
The second Heist

A/N: *.* symbol means the spell is silent

"{.}" is parseltongue

-Harry pov —

I have been in Wellingtonshire for two days now just scoping out the place and making my plans, I need to have enough time to fully break into the wards and leave while also keeping the Aurors at bay. Not to mention the chances of a random person walking by and other unknown factors.

I'm glad I have mage sight because that can help me tremendously by allowing me to see the holes and leakages in the wards.

Dobby hypothetically could apparate inside himself and take me along but the wards would just stun me or worse right away. Not to mention dobby can't break wards.

Options so many options.

---Timeskip one week---

I have finally memorized every possible exit route just in case something goes wrong, I have also memorized the patterns and shifts of the guards. The sun began to set, and a nice orange and pink hue colored the sky.

-30 minutes before the heist-

I started walking from my inn to Hogsmeade, while I was walking I bumped into someone on accident.

"I'm so sorry sir!" I said with an innocent face

"It's no problem, it's getting though you look about in your seventh year at Hogwarts you should head back it's getting late." the guy said with a kind smile

"Blimey! Thanks mate!" I said running off into the distance as if I was panicked

When using the outfit I got from the shop I can make it change my looks to whatever I want, like right now I look about seventeen I have black hair and pale sickly skin, truly a harmless person.

--20 Minutes before ---

I got to an empty alley in Hogsmeade and cast a certain spell. Then I started to walk back to Wellingtonshire making myself look like I was in my Twenties.

---10 minutes till the heist --

I'm under my invisibility cloak, I could see the two guards under their own and the other two standing guard.

I was waiting for the right time, it took ten minutes before anything happened but one of the guys turned his body slightly facing away from me.

*Stupefy* I shot one stunning curse at him he couldn't react and got stunned falling down lack a sack of potatoes

*Stupefy* another stunning charm followed right behind my first stunning the guard under the invisibility cloak

*stupefy* my third flew right after aiming for the second person under another cloak, he was quick though, and whipped out a wand to cast Protego, "Protego!" the man bellowed doing everything the spell needs. But the spell didn't work.

It seems like someone swapped his wand for a stick

*stupefy* my last stunning charm went for the last guard but he was quick and used the protego charm to protect himself

"Who are you!" the man shouted

"The Aurors will be here soon just surrender." the man said again

I didn't listen to him the Aurors are very busy right now

*Avis* a flock of birds flew out of my wand flying toward the man, while they were in mid-flight I cast another spell *Engorgio* the birds grew rapidly blocking his sight.

"Stupefy! Stupefy!" the man shouted twice in quick succession knocking down two birds but it was too late I already moved the side and quickly flung another spell *stupefy* he had nowhere to run, the birds blocked his sight he was hit with the spell his whole body froze and slowly fell to the ground, the last thing the man saw was my face, my real face.

I quickly approached the wards and started working fast.

---Meanwhile in Hogsmeade narrator pov---

In Hogsmead there was an uproar, in various locations one Harry James Potter could be seen walking around leisurely as if he was a free man. The Aurors got called quickly, two whole squads were dispatched. The leader of both teams, the head of the DMLE Amelia Bones.

Amelia and the rest of the Aurors found one Harry Potter walking into a store, they quickly shot a stunning spell, and the pale yellow spell went right through him like he wasn't even there.

They tracked down all of the Harry 'clones' and found that all of them were not real, they have never seen a spell like this one before.

"Is this a prank! Where is he!?" Amelia asked in an authoritative tone

They all didn't answer her, no they couldn't it was an embarrassing situation. Two teams of Aurors were sent out to capture Harry Potter and he wasn't even there.

Amelia and the rest were about to leave when an Auror Apparated in front of them, he was clearly in a state of extreme panic.

"Madam Bones! The wards at the Wellingtonshire Claymore Hall were activated, and we can't contact any of the guards!" he shouted

Amelia froze her mind spinning with thoughts flowing through her head, her lips thinned, and a scowl showed her face, her eyes narrowed and she sneered, "this was a distraction they knew we would be more occupied with Potter than the Hall. Why haven't you sent a team over there! And how long has it been since the wards activated?"

"Ma'am there are anti Apparition wards, and we are not sure of an ambush or not," The man answered nervously, his eyes looking anywhere but the strict madam bones face

"Let's get going all teams on me," Amelia said in haste

--Flashback during the one week surveillance-

-harry pov -

I was watching the way the, guards moved and shifted shifts, I realized that Hogsmeade was not that long of a walk, I noticed that one guard under the invisibility cloak walked from Hogsmeade to the hall and then puts on the cloak.

Using sticky fingers I can steal his wand and take a player out of the game prematurely.

Next, I need to figure out a way to stall the Aurors, hm the best method is probably the stupidest method I can think of, well both stupid and ingenious.


I can use my body clone spell, and make four different versions of myself that will walk around Hogsmeade, I know for a fact the Aurors will come as fast as possible.

The spell will be active as long as they are not hit by a spell or my wand breaks. That's the nice thing about it and why I have been learning it so intently.

But that won't be enough to stop them completely, I need something that will make the Aurors worried that there is more than one person.

I remembered something, something I learned in my time working with wards from the Goblins.

'Harry all wards work on conditions, if you set the right conditions then the reaction will be what you want. The reason house-elves can Apparate anywhere they want is because the conditions to keep them out see unknown. We fan use Pheonix feathers to set the condition no Pheonix will enter this area, and if one tries the condition will activate making the reaction. It's the same principle for all wards but they do get more complicated.' I remember Argot telling me

So I started to work on a wide Anti Apparition ward. The condition is if someone more than one person tries to Apparate, the reaction is it will throw them out of the wards. It would take too long and burn too much energy to set it up to stun them.

-flashback end--

I was on the last set of wards when I felt people breaking my wards, I didn't have enough time they would be here soon and I still need to retrieve the actual sword. I have to improvise, I ran out of the hall and out into the street I could see the Aurors in front of me headed by Amelia Bones and Moody.

"Stupefy!" Moody yelled launching a fast stunner in my direction

*protego* I put up a shield blocking it then I focused, focused on my intent on my memories. memories from my childhood manifested in my mind, memories of my mother telling me about one of my favorite myths, her animated storytelling flashed rapidly through my head, I could feel the stone beneath me, the confusion of being stuck in an unknown situation, the dangers that lurk in every corner. All of these emotions made my magic move rapidly in glee as I spun my wand in a downward motion the tip knocking into the ground. Before the Aurors could react the stone street started to transform into a giant labyrinth. My labyrinth.

"You're under arrest Potter let us out!" one Auror yelled inside the Labyrinth

"Fat chance, fuck you guys! Sent me to Azkaban on false charges! Want me to save your wizarding world then send me to Azkaban? Who the fuck does that!" I shouted

Before leaving them trapped in the Labyrinth I used the snake summoning charm and summoned a shit tone of Cobras, pythons, rattlesnakes, and Boa constrictors.

Looking down at the snakes I hissed, "{go and attack anyone in the labyrinth.}"

They nodded and slithered away as I ran back to breaking the wards.

I could hear the explosions behind me as they blasted through the walls, I could hear the shouting and screaming of the ones attacked by my snakes. I didn't care I have a Claymore to get.

I sped through the last couple of Wards and made my way to the Claymore, I took two selfies kept one, and left the other.

Taking the Claymore I plopped it into my inventory and port keyed out of there back to my Manor.

---- End --

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