
Chapter 109 Victory Banquet

"She's good, why'd you ask?" Shan Buhan asked.

"Nothing, just want to know if you two[2] are still getting married," Xha Lang said.

"Of course, elder Yenchen is the one who approved it," Shan Buhan said.

"Sigh, I can't believe how lucky you are to marry the daughter of elder Yenchen, the second[2nd] ranking elder in Peing academy," Xha Lang said.

"Well I'm not yet married to her," Shan Buhan said.

"Do you think something bad might happen to you?" Xha Lang asked.

"That's an understatement, something bad must happen to me. It's just if I can survive or not," Shan Buhan said with his eyes still glued to the performer.

"Should I call her over?" Xha Lang asked.

"I think I've wronged Xue Yu enough," Shan Buhan said.

"That's your call," Xha Lang said as he called to the performer, he said, " hey gorgeous, why don't you come dance on my laps."

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