
The End of Battle 


Black Lion's boat hadn't even reached the fifty meters mark when the Kraken was almost defeated by the newly arrived beast.

The flying creature was so powerful that [Monocles] didn't read its ATP, so everyone assumed that its ATP was too high to be measured. The Kraken was like a child compared to it, and from their point of view, it seemed like the flying creature was toying with the Kraken.

What's more, the Empire's battalion wasn't attacking the flying beast one bit. Some players even thought that the flying beast belonged to the Empire or that it was a pet of the Emperor himself. That would explain why [Monocles] didn't work on it.

"Hurry!" Scar's shouts were urgent and angry, adding pressure on Black Lion. Their balloons were lagging because of the storm, and the only thing they had left that could move against the torrential forces was their boat, but it was painfully slow.

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