
Date with Yuki

I walked into Yuki's room and noticed her doing her makeup. She looked at me and smiled. I leaned against the doorframe, crossing my arms and smiled back at her.

"What's the occasion?" I asked.

"Just messing around with my makeup. Hey Master, which one do you think is better? Black or red?" She asked and looked at me.

I looked at her. "I would say black. Definitely black."

[Yuki's Bond Percentage rose to 78%]

She nodded and began to continue doing her make up.

"Hey, I wanted to ask you something." I spoke up then got off the door frame.

"What's up?" Yuki asked.

I couldn't help but noticed that Yuki's responses have started to become more human like instead of sounding like a programmed AI.

"Would you like to go on a date?" I asked.

Yuki blushed a bit and looked at me. "Like a date date?" She asked.

I nodded and smiled.

"O-Of course! I'd love to go on a date with you!" Yuki said excitedly.

I chuckled softly and nodded. "Alright, I'll be downstairs waiting."

She nodded and prepared herself for the date we were to have today. I closed the door and headed downstairs. I noticed a note on the living room table and picked it up. It was a note from Ophelia.

"Dear Master, Shelly, Luna, Sol, and I have gone out to have some fun and celebrate our wonderful victory! If you need us, you know what to do! Love, Ophelia."

I smiled at the note and put it down then heard Yuki walking down the steps. I looked at her and noticed her tail swaying happily. I walked over to her and held her hand then we made our way out of the house and walked around town together.

[Commencing Heart to Heart Sequence]

[Yuki's Bond Percentage: 78%]

[Yuki's Mood (Romantic): Happy]

[Yuki's Affinity Rank: Crush]

"Master, can I ask you something?" Yuki asked.

"Sure, ask me anything." I answered.

"After you stopped Developer Matsuta, what do you think is going to be the fate of the players who stayed..? It would be pointless to kill the other players and would they have their own harem as well? Also are you going to try and obtain every unit?" Yuki asked.

"Obtain every unit? As a completionist yes, but realistically, no. If there comes a time that I can go for every unit in the game then I'll go for it. As for the harem, yeah they will have their own harems and it would be pointless to kill other players when their fights can be settled via Player Battle. There are only a select players who deserve to die though aka the Grand Order. They are still plotting to destroy this universe and I won't allow such atrocities to happen." I responded and looked at Yuki.

"Do you truly want to stay in this Universe? I mean...do you miss your normal life?" Yuki asked.

"Why do you ask?"

"Well...I just figured since things in this universe is so different...I thought you'd miss your old way of life." Yuki said.

I stopped in front of Yuki and looked at her. She looked up at me. "Sure I do miss my old friends at times, but there is nothing I can do to go back. I don't regret coming here, I adapted to this universe rather quickly and of course if I went back, I wouldn't be with you at this moment."

Yuki blushed and smiled, feeling a little embarrassed.

[Yuki's Mood (Romantic): Embarrassed]

"Do you really mean that..?" Yuki asked.

"I mean that with 100%, with 1000%." I said then stroked her chin.

Yuki nodded and held my hand again. We continued to walk around the town then a notification popped up in front of us through an interface.

[New Update! Harem Summoner Fifth Anniversary is here! Fifth Anniversary updates, a new Summoner's Town! The town has been expanded with all new attractions and even better shops and locations for those who stayed in the game and there is more to come! We wish to make this game as human like as possible so we messed with the code to make the units more human like and made living in this world easier for all! New Units to summon, and the first ever Collaboration! Harem Summoner x I Reincarnate into a Demon Princess!]

"Huh a collaboration. Seems like they finally were able to get someone to collaborate with them." I said.

"How would that work? Wouldn't they be dragged into this universe as well?" I asked.

"Well let's look at the details." I said then led her over to a bench and we sat down beside each other then I pulled up the interface again.

[Harem Summoner x I Reincarnate into a Demon Princess presents our newly designed Dream Units. We aren't dragging a soul into the game, but designing limited time units based off historic figures. Check out unit details for the new units. This collaboration will include new dungeons, units, and will include a new world in our vast universe to explore called Utalia. Although the Dream Units will be limited time, our dungeon and world will remain indefinitely.]

"Real historic figures? I was never aware a world like Utalia even existed in my old universe. Shall we check out the new units?" I asked.

"Mhm!" Yuki nodded and smiled.

[Our collaboration will introduce eight new limited time units in waves. The first two units will be Yufumi and Miyachi, the next two units will be Yui and Hinari, the next two units will be Himiya and Murani, the last two units will be Katsuguchi and Kufka]

"When is this collaboration start?" Yuki asked.

"Hard to say. There isn't a set date. They might still be working on creating the new world and units. Might take a while before we even get a dungeon set." I said then closed the interface.

Yuki nodded and we stood up. "Shall we continue without our date?"

"Yes, let's continue and see what these new attractions are of the Summoners Town." I said, holding Yuki's hand.

We walked off and went to look for what was new around the town. Yuki held my arm and looked around and her tail swayed from side to side. She pointed at a new bakery shop. She wanted to go there and I smiled then took her there. I still had a lot of gold left in my wallet, I bought Yuki some pastries that she wanted and got some for myself.

We walked down the sidewalk and ate together. We made small talk with each other, learning everything there was to know about one another.

[Yuki's Mood (Romantic): Very Happy]

After getting finished eating, we threw away our trash and began to explore the town more. Yuki looked around and noticed a clothing store and pointed to it. I looked at the store and moved my eyebrow then we went to the clothing store. I allowed Yuki to roam around the store for whatever she wanted while I waited around.

"Master Shin!" A familiar voice called out to me.

I looked in the direction in which my name was called and noticed Dreva. I smiled and walked over to her then ruffled her head. "Dreva. I didn't know you were here."

"I didn't know either. Are you exploring just like me and Mistress?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm on a date with Yuki. Where's Setsuna anyway?" I asked and looked around.

"Outside, back to her old habits. I heard that you practically saved our universe and I want to thank you for that. Now we have time to actually relax and enjoy days off saving the world." Dreva smiled and bowed.

"Ah, I can't take all the credit. I did have some help." I chuckled and crossed my arms.

"Master!" Yuki waved at me at the front desk.

"Well that's my cue. I'll see you later." I smiled.

Dreva nodded and watched me walk over to Yuki at the front to check out and pay for the outfits she picked out. After paying for the clothes, we left and went to explore more. I had my arm around Yuki's shoulder as we walked down the sidewalk and she held my hand, leaning against me.

We explored a variety of shops and attractions the entire day then stopped at the park and we sat down underneath a tree. Yuki leaned against me and held her finger out to try and get a butterfly to land on her finger. I watched her and smiled then she finally got one to land on her finger then began to look closely at it.

"It's so beautiful. The Goddess of Hope always had butterflies around her and she looked so beautiful...It's still hard to accept someone like her was able to abuse her power. You think you know a person until they show you who they are deep down." Yuki said and watched the butterfly flutter off with the others.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and she leaned against me. "I understand that too well."

"Master...Can I tell you something?" Yuki said then her tail slightly wagged, hitting the ground each time her tail went down.

I looked at her. "What's on your mind?"

"Love is on my mind. I want to say that I really like you a lot and I want to be in your life forever." Yuki said.

"That sounded like the most AI line ever in any romance game." I laughed and she pouted.

"But I'm being serious, Master!" Yuki looked at me. "I really do like you a lot...We've been together from the beginning and my feelings for you only grow stronger."

I smiled and closed my eyes then chuckled softly. I opened my eyes once more then held her cheek. "I feel the same about you, Yuki. I just haven't gotten the chance to tell you before, but I can say for certain that I would love to be your lover.."

[Yuki's Bond Percentage rose to 83%]

[Affinity Rank Level UP!]

[Yuki's Affinity Rank: Girlfriend]

Yuki blushed a lot and held my hand then smiled. She brought my hand to her face and kissed my finger. I smiled then stroked her hair then leaned in to her then kissed her lips. She kissed back and closed her eyes. I closed my eyes and we began to kiss each other deeply and passionately. We kissed for a minute straight then I pulled away to catch my breath. We opened our eyes and Yuki couldn't stop smiling.

[Yuki's Mood (Romantic): Ecstatic]

"I can't stop smiling now, I'm so happy...You made me feel such uncontrollable happiness." Yuki giggled and leaned her head on my shoulder and held my arm.

I chuckled and looked at her. "I am glad I could make you feel like that because you made me feel the same way..." I said and rubbed her head.

She closed her eyes and we sat at the park for a while before we got up to finish our date. After we explored all there was to explore at the moment, we returned back home and I noticed the others had returned. They all decided to sit down in the living room and chat about their day. I walked to the back to find the portal leading to the Otherworld since I wanted to visit Cuara and Farida.

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