

It was Monday and Ethan was sitting through his last lesson of the day, Mathematics. Ethan hated maths. He just didn't know what finding 'x' was going to do for him in his future. Well, Maths still gave him the perfect excuse to space out just like most people in his class were doing. He couldn't wait for this boring class to end so that he will make his way to detention with Mr.Andrews. or should he say 'Hermes' now?, Ethan Chuckled lightly. if people only knew what or who they had under their nose.

"Is anything funny,Mr.Brunson?", The bald headed maths teacher asked him. "No sir. Just a thought I had.", Ethan quickly answered. The man shook his head as he continued with his boring lecture about numbers. 'boy, I have to be careful. I don't want to have double detention at this point in my life. It will be the end of me.', Ethan thought seriously. He decided to keep himself in check for the rest of the period.

Yesterday,he had gotten home around 7pm. Dred had made good on his word and locked the door. After knocking for about a minute without answer,he had made his way to the right side of the house,a little to the back and jumped his way into his room through the window. Luckily for him,he had forgotten to lock his sliding window that morning when he had left for kirk's,else he would have slept outside no doubt. This morning,after waking up and doing his normal routine. He was on his way out to head to school when he had bumped into a shocked and confused Dred. Dred had looked at him as if he was a ghost. Ethan had really enjoyed Dred's look of confusion.

Ethan was still lost in his thoughts when he heard the bell for closing ring. 'Finally', he thought. He quickly packed his worn out books into his bag and made to exit the class. "See you later Kirk.", Ethan bid his friend goodbye. "Wait, what's the hurry?", Kirk shouted after Ethan but got no answer as he watched Ethan's quickly retreating back. Was something happening at these detentions? He asked himself. If he didn't know any better he would have thought Mr.Andrews was giving out free snacks or something. Kirk shook his head with a smile as he started packing his own stuff into his bag.

Ethan was power-walking his way to Hermes's class. One more corner to turn and he will be there. He had reached the corner and was just making the turn when he bumped into someone. Both he and the person went back a little from the force. "I'm sor...Ethan?", The person said. Ethan,who had been in the process of picking the three books he had knocked out of the person's hand stopped in his tracks. He lifted his head and came face to face with non other than Jake. "Jake...what are you doing here?..no,no. Obviously you're here because your parents want you out of their hair. Have you always been attending this school?, How come I'm only seeing you today?", Ethan bombarded Jake with questions.

The boy who was only a few inches taller than Ethan chuckled as he heard what reason Ethan had given for him being at school. "No,I've not always been here. I only started school today. My family has only been here a few days. Infact, that night we met was the day my family moved here. I was out exploring when that incident occured. ", Jake explained. "Hmm...that makes sense. I don't claim to know everyone in school but I would have definitely seen you around if you had been here longer. Hope you hate this place just as much as me?", Ethan asked the boy with a grin. Jake laughed out loud. "It's a little too early to say. I just got here today. Let's wait a little first." He answered amidst chuckles. "You'll see.", Ethan told him. "Well, I gotta run Jake. Got detention with the strictest teacher in the whole of mid-mount. Don't wanna be late.", Ethan handed jake his books. "You better go man. You don't wanna keep your date waiting.", Jake teased him. Ethan scrunched his face disapprovingly as he started jogging towards Mr.Andrews' class not far ahead. "Let's hang out tomorrow Jake. See you later.", He called out as he sped up. Jake on the other hand just continued on his way out of the school.

Up ahead, Ethan had arrived Infront of Mr.Andrews' door. He knocked on the door gently and Hermes' voice answered him from inside. "Come in". Ethan entered the familiar classroom he and his mates frequented on Tuesdays and Fridays. Hermes was sitting in his chair behind his table in the corner. As Ethan walked forward towards him, he observed that Hermes was completely healed. There were no bruises visible on his face like the previous day at all. He looked completely fine. When Ethan got close to the table, he greeted Hermes who answered and offered him the last chair remaining opposite him. Ethan sat and looked eagerly towards Hermes. He was ready for some answers and Hermes could tell.

"Before you ask me any questions, Ethan. I have a request.", Hermes said with a serious look at Ethan. Ethan could only nod under the immense pressure emanating from the man across him. "I want you to promise me that whatever you learn here will stay here between you and me. You are not to tell anyone. Also,I want you to protect the chain on your neck at all cost since it holds great power. Power which I will teach you to unlock in due time. This power comes with a responsibility Ethan. A great responsibility that I and some others have decided to pass on to another since we are too weak at the moment to continue shouldering it. There's great evil coming Ethan, and the power in that chain is for whoever agrees to combat this evil. If you agree to wield this power, then you automatically agree to carry the responsibility of combating evil as well. Do you promise to wield this power,combat evil and protect this world?"

Ethan was stunned. He came here to get answers and now this guy was asking him to make a promise to fight evil or something along those lines?. "Shouldn't you tell me what all this is about before I promise you anything?. This is like signing a contract without reading the T&C's." Ethan protested. Hermes shook his head frantically. "There's no time Ethan. I'll tell you everything after you agree to what I said. I can only tell you one thing. If evil succeeds to cover this world, you and everyone else will lose everything. Your family,your friends, everyone. Earth will be a living hell. The power in that chain is the only thing that can stop evil from conquering this realm and I choose you to wield that power. I choose you to be earth's protector. So do you promise to defend your family, friends and this world from evil?" Hermes asked again. Now that Hermes had put it that way, Ethan was having difficulty turning down the offer. Of course he will protect his only family and friends from evil. Who wouldn't?, He wasn't too sure about the world but he would figure that out on his way.

Ethan made up his mind and steeled his resolve. "I promise to protect this chain with my life. And with its power defend my family, friends and this world.", Ethan said seriously. Hermes smiled as he heard this. "Then I also promise to teach you everything I know that would make your task easier for you. Now let's get to the questions. What do you want to know?", Hermes asked a fully ready Ethan.

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