

[Gotham City: 02/12/2009]


In the middle of the huge buildings of Gothic architecture, a shadowy figure stood on a gargoyle, in the shape of a man, but with a black cape, with a hood with pointed ears, a gray tactical suit with a single black bat symbol on his chest.

This was Batman, the dark vigilante and protector of Gotham, known among superheroes as the world's greatest detective and founding member and strategist of the Justice League.

Batman looked at his city, the same controlled chaos of car lights and downtown buildings, a gathering of elements that gave Gotham its charm and made the city more than just "Sun City." Crime" but there has been something different recently.

{Attention!! An armed conflict is taking place at the docks!!} An Audio of the city's frequency was picked up on your communicator.

'Seventh in recent days, drug shipments have been gradually decreasing, there has to be a reason.' Batman thought as he jumped off the building, pulling out his grappling hook and heading towards the conflict.

It didn't take Batman long to find the location of the conflict, the place was in chaos and the sounds of gunshots filled the calm dawn. Scenes like these were not strange to him, what surprised him was how much blood this dispute was drawing.

Each side had at least fifty individuals, the police officers present were not even half that and were quickly being eliminated by the numbers of criminals.

'I need to end this before more people die.' Batman thought as he fired ten silver pellets.

The balls fell and released a huge smoke screen that covered the entire location where the criminals were.

"Shit it's the Bat!! I've seen this before."

'Um...I didn't expect a previous opponent, well it doesn't matter.' Batman thought as he entered the fog.

Soon a sequence of sounds of bones being broken and the screams of criminals filled the smoke, the police did not dare to enter as they knew it would not be pretty.

Soon the smoke dissipated revealing a pile of broken bodies of criminals, but still alive although some did not get up for a long time.

'With that out of the way, let's see what they were fighting about.' Batman thought as he analyzed the surrounding scenery.

After investigating a little he noticed something interesting, several black suitcases with the LexCorp symbol in one of the trucks, opening one of them he saw several bottles of a red liquid.

"Venom? Why would he be involved with this?" Batman asked aloud thinking about his friend's enemy.

"Heh....Is it all clear?" One of the police officers asked.

"Yes, you can take care of the rest, I have a lot to do, good job." Batman said taking one of the vials with him and leaving the place.


[Riad: 03:25PM]

"I must say your majesty, you know how to please your visitors." Roberto said smiling with a glass of drinks in his hand while a beautiful waitress brought him a plate of food.

Roberto was in the capital of Saudi Arabia in a beautiful restaurant accompanied by the King and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia Muhammad Salman Kali, a middle-aged man who has ruled for a long time.

"Always happy to please my boy, but now tell me how has my country been for you?" Salman asked sipping his own drink.

"Very pleasant, it has a great climate, but of course what I like most are the opportunities." Roberto said after taking a sip.

"Oh? What opportunities are you talking about?" Salman asked taking his own sip.

"See, my country and a few other economic partners are planning to create their own group similar to the G7, but focusing completely on the development of our countries and a better world." Roberto said as he grabbed some cutlery.

"Yes, BRICS, I've heard about it, but tell me do you really believe that Western countries will accept this easily?" Salman asked as he took another sip.

"But of course, after all what choice would they have, when we are the dominant and rising force, and I'm sure my offer must be very tempting for you to join, right?" Roberto asked as he enjoyed the dish.

Salman thought for a few minutes as the two ate, Salman considered the offer, a batch of super soldier serums was tempting for any state leader, having a group of twenty super soldiers was simply a gold mine, and a chance to be part of of a new pole of power?

"I believe it is in the best interest of my country that we can relate to a group like yours Mr.Costa." Salman said after finishing eating.

Roberto smiled as he took one last sip and stood up.

"Excellent Prime Minister, a contract will be sent to you shortly, for now I must withdraw." Roberto said as he left.

The reason he left so quickly was because he noticed the figures spying on him.

He walked through the city until he reached a more distant part, he had arrived at a place full of warehouses that didn't have many guards around.

He pulled out a cigar he got in Cuba, lit it and took a drag.

"Hell, that's some quality stuff." Roberto said satisfied.

"Boy you must be either very confident or very stupid to come here alone." A mysterious voice said.

"Or I just don't think you guys are a real threat." Roberto said confidently, while continuing to smoke his cigar.

"Well then you're dumber than most." The voice said, revealing himself, a man in a black spider-themed costume, next to a man with a huge mechanical hook for his left arm.

"League of Shadows? Really? You guys are a bit out of your league." Roberto said smiling, putting out his cigar.

"Man, you must not have understood the situation...." Before the Black Spider finished, he had his skull pierced by Roberto's fingers, who had his arm wrapped in his energy.

The man next to the Spider looked without reaction, and this cost him his head, which was ripped from his body with a slap that sent his skull flying to the other side of the warehouse.

Removing his hand from the killer's destroyed face, Roberto threw flames at the two bodies, turning them into ashes.

"I generally prefer to keep minor criminals like you alive, after all you never know when you might be useful, but I know the history of the members of the League of Shadow, and honestly it's not worth keeping an animal that attacks other humans." Roberto said to no one in the warehouse.

"But other than that, you had the audacity to try to be some kind of Spider-Man, but you turned to evil." And with these words he leaves.

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