
Playing the victim

A second patrol vehicle arrived at Tom's and provided transportation to Zeph so that he was not forced to use the telapod thermal outside or ride in the same vehicle as his "attacker" even if it could barely be classified as an assault on a fellow officer. 

The tall lanky officer behind the wheel of the patrol vehicle lowered the driver side window causing his black and white hair to dance in the wind.

"Detective Blane Cho LDPD, I heard about what happened, and I want to apologize for the behavior of my fellow LEO's. Anyhow go ahead and climb in the front seat, the back is reserved for those who break the law kid."

"Thanks for the lift Detective Cho, I can't tell you how much I appreciate not having to use the telapod."

"Ha, I think only weirdos like my brother actually like the feeling of riding the blue lightning kid. Most of us just grow to tolerate it out of convenience or necessity. It will take us about ten minutes to reach the station. So until then tell me what you think of Tom's you know he used to be one of the best damn cops in the city?"

"Yeah, one of the night shifters over at HQ told me about him when I went on a short ride along with him."

"Have you gotten the steak yet?"

"They shoved a seventy-two oz. T-bone in front of me and told me not to get up until it was gone."

"You manage to take down that bad boy on your own?"

"Other than a bite or two that got stolen by a fast pawed kitty or a naughty guardian angel, yeah. Picture is on the wall to prove it."

Needless to say the two hit it off rather well and the ride to the station gave Zeph a chance to check his V-mail message from Siael that said about what he figured.


A girl could fall for a meal like that.

Stole a bite, you won't miss one right. The kitty took three. I counted.


LDPD station 001 looked like your typical downtown low-rise with what appeared to be three to four stories of grayish block work fighting for space between a small patch of green that the city could claim was a park and the looming skyscraper offices of some mega corporation. If not for Los Diablos Police Department being in size 300 font above the doors it could have been mistaken for a department store or employee housing of the mega corp offices. 

"This is your stop Cadet Demonbane, I would walk you in but I gotta get back out there, and keep the streets safe. The lady behind the counter will make sure that you are taking care of. You two are related at least remotely if you catch my drift."


Soon as he got the door of the patrol vehicle closed Zeph adjusted his expression and slowly walked towards the doors that opened automatically for him. It was time for him to play the role of the victim and the stage was already set the moment he crossed the threshold of the Police Department. 

Silky smooth long black hair and a pair that would make most women cry was wrapped up in a uniform that could do little to hide the air of highborn arrogance the olive tan skin porcelain doll face of the receptionist behind the oversized reception desk of the LDPD station.

"Administrator Demonbane, one moment please. I will notify the Chief of police of your arrival. She will personally see your needs while you are with us. Did you also want to file charges pertaining to violence against one that carries the mark of our ancesor? Crime Code 7.

"Not at the moment. Officer Briggs' "alleged" offence was not that serious, and he has already been charged with a crime to carried a hefty penalty."

"I will note your choice in the file."


The doors of the elevator open to reveal a sixty something year old lady that clearly had traces of genetic altering from Nephilim experimentation on her probably when she was rather young.

"Station Chief Tamarra Xerxa at your service Administrator Demonbane. I have the utmost respect for you and your fellow NEO's. One shaved me from a terrible fate as a little girl. Almost make it into the force myself, but a broken leg led to me having to drop out of the academy. A year later I decided to become a police officer instead. I will escort you to my office. From there you can watch a live stream of the questioning of the suspect."

"If you have more serious matters to attend to Chief, please do not hesitate to do so. Unlike most victims I have a badge and a SLP. We both know that evil never rest and only vigilant watch can curb the intentions of those that wish to do do ill."

"You can ensure that justice will be served today and every day as long as I have the watch Administrator Demonbane."

Zeph could already tell that the lady chief was laying it on thick because of his status, and not because of the severity of the crime committed against him. It did not matter much, he knew that it was something that barely managed to meet the criteria for being considered an assistant on an officer, but it would help established a president that his fellow officers could use when a civilian contact went sideways. 

"Take a seat over there on the couch, you NEO's like coffee as much as us guys and gals in blue. Well that is what they call us. Never understood why when most departments have black uniforms."

"Coffee, tea, water, cola, anything is good other than decaf."

"Decaf should be a crime. It is three weeks of desk duty for anyone caught bringing it or jelly filled donuts into this precinct."

"You a cream or chocolate fan chief?"

"Glazed purest."

"Just got an alert. Looks like the suspect was just brought into the interview room. I will have it the camera feed brought up on the large display there on the wall for your convenience. I am sure that an administrator of your level could access the nuro net interface for the building's AI and systems directly if they so choose, but I will spare you the extra effort."

"Thank you. You are too kind. Would you like me to 

 adjust any of the parameters of your main AI, or the lock code on your locker in the gym located on the second floor? Your precinct's AI is rather accommodating."

"Strange it always gives me issues."

"It says that if you ask nicely, it will respond nicely Chief Tamarra Xerxa. The AI's do have individual personalitys as I am starting to learn."

** Live Feed**

"As a fellow officer tasked with serving and protecting this fine City of Demons I will do you the favor of removing those cuffs. Do not make me regret that decision, NEO Biggs."


Mindviper81creators' thoughts
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