
First task part 2

A/N: don't read Ron's challenge if you don't like the idea of Ron getting dosed with troll pheromones and female trolls acting on said pheromones if you catch my drift. Doesn't go into detail I promise.

-Narrator pov-

Albus Dumbledore fell on his ass after using the portkey. His left hand was gone and he was magically drained and physically exhausted. Not to mention the horrendous state his mind is in right now, it was no surprise he landed and didn't even react. His eyes were hollow the twinkle that was once ever so present was gone.

The sun illuminated his body while the stands were quiet, a painter in the stands was committing this scene to memory.

Later he paints this picture and it becomes famous throughout the wizarding world.

The title was: The start of the fall

Signifying the start of Dumbledore's fall from grace.

Harry's voice boomed throughout the stadium, "Wow! What a great show, I hope you brought a medic Dumbles because I ain't healing you! Now the fun part voting! Every one of you was given a blank piece of paper when they arrived. Now I want you all to write down a number from one through ten. The number with the most votes will be added to his points. I will also give a number. And there will be a totally random number as well!" as he finished speaking everyone began to discuss the challenge and write down their numbers.

They could see on the parchment after they voted the totals from 1-10 so far.

1-20 votes

2-50 votes

3-10 votes

4-5 votes

5-100 votes

6-254 votes

7-300 votes

8-10,000 votes

9- 5,000 votes

10- 10,000 votes

The numbers continued to fluctuate as time passed.

'Pfft, freedom of voting my ass! Call me Russian because I'm rigging these votes!' Harry thought grinning like a mad man

(a/n: no hate to Russians! Love y'all <3)

Meanwhile, Dumbledore finally made his way into the locker room where Madam Pomfrey met him.

While she was healing Albus the other competitors looked over.

"Haha! The great albus dumbledore loses a hand in the first task?" Gellert laughed

"Pathetic old man," Voldemort sneered

"Wow, I still can't believe you volunteered first!" Fudge said with a brave smile

'I'm losing and possibly dying anyway might as well have a hoot while I'm at it.' where Fudges thoughts

Meanwhile, Ron just stayed silent.

Dumbledore looked up and bored his eyes into Gellert's soul, "did you tell him about Ariana?" his voice was weak

Gellert calmly replied, "no, why would I even do that Albus? I hate you but not that much." he lied through his teeth

Looking at the other competitors Albus sighed and said, "this isn't a game, he is simply punishing us. Playing us like toys and we are helpless to do anything about it."

After he said that the atmosphere in the room turned somber. He said what everyone was thinking.

And they didn't like that one bit.

--Harry pov --

Smiling while I looked at the people so happy to vote in the competition, I thought about who to call to battle next.

Ron would be fun and so would Tom.

I think Ron would be best though, his humiliation is always fun to see.

Deciding on a number for Albus most votes from the crowd are above six right around seven.

That's of course factoring in everyone, the colosseum can fit 50,000 people after all. And everyone came from around the globe so the numbers fit.

I added my manipulations slowly rising the number seven. It can't be too low or it's just obvious and I would like to keep the pretense of me allowing them to pick.

Soon I stood up and proclaimed, "The votes are in and as you can all see you the in-person viewers chose seven points to be added to Dumbledore's score. I will graciously gift two points one for his show of transfiguration and one for participating! The random pick was five so he has achieved a total of fourteen points!" my voice traveled across the stands

My advanced theifs aura working wonders right now by convincing everyone I was telling the truth about the random score.

Continuing I said, "The next competitor is none other than Ron Weasley!" cheers were heard throughout the stands as well as some boos

The young redhead walked out a nervous wreck, I could tell he was nervous after seeing the state of dumbledore.

"Ahaha don't be nervous Ron my boy! Time to show those wicked powers you were describing in my absence!" I said in my best Albus impression

The atmosphere turned jolly before Ron had the bright idea to speak since the charms I have placed after the whole Albus incident they charm act as a voice amplifier.

"Harry! Me and you are best mates! I am willing to take you back as a friend! You don't even need to apologize!" Ron said with an ugly expression

Alright, I was going to give him easy mode, but now he's getting the hell difficulty well Ron's version of hell difficulty.

"Ron, you are the worst human being I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. You don't hesitate to throw others under the bus or in harm's way and you prance about acting like you are skilled which you aren't. You are truly the scum of the earth." I spoke before I commanded the Portkey already in his hands to whisk him away

Yeah, this kid is going down.

-Ron Pov-

I landed in a cave, Merlin it's creepy in here.

As I walked down the windy path a plant sprayed something all over me.

"Ahhhhhhh! Merlin what was that! Oh no, I'm poisoned!" I declared in a manly way how I was assaulted by a dangerous plant

I waited and waited for something to happen but, it never did.

"Huh guess I'm immune." I shrugged my shoulders and kept walking

Finally, I saw my first opponent's Trolls. But these two looked smaller and more female?

Why are they walking toward me like that? Arent, they supposed to be more violent?

Brandishing my wand I got ready to show my prowess.

Just as I was about to sling some wicked spells I heard something behind me, whirling around I saw another one!

Before I could cast she grabbed my wand out of my wand and snapped it.

Looking around I was surrounded, oh shit I'm so dead.

One pushed me to the ground another yanked off my pants?

What in Merlin's name is happening right now!

Another took out a potion? Since when did trolls just carry potions!

It went to grab my face, I kept thrashing about but they wouldn't let me leave.

"AHHHHHH! Stop stop! I give -- gulupup!" Ron was cut off by the potion forcing its way down his throat

The effect was immediate as his 'member' got hard.

Realization dawned on the stupid boy.

"NOOOOOO--" he was cut off by one troll forcefully kissing him

The others moved in to do the deed.

--Narrator pov --

After a long hour the trolls finished and the Ron found the portkey back right where he started.

Appearing back at the stadium Ron looked at the crowd and screamed, "I HATE YOU HARRY POTTER AND I WILL GET MY REVENGE!"

He broke down and fled the stadium, his eyes lost all childish light and despite his big words, he lost all motivation to act against Harry ever again.

He appeared back inside the locker room and looked at Albus, "you got lucky." he said in a hollow voice before sitting down

-harry pov --

Ron got 10 points from the crowd without my manipulations out of pity, I honestly feel bad. terrible even.

he was horrible to me, and I endured Azkaban for months because of him, but what I just did to him was uncalled for.

Maybe if I did just one or two trolls but three that was harsh.

Although oddly enough I saw a lot of smiles from the audience, and even the ancient one giggled at the sight.

What type of perverts inhabit the wizarding world, freaky fucks.

The next wizard is Voldemort, I have a special challenge for him.

That bastard took away everything from Harry, he killed his no our parents and he will pay.

"Now for team Half-blood Tom Riddle!" I announced

Tom strode confidently to the portkey picked it up and activated it, the boos he was receiving did not bother him one bit.

-Narrator pov --

Voldemort landed in a tunnel much like the rest, he strode through the windy paths until he reached a fork in the tunnel.

Above one read, enter and you must answer a question

And above the other read, enter but you will face battle

Voldemort sneered, 'i am the greatest wizard ever why should I fear battle.'

He walked down the battle section, upon entering the path he was met with a golem.

He cast an explosion spell and easily destroyed it.

*bam* the golem blew up into pieces, Voldemort quickly put up a shield to block the chunks of rocks flying everywhere

*bam* he continued to meet more and more golems

One golem threw rocks at him quickly he made a shield and returned fire with a plethora of explosion spells*BOOM!* *boom* *booom*

*bam* he dodged one strike and retaliated by using a knockback jinx sending it back into another group followed by using a high powered Bambarda


He decimated the Golems Until he finally found a door, it was getting harder and harder for him to trudge through these golems.

Atop the door read, Did you ever think about sparing lily potter?

Sneering he replied, "no."

The door flung open and he walked through and came face to face with another door and question, did you ever use the imperious curse on your followers to do your bidding?

"No," he replied once more

Finally, he made his way through, just before he reached the final door a beast pounded on him.

"Rahhhhrrrhhh!" The beast growled and continued to sink its teeth into Voldemort

"Rahh!" Voldemort screamed in pain kicking the manticore off his body

"Avada Kedavra!" he bellowed sending the curse at the beast in close proximity to him

The sickly green light of the spell filled the room, the manticore tried to dodge but it couldn't. The death spell literally kills everything living in one hit. No matter the level of magic resistance.

The beast dropped dead and he smirked, limping through the door Voldemort found himself in a room with other statues.

He didn't notice how the beast was too easy to defeat almost like it was planned from the very beginning.

One statue sat on a throne with a regal look it had a crown with three points, and the other statues were standing around it like knights.

Tom for a weird feeling about the room and began to hastily make his way to the portkey in the center. The manticore's poison was slowly affecting tom he needed to finish fast.

Alas, it was too late the other statues began to move.

Voldemort began to transfigure the ground to bind them and began to rapidly cast explosion spells.




Metal was flying, explosions were shaking the tunnels, and an angry Voldemort was casting spells with precision.

"Die!" metal spikes launched from the ground tearing through a statue

"Die!" a bombarda exploded one statue and it's pieces crashed into another

"Die!" Voldemort floated the destroyed statues weapons and began to banish them at the rest

He yelled over and over again until all of the statues were broken and his magic nearly drained.

He dragged his body to the portkey but just as he was about to pick it up the head statue smiled, the smile was feral and mad, and its eyes glowed red.

The smile would haunt Voldemort for the rest of his miserable life.

For the first time in his life, he froze in terror as the statue moved its arm faster than he could react.

The statue grabbed Voldemort's wand arm and pulled it off in one smooth motion.

"AHHHHHHH!" a painful screech escaped Voldemort's mouth

His body lurched forward and his free arm grabbed the portkey.

The last thing he heard was the chilling laugh of the statue.


That laugh and its smile will always haunt him.


A/N: I know these two task seemed shorter than old dumbles. Rons I didn't want to delve too deeply in and Voldemorts was always planned to be that. Remember this is just the first task.

And I hope rons challenge didn't make anyone feel uncomfortable If it did I apologize.

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