
Chapter 69 - Nice

Nice, I finally able to post 69!

Anyway, I am almost done with Kure clan art and start with school arc! Yeah baby!

Power scale is for me to decide so some character are amplified.

Toodaloo Bitches.


Haruto was unsure what to say upon hearing Ryouko's suggestion. Copulate her? Like impregnating her!? What the Hell!? He was confused and unable to react, stunned to even answer here while Ryouko gave an amused smile before giggling.

"I was just teasing you. Though, I'm not against the idea but only when you're ready then I won't refuse." She was enjoying his reaction and Haruto frowned before getting closer, scaring Ryouko a bit when he got close enough until Haruto began tickling .

"W-Wait hahaa don't hahaha stop!" Ryouko laughed from his tickles while Haruto laughed along with her.

"That's for teasing me!" Haruto said with a grin where the two laughed until they couldn't anymore where the two cuddled at Ryouko's office chair. Haruto had her in his life holding each other's hands. While Byakko was nearby playing a ball of yarn.

"Still I wonder what it would be like to have my own children with you." Ryouko is already at the age of searching for a partner to have her child and Haruto seems the perfect man. Haruto rested his face over her shoulder where she rubbed her stomach and held her hands.

"I am only 15 but seeing I'm hardly a normal one don't see any problem if we had one. Money isn't an issue nor their safety. Right, I want to show something." Haruto immediately teleported themselves to his personal Home where Ryouko was surprised to see themselves in balcony that overlooked a beautiful landscape and stood up as she walked over to the edge.

Haruto began explaining what the world was and Ryouko was amazed by the hidden power that he possessed and saw the place to be a safe haven for everyone and how the place provides them with everything!

"It seems the world is quite generous to you. I wonder what you did to get these powers." Ryouko simply awestruck at his lover who can be considered a god with the power to reshape the entire place; it was his playground.

"I don't know, but I don't mind repaying them as long as it doesn't go against my moral code." Haruto said and Ryouko smiled at his kind heart. Many people think his mission with Lala to be unreasonable and forceful but seeing how his life changes because of his system then he at least owes them this but will not do it immediately and needs time to prepare himself.

They have every right to strip of his power since he didn't do anything to deserve it and doesn't feel entitled to complain. Haruto is a mortal simply gifted with amazing opportunities, without it then his fate would be vastly different.

"So, anything else I need to know?" Ryoko asked as they enjoyed their little date using the personal home that gave the best view overlooking the starry sky and almost appeared like the home-world of Ryoko. She misses her home but earth was her new home now. Haruto then told her about his biological parents and everything else. Ryouko was happy for him and cuddled up once more as they sat on grass leaning on a tree.

"That's why your eyes are different, it's an earthling untap trait. I wonder what else the earthlings lost or yet to gain." Ryouko said out loud thinking how there's a lot of mystery humanity had yet to discover.

"Probably a lot." The two enjoyed their company for a few more hours and headed back home giving each other a goodbye kiss. Byakko held by Haruto as he leapt into the air running with an even faster speed that he appeared like a bullet train.

Arriving at his destination and arriving to find his sibling and Lala setting up the table. He was greeted by them and sat down to eat lunch. Lala was smiling, mentioning that she was the one who cooked their food. Haruto became excited seeing the delectable meal on the table where he began eating and was amazed by its flavor. She was happy that Haruto liked it and continued their dinner where Haruto told them some of the things he did earlier.

The next day, Haruto did his usual routine of spending time with Reina, Yui and Reina helping them the best he can and motivating them. Even though he said that they should take some time to consider their decision, especially what his relationship is like. However, the more they spend with him the more they get closer.

They can't get him out of their mind and the nightmare they shared made it clear that Haruto saved them from a tragic fate even though he tries to not answer them since he can't lie. The trio was surprised that Haruto wouldn't be joining them the next day and after since he was going somewhere. Even though he can return soon after thanks to Lala but decides to not return and spends his time getting to know his fellow kure.

Once they were done, Haruto returned home and had breakfast with his family until he packed the things he was going to need. Rito asked him a lot of questions trying to make sure he was safe and resulted in his hair getting messed up.

"I am the older one here, I know what I'm doing but thank you, Rito. Hope by the time I return you will confess to Haruna-chan." Haruto knows it is impossible for her to accept him now that she has a crush on Haruto but still hopes for him to have some clarity. On the other hand, Rito is losing grip of his feelings for Haruna and leaning on becoming a girl because of the dream but still held strong not wanting to lose himself.

"And I'll come back when I can since I have Lala's invention." Haruto said making sure it was functional and working properly before taking it with him. They nodded before giving an embrace then wave goodbye before he headed to the meeting place where he arrives at entrances of the building where people waiting for him and took him in where Erioh along with Reiichi and Hollis.

"Are you ready, Haruto?" Erioh asked and Haruto smiled.

"I wouldn't come if I wasn't. Though, it's still hard for me to view you guys as my family but I will do my best." Haruto said and his great grandfather nodded then warmly smiled.

"That is enough for us. We're family, we will stick together till the end." Erioh said as Haruto appreciated how they have their integrity when it comes to their family. After some time, they were in a private airplane heading towards a provincial city owned by the Kure. Along the ride, Haruto tries to chat with his grandfather.

"Right, can I ask you something, uhmm..Grandfather?" Haruto said making Erioh smile hearing him say "Grandfather" he doesn't dote on his male descendants compared to his female descendants but still can be excessive.

"Ask me anything." Erioh said.

"Can you tell me more about my mother?." Haruto asked.

"Right, Your mother's name is Haru Kure and held the epithet of the [ Copycat Demon ] where she was able to copy every technique and easily master them." Erioh speaks of his granddaughter with immense fondness remembering how easily she learned the lesson given to her. Her Kure Clan Traditional: Copy was unlike anything they had seen before.

"In addition, she is the only one who reached the Grandmaster class at the age of 20. She is considered one of the most talented members." This statement made Haruto wonder how powerful was the one that killed her?

"I actually brought a photo of her after I met you." Erioh took a photo where Haruto looked seeing his birth mother and felt the connection between them where his eyes unexpectedly became blurry having tears rolled down as he thought about how his mother must have sacrificed her life when she protected him.

She must have a reason why she didn't simply give birth to the Kure Clan where she was safe. Haruto recalled that his foster parents found him during their vacation. Erioh watched this softly smile happy that his great grandson can feel the connection between his biological family.

He wiped the tears and got a better look of his mother where she had the trademark Kure eyes and black hair that was wild and messy but her most defining trait was her muscular build yet at the same time rather curvy. She seems like a biker type of girl.

"She's beautiful…" Haruto complimented and his great grandfather agreed.

"Indeed. You can keep the photo if you like." His great grandson nodded, putting on his wallet.

"That aside, I want to tell you more about our clan's history." Erioh said since they still had 2 hours of flight until they arrived and Haruto nodded as his great grandfather began to tell him about their clan's rich history where he already knows them because of his previous self's memory.

"Wu Hei was actually nothing more than a person that was chosen and our ancestor who formed the Kure is the only one who knows the truth. Our true master that we have been searching for was a man named Cain, yes, the man in western religion. The first murderer." Haruto's eyes widened realizing that he exists in the world and can be considered as their progenitor.

"According to our clan archive, we have been trying to reach that level of perfection in our technique which is why we have a secret technique called Removal." Erioh began to explain the technique.

The Kure Clan Secret Technique: Removal is the most notable result of their selective breeding process.Also known as Guihun by their Wu Clan counterparts, it is the ability to consciously remove the brain's limits on an individual's muscular strength output.

As such, while regular humans are naturally unable to access more than 30% of their body's muscular strength (except in times of extreme duress), the Kure bred to access a greater amount of their latent muscular strength. That being said, the percent they have access to varies from each individual, and while those outside of the clan 'could' use this technique, only those of Kure and Wu possess the physical constitution needed to handle unrestrained exertion of the muscle's strength.

The technique makes the user's skin turn red (or a dark shade of red-violet in the anime adaptation) with their blood vessels bulging on the surface. The Kure are also able to use the Removal in localized areas of their body. Even though the Kure techniques are separated between Clan Tradition and Family Tradition, the Removal is a technique outside both fields.

"You're mother is a select few who can use 100%." Erioh said and Haruto didn't try to interrupt him.

"What I've told you is only given to someone who will become the patriarch of the kure Clan." Haruto's eyes widened. Patriarch!? Me!?

"Wait! Wait! Are you telling me to lead a clan that I hardly know?" He is already going to become ruler of the milky way galaxy once he marries Lala but now he's going to become the patriarch of their clan!?

"I am not saying you need to take it now but eventually you'll take my position because I believe you have achieved [ Supreme Body ] because you have red eyes instead of white like our clan and are close to attaining [ True Transcendent state ]. It is said that Cain and his followers have them." Erioh said and this made Haruto wonder how he would react if he used his power up state.

"Uhhmmm….I don't know what to say. But I will at least try and see if I'm able to get along with them since I'm just an outsider that happens to be part of your clan." Haruto said and this made his great grandfather chuckle

"I assure you, everyone is excited for you." Erioh said while his great grandson pondered what his biological family would be like.

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