
Chapter 10 Loguetown

The journey to Loguetown was relatively uneventful, it was mostly just Melio getting accustomed to us. He's still carrying an indifferent expression, after all people don't heal overnight. It's just a shame that a 15 year old boy has to carry such sorrow in his heart, but I guess tragedies are a dime a dozen within this pirate world. I also found out what devil fruit he ate, Bird-Bird Fruit Model: Roc. I don't know much about it, besides it being some type of bird. It's useful enough as is, even though he can only summon a pair of wings on his back right now. The feathers are hard as steel and sharp as any blade.

I'm not a great teacher, which is why I haven't taught Silk anything crazy either. Same with Melio I just focused on the basics. Which included being able to block and dodge, using his wings, and using his feathers as blades. I wasn't disappointed because he quickly showed results through hard work. With eating the Zoan fruit some of his physical capabilities have improved and I realized that he had a great talent as a navigator. His eyes are capable of seeing great distances away, and his senses can tell which direction he's going instinctually. With these talents I felt it was appropriate to give him my copy of Sailing for Dummies, thus making him my impromptu navigator.

Now we've safely made it to Loguetown, the town of beginnings in many ways. It's supposedly the hometown of Gol D. Roger, the man who became known as the pirate king. It's also the town where he was executed and began the Great Pirate Era, where pirates are searching for his treasure, the One Piece. While I do have some curiosity towards what the One Piece actually is, but I'm not interested in dedicating my journey to find it. Maybe sometime down the line I'll change my mind and look for the last island Raftel, for now I need to focus on the present. Lastly it's the island before Reverse Mountain, the entrance to the Grandline, thus a hot spot for pirates with dreams of grandeur.

Walking through the town with an excited Silk and the silent Melio we start our tour of the town of beginnings. It mostly involved seeing the execution platform, and having lunch in a park. Overall the town is generally peaceful, this must be because of the marine that's been stationed here. Commander Smoker, a strong marine with the powers of the smoke fruit. It's a logia devil fruit that allows him to turn his body into smoke, on this sea he's practically invincible since he's basically immune to all attacks without haki. He's also one of the reasons I'm here, to hear how things went with Cocoyashi Village and the Arlong Pirates incident. Their warships are much faster than my small caravel, so they're probably already back.

-In Front of the Marine Station-

The building in front of me is not massive, but it's one of the largest buildings in this town. Walking with my little companions we make our way into the building, inside there are many men with white and blue uniforms at work. However, I'm only interested in speaking to the marine at the reception area. Once there the marine greets me in a strict tone, "Hello Sir, welcome to the Loguetown Marine Station. What's the reason for your visit?"

"Ah, hello mister marine. I'm trying to see if I can speak to Commander Smoker. If you tell him that I'm the one who defeated the Arlong Pirates and I'm trying to see if I can collect the bounty."

"Hmm, just a moment sir I'll communicate with my superiors."

After a bit of time we were eventually told to follow a marine who would guide us to Smoker's office. On the way I got to see more of the building, which pretty much looked the same everywhere you went. The only noteworthy thing is the training ground where marines were doing some physical exercise in a large dirt field. But the tour ended when we finally reached an office on the top floor.

Inside was a large man with slicked back spiky light green hair, he was wearing a white jacket with multiple cigars attached and no shirt underneath, and the man himself was smoking two cigars in his mouth. His face was generally unfriendly, the kind that would intimidate most casually. Beside him was a woman with short blue hair and red framed glasses, she was wearing a tacky yellow floral print shirt under a navy blue jacket, and she carried a sword longer than her body. They are Smoker and Tashigi, the duo that would chase after the straw hat pirates in the future.

Not wanting to continue this awkwardly tense atmosphere where the other party is staring at me scrutinizingly, I broke the tension by speaking first. "Hello, you must be Commander Smoker. You live up to the name pretty well with all those cigars."

In response Smokers gruff voice came, "ArsRe Luciano, a man that has seemingly appeared out of nowhere and has created small waves in the East Blue. Starting with the discovery and capture of presumed dead pirate Kuro, defeating the Arlong Pirates, and dispatching miscellaneous small-time pirates. What're you trying to do?"

"Ah, well it's kinda embarrassing if you ask me outright like that. If we're going to have an adult conversation, I would appreciate it if your swordswoman friend could take the kids elsewhere. Maybe she can teach them a thing or two, they're pretty interested in swordsmanship."

"Tashigi, take the kids to the field while we talk."

"Yes Commander Smoker!" She began to usher Silk and Melio to follow her, but Melio looked at me hesitant to leave.

"It's alright Melio, go take care of Silk. Make sure she doesn't get into trouble." With my assurance Melio just followed Tashigi. However, Silk gave me the stink eye for implying that she was a troublemaker.

"Now that the kids aren't here we can start talking. Smoker, you asked about my intentions, but why can't a man just try to earn a living for his family?"

"There's nothing wrong with someone making a living to support their family. The problem is that I saw the aftermath of your battle in Arlong Park, you're too strong for this part of the sea. So stop screwing around and tell me what your goals are, if you're planning anything nefarious I'll make sure to stop you with everything I've got." His tone started to get more threatening near the end, but I just brushed it off. This is probably just how he is, rough on the outside towards unknown elements.

"This is the problem with you marines, always assuming strong people have dangerous goals just because they're not part of your organization. A lot of innocent people are wrongly persecuted just for that, but we're not here to criticize the shortcomings of the Marines. Listen Smoker, I'm not trying to do anything evil. I don't go hurting innocent people, and hunting pirates for money is just a side thing. My philosophy is if you see a situation in front of you that is unjust and you have the power to interfere then you should help. As for my strength? I have kids to look after, this world is cruel to the weak. On the sea you could be killed or worse, and often there isn't someone to save you. My goal? I'm headed to the grandline to find a place to settle down and create my own little slice of heaven."

"While your thoughts on the Marines are annoying, I can't just go arresting people for having an opinion. After talking to you I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and believe you."

"Good. Now that the serious talk is out of the way, how about that reward money? 20 million beri is a lot, and I got kids to feed and clothe."

Smoker's expression stiffens before he finally gives up with a sigh, thinking something like bounty hunters and their money.

-Meanwhile with Tashigi-

"I'm telling you Big Sis Tashigi, my papa is the greatest! Not only is he super strong, he's also a superhero who saves people and beats up the bad guys!"

Currently with Tashigi, a disagreement has appeared because of a comment she made about Lucian not being a real agent of justice because he's not a marine. Little Silk, who wouldn't just let anyone badmouth her papa became furious with Tashigi and started this heated discussion.

"Silk, sure your papa is amazing for defeating pirates and saving people. But if he really was a superhero who delivers justice, he would join the marines and help more people."

"Hmph! You're such a badmouth big sis. My papa says that everyone is capable of doing good, they don't have to be part of a group or even have superpowers. As long as you want to help people in your heart and act on that you can help others too! My papa won't become a stinky marine because he won't abandon me!" With crossed arms and an unhappy expression Silk turns away from Tashigi, unwilling to look at her.

Meanwhile Tashigi was struck by the words of a child only 8 years younger than her. It nearly broke her mentality that the Marines are the only ones that can represent justice. However, she would just hold these words close to her heart and think on them later. With a much kinder tone she tried to talk to Silk again. "You're right Silk your papa sounds like an amazing person, I'm sorry for saying bad things about him. So, why don't I show you some swordsmanship so you can show off to your papa later. How about it? Do you forgive me Silk?"

Silk merely peeked from the corner of her eye to see if Tashigi was trying to trick her. Seeing her being genuinely sorry, she decided to forgive her and turned back to her with a big smile. "It's alright big sis. I'm sorry for saying you're a badmouth and that marines are stinky. Cmon show me how to go swoosh and swish just like papa!"

Meanwhile the two girls were bonding over their small disagreement, there was a third individual who was seemingly forgotten. Melio on the side just silently stared at the two unsure of what he should be doing right now. So, instead of trying to think for himself he decided to do as he was told and just watch over Silk.


Hello party people, recently someone has asked me to start a discord. I don't know how active I'll be on it, but if there are any questions or discussions I'll try to bring my input.


This chapter is more of a slice of life. After all I don’t want to rush the story and just jump from island to island, or just have a fight every chapter. It makes the content stale, so hope you enjoyed this chapter.

ReinAndHaloscreators' thoughts
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