Tom Riddle with a total of five points!" The crowd gave a small applause

Seeing the crowd stop clapping I said, "Cornelius Fudge now representing sigma males got a grand total of twenty-one points!" I announced

The crowd went wild, his name was being chanted over and over again.

"Settle down everyone. Because last we have Gellert Grindelwald representing the fallen lords he has achieved and earned twenty-nine points! Give him a big round of applause!" I shouted

And applause they did, I even think I heard some Witches say they want and I quote 'his dark babies'.

Meanwhile, Albus looked completely crestfallen at the applause Gellert was getting.

"Okay everyone the second task is a month away, in two weeks there will be a ball hosted by me. All competitors must bring a date and there will be some trivia good luck!"

With that people started to leave. Albus left with Fawkes, Tom disappeared, and Ron seemed to waddle out of there.

I saw Fudge talking to some ladies, and I got the faintest feeling they were vampires. So I walked up to him and said, "Cornelius! It's good to see you!" I held his face like those mafia bosses

He replied, "Harry Potter! I don't think I should be seen with such a wanted man. Hahaha just kidding what are those bloody idiots going to do!"

"Right you are Fudge! Say I just wanted to let you know that I think you have improved a lot since the last time I saw you." I replied with a wide smile

"Harry, may I call you that?" Fudge asked

"Of course Cornelius," I replied with a soft smile

"Good! Well, I want to say even though you might have entered me into this tournament with bad intentions, I honestly thank you for it. I learned to be myself again and that is something no amount of money can buy." he said wisely

I smirked and said, "Eh, I might've entered you in with some bad intentions but I mostly did it so you would have to tell the truth about those old guys and out of revenge for the trial. But I like this new you, here is a portkey use it before the ball I want to have a chat with you. Now go back to those ladies!" I slapped him on the back and portkeyed home

Arriving home I took Fudge's monocle I snagged and checked it for charms. Seeing that it was safe I put the bad boy on and decided to dress dapper for the rest of my beautiful day.

--Hermione pov --

I watched in terror as Ron was raped by trolls, how could Harry do that? But at the same time why was it so interesting to watch!

Oh no, something is wrong with me..

I then saw Grindelwald absolutely destroy his challenge. That was amazing I want to be like him. I want to be able to do magic like that, to freely cast huge spells like they are nothing.

I know what I have to do. No, what I must do!

Read more.

-Amelia Bones pov -

I watched the first task the whole time, Harry Potter systematically broke the spirits of all but two competitors. Maybe I have to re-assess his danger level. Not to mention I have to look into Dumbledore now.

So much to do and so little time.

Also, where was Jack Sparrow! I wanted to see him no! arrest him yeah arrest him...

-Sigma Fudge pov -

[the next day]

I awoke after my first task, I was in my bed but I wasn't alone, three beautiful Vampires lay at my side. I could still feel the love marks they left me. Checking the time with a simple tempus spell I saw that I had a bit of time before the Wizengamot, I am still the minister of magic for now.

As I was getting dressed and making some breakfast I Floo called Amelia for a quick chat then woke my vampire beauties up.

"Yahhhww, it's too early!" One said with a cute yawn

"Oh~ Cornelius good morning want to go another round~," the second up asked

The third one stayed silent and just smiled at me.

Merlin, I'm one lucky guy.

-Narrator pov -

[Hours later.]

Cornelius Fudge the minister of magic, rolled into the Wizengamot with three Vampire beauties on his arm.

He had a feral smile, if anyone there was friends with him before he became a politician they would know that smile means one thing.

Shit is about to go down.

"What are you doing with those creatures!" Dolores yelled

"Fuck off you insufferable Bitch! You're fired! Leave now before I decide to arrest you!" He shouted

"I don't think I will!" Dolores the big toad replied

"Aurors arrest Umbitch! And interrogate her now!" Fudge roared

The Aurors did as he asked almost too eagerly.

"Does anyone else have any issues?" Fudge asked with a dangerous glint in his eyes

"I do, we you see unsuitable to be the Minister." Lucius Malfoy spoke

"Yeah and I think you are unsuitable to shine my shoes, now Aurors hold him for questioning. Lucius right now Amelia Bones and a team of Aurors are raiding your manor, I wonder what they will find?" Fudge said with an evil smile that sent chills down Lucius's spine

"You-u can't do that!" Lucius yelled angrily

"Oh but I can! Hahaha. Aurors I said arrest this fool." Fudge spat and the Vampires by his side giggled

Hearing them giggle made Fudge fist pump in his mind.

"Now anyone else? I would love to hear more about this 'we' Lucius was spouting" Fudge asked again but this time it was more like a dare

It was safe to say this particular Wizengamot trial was hectic.

-Harry Pov -

I checked my points and I have to say, I am one happy camper right now.

[Current Fp: 310k]

I got a lot because I broadcasted the whole event to basically every single important Wizarding world area. So it wasn't like the slow burn I got from the mundane world.

I immediately bought the upgraded version of the thief's grand hall and the criminal empire manager. Bringing me down to 60k Fp

I then bought some rare knowledge.

[Congratulations you bought 10 pieces of rare knowledge!

-Soul magicx3

-Illusion magicx5

-Artifact creation


My fp went to 10kfp but my knowledge about amazing subjects skyrocketed. And oh boy did I miss out on one particular branch of magic.

Illusions! God, they seem so cool. And a criminal needs illusions does he not?

This is probably the best day ever.

Looking back at the two things I have in magical stasis I smile.

Oh yes, the best day indeed.

On my table sat Albus Dumbledores' hand, and Voldemorts Arm. There is so much I can do with them both.

Of so much indeed.

Speaking of Voldemort, I still need to get the resurrection stone. Then I will have all three. I can't wait to see what happens.

There is so much I want to do in one month, and I must get started right away.

So I made a checklist,

-Study illusion magic

-study soul magic

-make a deal with fudge

-plan my invites to the theifs grand hall

-steal something from the muggle world if I have time

-start the framework for my crime syndicate that will reach both the mundane and magic world. Mafia boss style.

-get the third hollow

-Plan more trivia questions for the ball

The list wasn't in order of importance and, Admittedly some things on the list I don't really need to do this month. But I would like to.

I first started practicing Illusion magic, I started with my wand, the magic would focus on the tip of my wand and then spread out like then waves forming an illusion. This is called the wave technique.

then I transferred to my gauntlet. The gauntlet lets out wisps of magic haze that formed an illusion around me of the furniture in different places. This was called the cloud or haze technique.

From there, I slowly made my way to wandless illusions like how they are intended to be. It was a slow and arduous process. I tried to use both techniques and combine them pulses and a haze was visible to me because of my eyes.

At the end of the day, I could create fake illusions of myself without a wand but they look pretty bad.

I just need more practice.

After finishing up practicing after a couple of hours I began to eat dinner.

I wonder when Fudge will use the Portkey. It leads to an apartment I am borrowing from the owner in Hogsmeade. The owner is a nice guy that is in the hospital because of a dark curse. It's not fatal but needs extensive care.

I didn't curse him actually. He did it himself I just found out about it when I was strolling around and some neighbors were talking about it. So I commandeered his apartment. When he heals up I will leave or just claim squatters' rights.

Taking a sip of my orange juice-flavored blood, a small smile crept up on my face.

I love my life.



1- what are some juicy trivia questions he should ask

2-would you guys like to see me describe his training in more detail?

3-so I don't have a good image of Harry right now, he is 14 in age but looks older due to training and the rituals so if you guys have any images drop them. I will also be looking.

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