
5 Years Later

[1952 Words]

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[⬆ important for me to know how much detail I need to put in the future scenarios ⬆]

[ *BONUS* ]


Within the humid forest is a lone boy.

His face was rather young, but his height eclipsed most his age.

His face was quite handsome, his long black hair danced in the evening wind.

The red strands on hair that shined bright from the orange sun only adding to his visual charm.

His eyes were closed shut, hiding their crimson glow.

He was busy finishing his daily exercises.





He has finally concluded his daily push up counts.

His daily workouts had clearly shaped his body, one with compact and dense muscles, brimming with great power.

Not overly bulky, but not too slender.

Lean and powerful.

'~Ara Damien-kun, you have grown up to be quite the lady-killer~!' Alice the orange tree proclaimed.

'Strong, you have become, begin, your journey should,' Yoda commented.

'Not bad boy. You have truly blossomed from the little brat you were.' Bill said.

'Nice work bro!' Bob said.

[A/N: Another pic of MC]


(Damien POV)

'5 years have passed since I ate my devil fruit. I am now 13 years old but earth-wise I am far taller than most humans in general.'

'My strength has greatly increased, my devil fruit control, though a lot better than before, is still lacking.'

'Sibyl, display my stats,' I ask with a confident tone.

[As you wish Damien.]


[Einar D. Damien]

[Age: 13]

[Height: 7'9]

[Status: Healthy]

[Strength: Yonko Crew Apprentice Pirate] (Damien ≈ Enel)

[A/N: Enel was actually quite powerful. Even if you had basic armament, and if he wasn't an idiot, he could easily destroy you]

[Devil Fruit: Pulverize Pulverize Fruit (Peak-Basic Mastery)]

[Seastone Resistance: 29%]

[Skills: Disease Immunity, Rapid Regeneration (MAX), Superhuman Vitality, Enhanced Senses, One With Nature (NEW), Persona (I), Fruit Sensor (III), Concentrated Breathing (Passive), Primitive Rokushiki Art (NEW)]

[Points Balance: 4300 SP]

< Rewards Pending from Completed Quests >


'5 years. I went from Paradise Pirate [Level 3] to Yonko Crew Apprentice Pirate. Pretty good if I do say so myself. My points... I have bought a few things and evolved my (Nature Talk). But in 5 years I only gained a net of 4300 points from early breakthroughs.' I nod at my results.

'Though Luffy went from 'meh' to 'damn' in 2 years, it was mostly due to Rayleigh's guidance and majorly because of Haki. Your damage output practically triples with haki.'

'I have also achieved Passive mode for my breathing skill, every breath is powerful and invigorates all my muscles.'

'Another thing was that I also made the primitive version of the Rokushiki Art from the marines. Though it isn't perfected, it isn't hard to mimic.'

'As for how I trained them:


[Primitive Rokushiki Training]

*Soru - Kicking the air very hardly to 'shave' your way a short distance nearby.

*Shigan - Manipulating the air around your fingers and learning how to condense it

*Kami-e - Cut off the 'Flight or Flight' response and let your body loosen up to allow you to float like paper and gently dodge attacks due to simple laws of physics

*Tekkai - Requires good control over muscles and tendons of the body. Quite easy for me as I did something similar to achieve my breathing form

*Rankyaku - Same idea as Shigan, wrapping air around your legs and learning how to direct it through centripetal force laws

*Geppo - Combination of Shigan and Soru. Using Shigan to gather a large pocket of air beneath my feet, and then use Soru to 'pop' it to step on air

[A/N: Soru - Shave | Shigan - Finger Bullet | Tekkai - Iron Body | Kami-e - Paper Draw | Rankyaku - Tempest Kick | Geppo - Moon Step]


'And with that, I had unlocked my 'Primitive Rokushiki Art'. All I need now is to see the actual and complete form to see my flaws, allowing me to use it fully.'


'Another weird thing that happened over the 7 years was that my voice box had a bit of an odd change. Not that of simple growth to deepen the voice but something else.'

'The airflow slightly alters when I... laugh.'

'Causing a weird tick in my laughter. I have no clue how it works but I don't really mind it as it doesn't really do much else.


[Your progress has been quite impressive.] Sibyl complimented.

'Thank- Wait that your little hint thing again isn't it?' I ask recalling the last time she complimented me.

[How perceptive you are, Damien...] she says.


'Show me the completed quests already woman.'

[Hai Hai.]


[Quest Log]

[Reach Paradise Pirate [Level 4/5] - Rewards: 1400✔/1900✔ in System Points]

[Reach Yonko Crew Apprentice Pirate - Rewards: 4000 SP (COMPLETED)]

[Enter Second Stage of the {Strength Index} - Rewards: 5000 SP, 'Fruit into Item Guide' - Shows you how to 'feed' a Devil Fruit to an inanimate object (COMPLETED)]


'Hooo boy. Very nice numbers I'm seeing here.' I nodded with great vigour.

'Claim them all Sibyl dear.' I grin.

[Don't get cocky...] she says as a screen appears before me.

[4 Quests Complete - Rewards: 12300 SP, Fruit into Item Guide]

'Mhm!' I said to myself as I toss the book into my inventory.

'Time for some upgrades I need.'

'Sibyl, show me available upgrade.'


['One With Nature' can be evolved to 'Voice of All Things' for 5000 SP]

['Enhanced Senses' can be evolved to 'Basic Haki' for 1000 SP]

['Fruit Sensor' and 'Persona' can also be upgraded for a varying amount]

The report concluded.

Going over her words I come to a decision.

'Evolve both the skills you mentioned, hold off on the other upgrades though,' I say to her.


['One With Nature' ---> 'Voice of All Things' - Converse with all sentient things including animals, sword spirits & Poneglyphs]

[(Enhanced Senses) ---> (Basic Observation Haki) & (Basic Armament Haki) - Learn how to mold and direct Haki to use as a sixth sense and also to coat your body]

[6000 SP Deducted]

[Remaining Balance: 10600 SP]


At the sound of her voice, I feel a few changes.

Firstly, the voices.

Before I could 'hear' the living. Nature. Flowers, trees, grass. Now... I can hear...everything.

The rocks, the air, the sunlight, the oxygen. They all speak. They all feel. I can hear them, I can hear everything.

'This is annoying.' I complain as my head is aching with the sounds of literally everything around me.


[A/N: Like Momo and Luffy's reaction to the 'Voice' on Zou]

'FUCK! This hurts!' I yell while covering my ears.


I keep groaning as eventually, the voice slowly die down.


30 minutes go by as I finally open my eyes, laced with exhaustion.

'Haaa, phew.' I sigh out loud.

'I can somewhat choose what I 'hear'. I only need to focus on an inanimate object to hear them. As for the living... Well they can choose to speak whenever.'

Cracking my neck I then feel another hidden force seeping out from my heart.

It was as if I could feel another sense.

Not like any of my other senses.

It was like I could 'feel' the world from my mind.

I closed my eyes for a better picture.

I concentrated a bit and felt it.

I could 'feel' things within a 5 meter or so radius.

The wind blowing, the grass swaying, the sound waves echoing lightly.

After a while, a voice brings me out of my stupor.

[Nice work unlocking the 2 of the 3 types of Haki, Damien.] Sibyl says, surprising lacking the sarcastic tone.

Thinking about her words I then try something else.

A warm current flows out from my heart as I try to direct it.

I feel the warmth pass my nerves and muscles as it continues to flow like a river to my left arm.

It reaches its destination.

And then I feel something.

It was like wearing very thin metal.

It was weightless... yet heavy.

It was hard... yet soft.

'Armament Haki... how odd it feels to coat your limbs with this stuff. Though it is the good kind of odd...'

My arm wasn't the cold shiny black you'd want but rather a dull gray in a shaky state.

I walk over and lightly punch a nearby tree.


A loud bang is produced as a circular hole is left behind on the tree's trunk.

'Not bad,' I comment.

My basic strength can triples with Haki imbuement, when done properly.

[Well done Damien. You have reached the peak of your current stage. Keep at it.] Sibyl once again says with an honest tone.

'Sibyl... you okay? You sounded quite sincere for a second?' I ask her.

[*SIGH* you are selling yourself short. You should be proud. There aren't many who can say that they learned Haki at age 13. You have already taken a big step to your goal. I am happy for you.] She says.

'Proud eh? Hmm, I guess so. No... You're right. I should be proud.' I nod.

'5 years of hard work got me here. Compared to my self before, the one who couldn't even protect my own mother...'

'𝘓𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥. 𝘓𝘪𝘷𝘦.'

Her voice echoes in my mind as I squint my eyes.


'Say Sibyl...'

'You have been mapping this Island right?' I ask with a serious tone.

[Indeed. Even from when I was dormant, everywhere you have been, has been recorded.] she replies neutrally.

'Good.' I nod in satisfaction.

'Plan the route back to the tribe settlement. I think it's time to avenge my beloved mother.' I say with an indifferent expression, all the while a scary glint passes through my eyes.

[Affirmative. Route planned, follow the light.]

At her words, a red light shoots up in the far end of the forest.

It was like a beacon from Minecraft, one that only I could see.

I give a small smirk as I envision their faces once they see just how much of a 'demon' I can be.


I blast forwards with great speed while jumping branch to branch.

My anger was boiling as I remembered the 60 or so voices that were present upon mom's death.

My anger started to radiate as the plants and trees heard my call, removing obstacles and clearing the path.




I whiz by the forest, quickly approaching my destination until I land on a rather tall tree, one that could oversee the settlement before me.

It was a large village. Probably 3000-3500 people.

It was shaped like a donut.

There was a wall on the outer edges, around 20 meters high.

The main population lived in the outer circle whereas the Chief's house was located at the core in an open, stone field, near the hospital.

I spend a few minutes instilling this scene to memory.

After all, I may have gotten a lot stronger, I still have never killed anyone before.

I keep squatting, my knees were pointing out while my hands rested upon the tree itself.

Exactly like Itachi did in his youth.

My eyes glow crimson as I see and remember the ones responsible for my mother's death.


'Close off all their escape routes,' I say lightly.

'Got it Damien.' 'Roger.' 'Hai Hai.' 'On it.' 'As you wish~' 'Trapped, they are.' 'Done.'

Tens of voices confirm as the nearby trees, flowers, and grass do as I command.

And quite the spectacle it was.

The tribesmen continued their daily life as all around them grew a boundary; a wall of nature. Trapping them within.


An eerie silence entered my ears as I ready myself for something I never thought I'd ever do...

'𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘮𝘰𝘮 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶.'

A gentle voice enters my ear as I take a deep breathe in.

'Everyone has changed...'

'That's not it... the one who's changed most... is me.'


A small smile erupts on my face as I say in a calm and indifferent voice,




'Let the slaughter begin.'


[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

Hope you like the cliffhanger... I know I sure did.

Bit of the time skip earns and some juice at the end there no?

Hope you enjoyed.


Rokushiki is not a type of Haki but it's the ability to reach the peak of human strength by taking your body to the absolute maximum without any fruit powers or outside aid.

So it makes sense you can train something similar by simply pushing your body in the same direction as the 6 arts.


Random Trivia:

Would you rather never be able to cry or never be able to smile?

Thanks for Reading!

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