
Chapter 145 The Minimum Criteria

"I would've learnt something from him," Lu Jin thought as he watched Nekaza walk towards a middle age man.

An hour later…..

"Everyone should get ready," the rank one[1] martial emperor monk said as he landed on the podium.

"I will be calling out three[3] participants to come to the podium and begin their sculpting exercise," he said to the participants.

"Uruchi! Guramachi! Lu Jin!" calling out the names of those to come to the podium, the rank one[1] martial emperor monk raised an eyebrow when he read out Lu Jin's name.

"So early?" Lu Jin thought as he heard his name.

Walking out, Lu Jin saw two[2] middle age men walking out with him.

Taking out three[3] wooden tables and three[3] sculpting knives from his storage ring, the rank one[1] martial emperor monk placed three[3] sculpting stones as big as half a grown man's body on the tables.

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