
Chapter 23: Punish

Up until that moment, the winter's normal eerie silence of snow falling on the mountain - broken only by the soft whispering sounds of trees moving and the plaintive cries of animals far away - was all she'd heard. Now the silence was absolute, as if even nature feared Zacar.

Natalie's lashes fluttered as she stared up into the glowing red, menacing gaze glaring down at her. They stayed like that for what felt like hours, her cold hand shaking on his ankle while his eyes pinned her in place.

At last, she managed to tear her gaze away and sag down onto the snow with a soft plop. She curled herself into a ball. At least now she didn't have to climb anymore. If he wanted her back in the cave, she'd make it his problem how to get her there. She settled in to sleep, but a question nagged at her sluggish mind.

"H-How'd you f-find me?" she slurred, barely able to keep her teeth from chattering.

"Knew you left."

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